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Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0001-0268   CAS 1993-0001-0268; Doll (girl)
Category Folk Toys
Object Name Doll (girl)
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Nagano Prefecture
Other Geographic Data City: Komora
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Corn husk
Dimensions (cm) Height = 12.5, Width = 4.7, Depth = 4.8

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0001-0269   CAS 1993-0001-0269; Lantern
Category Folk Toys
Object Name Lantern
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Aomori Prefecture
Other Geographic Data City: Hirosaki
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1970s
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Wood; Paper; Watercolor paints; Metal nails
Description Lanterns made of a wooden framework, covered with paper, and painted with geometric designs and a prominent image of two warriors; A small nail inside would hold a candle; Each year during August’s Neputa Matsuri festival, massive lighted floats are made to commemorate the exploits of a famous Japanese general, Sakanoue-no-Tamuramaro, who around 800 AD drove the Ainu from mainland Japan to Hokkaido, in part, by using backlit paper cutouts of warriors to trick the Ainu into thinking they faced a huge army; Similar small disposable lanterns, such as this example, are carried by children during festival parades and then thrown into the rivers and seas to float away, taking with them all feelings that might cause midsummer sleepiness.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 26.4, Width = 19.0, Depth = 14.3

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0001-0270   CAS 1993-0001-0270; Figurine (tiger)
Category Folk Toys
Object Name Figurine (tiger)
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Osaka Prefecture
Other Geographic Data City: Osaka; Town: Senba; Shrine; Sukuna Hikona Jinja
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1970s
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Papier mâché [paper mache]; Paint; Clay; String
Description Papier mâché figurine of a standing tiger with a weighted, bobbing head; Body of tiger is painted yellow with black stripes, red ears, gaping red mouth with white teeth, a red collar, and green spots flanking the eyes; The tail rests along the tiger’s back.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 5.1, Width = 3.7, Length = 8.7

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0001-0271A,B   CAS 1993-0001-0271A,B; Figurine (tiger with detachable tail)
Category Folk Toys
Object Name Figurine (tiger with detachable tail)
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Shimane Prefecture
Other Geographic Data City: Izumo; Town: Imaichi
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1970s
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Papier mâché [paper mache]; Paint; Cloth; Horse hair
Description Papier mâché figurine of a standing tiger with movable, bobbing head and removable tail; Body of tiger is painted yellow and black with red and blue accents; Decorated with red cloth collar and brown horse hair whiskers; This toy is modeled after a famous carving by a craftsman from Matsue, and a similar example was chosen for the 1962 Chinese New Year’s stamp; Because fierce strength is attributed to tigers, this toy is popular to guard against devils and to ensure victory in a competition.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 12.0, Width = 4.5, Length = 13.0

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0001-0272   CAS 1993-0001-0272; Figurine (tiger)
Category Folk Toys
Object Name Figurine (tiger)
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Nara Prefecture
Other Geographic Data City: Shigi-San
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture 1974
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Papier mâché [paper mache]; Paint; Clay; String
Description Papier mâché figurine of a standing tiger with weighted, bobbing head; Body of tiger is painted yellow with black stripes and red ears and mouth; Narrow tail is arched along tiger’s back.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 5.8, Width = 4.5, Length = 11.8

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0001-0273   CAS 1993-0001-0273; Figurine (tiger)
Category Folk Toys
Object Name Figurine (tiger)
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Osaka Prefecture
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture ca. 1970s
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Papier mâché [paper mache]; Paint
Description Papier mâché figurine of a standing tiger with a movable, bobbing head; Body of tiger is painted yellow and black with red and blue accents.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 6.6, Width = 5.6, Length = 15.3

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0001-0274   CAS 1993-0001-0274; Figurine (rat on rice bale)
Category Folk Toys
Object Name Figurine (rat on rice bale)
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Okayama Prefecture
Other Geographic Data City: Kurashiki
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture 1972
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Papier mâché [paper mache]; Paint
Description Papier mâché figurine of a white rat sitting atop a yellow rice bale; Rat's head is weighted and suspended, causing it to bob freely.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 10.2, Width = 6.0, Depth = 8.9

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0001-0275   CAS 1993-0001-0275; Horse (toy)
Category Folk Toys
Object Name Horse (toy)
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Tokyo Prefecture
Other Geographic Data City: Tokyo; District: Asakusa
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Paper
Dimensions (cm) Height = ca. 10.3, Width = 4.8, Length = 10.4

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0001-0276   CAS 1993-0001-0276; Tiger (toy)
Category Folk Toys
Object Name Tiger (toy)
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Paper
Dimensions (cm) Height = 7.8, Width = 5.2, Length = 16.5

Catalog Number CAS 1993-0001-0277A,B   CAS 1993-0001-0277A,B; Doll (girl)
Category Folk Toys
Object Name Doll (girl)
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. unknown
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1980s
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Sawdust; Glue; Commercial fabric; Clay; Synthetic hair; Paper
Description Commercially made doll whose hollow body is made of pressed sawdust and dressed in richly colored fabric that is glued to the underlying body form, representing a kimono that is imprinted with a series of gold hexagonal shapes on a white background and an orange-colored outer garment that covers the front and back; Small plastic hands are attached at the bottom of each sleeve; Separate head is of slipcast ceramic with facial features delicately painted; Black synthetic hair is glued to forehead, sides and top of head and an additional bundle is tied in a large loop atop the head and decorated with a strip of red paper; Dolls of this form were traditionally handmade with clay and dressed in actual cloth.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 24.3, Width = 14.7, Depth = 7.5

Catalog Number CAS 1993-0001-0278   CAS 1993-0001-0278; Figurine (boy)
Category Folk Toys
Object Name Figurine (boy)
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Fukuoka Prefecture
Other Geographic Data City: Hakata
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1978
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Clay; Paint
Description Hollow, slipcast figurine of a standing boy, dressed in a long pale gold-colored kimono with a bamboo motif on the front and tied in the back with a rust brown belt; Boy also wears sandals on his feet and his short hair is pulled into a knot atop his head.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 26.4, Width = 15.6, Depth = 11.9

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0001-0279   CAS 1993-0001-0279; Figurine (cow)
Category Folk Toys
Object Name Figurine (cow)
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Fukushima Prefecture
Other Geographic Data City: Aizu Wakamatsu; Shrine: Kyokyuzo-Do
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture 1962
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Papier mâché [paper mache]; Paint
Description Papier mâché figurine of a standing red cow with movable, bobbing head; Body of cow is painted red with gold, black, and white accents; According to legend, some 350 years ago, the people of Aizu-Yanazu constructed the Kyokyuzo-do temple, using cows and oxen to haul the construction materials; When completed, one of the animals refused to leave and seemingly kept faithful watch by the temple gate, attracting pilgrims who wanted to see its unusual behavior; The monks began selling small effigies as an amulet, and its efficacy was assured during a smallpox epidemic, when reportedly, anyone who had one of these amulets was not touched by the illness.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 7.2, Width = 5.0, Length = 11.1

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0001-0280   CAS 1993-0001-0280; Figurine (monkey)
Category Folk Toys
Object Name Figurine (monkey)
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Okayama Prefecture
Other Geographic Data City: Kurashiki
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture 1980
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Papier mâché [paper mache]; Paint
Description Papier mâché figurine of monkey, sitting upright on its hind legs and holding its forelegs in front of it; Monkey's head is weighted and suspended, causing it to bob freely; Monkey is painted gray and black and wears a red vest with multi-colored stripes.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 10.2, Width = 5.3, Depth = 8.0

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0001-0281A,B   CAS 1993-0001-0281A,B; Puppets (2 warriors)
Category Folk Toys
Object Name Puppets (2 warriors)
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Aichi Prefecture
Other Geographic Data City: Nagoya
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1970s
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Bamboo; Wood; Paper; Clay; String; Monofilament line
Description Pair of warrior animated puppet-like toys, based on legendary episode in life of Yoshitsune (formerly known as Ushiwaka), one of Japan’s most famous heroes; A: Benkei, male warrior with white clay head and painted hair, posed with outstretched arms; Wooden body is covered in paper to represent red kimono, with white over jacket and green apron; Silver foil paper sword is held in right hand and yellow paper shield (?) is held in left hand; Figure is mounted on bamboo stick,whose base, is inserted into a bamboo cylinder with pair of holes cut into its upper side, opposite each other; Monofilament line passes through the whole and wraps around bamboo stick supporting figure, with ends of monofilament line tied to a bow shaped piece of bamboo; When the bow-shape is moved back and forth like a violin bow, the monofilament wrapped around the central stick causes the doll to rotate; B: Ushiwaka, male warrior with gray clay head, posed with upraised arms; Silver foil paper ornament is behind the head, possibly representing part of the armor; Wooden body is wrapped in white paper skirt, red upper garment, and black apron; Arms are each made from two paper cylinders and hold a long handled spear with a silver foil paper blade at one end; Figure is mounted on a split piece of bamboo, with a notched crossbar passing through the split; A section of string is tied to each side notch on the crossbar, passing up through the doll’s skirt and along his torso and through his arms and then tied off on the spear handle; When either end of the crossbar is moved up or down, the strings pull down on one of the doll’s arms, causing the spear to change position as if being thrust.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 29.8, Width = ca. 17.0, Depth = 5.4

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0001-0282A,B   CAS 1993-0001-0282A,B; Ornaments (orange & green wood)
Category Folk Toys
Object Name Ornaments (orange & green wood)
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Kyoto Prefecture
Other Geographic Data Shrine: Yasaka
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1980
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Wood; Paint; Nylon cord; Paper
Description Eight-sided cylindrical wooden ornament whose faces are painted alternately orange or green; A nylon cord is threaded through the hollow center of the ornament; Two paper banners are suspended from the bottom of the ornament.
Dimensions (cm) Max Diam = 6.0, Length = 7.5

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0001-0283A-C   CAS 1993-0001-0283A-C; Tops (3 toys)
Category Folk Toys
Object Name Tops (3 toys)
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Tokyo Prefecture
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1980s
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Wood; Paint
Description Trio of carved and painted spinning tops, each carved on a lathe from a single piece of wood; A: Largest top, bowl-shaped with a small knob on the base (on which the top spins) and a cylindrical handle extending up from the interior of the bowl; Exterior is painted with purple bands; Interior is painted with red, green and purple bands; B: Smallest top, biconvex, disc-shaped with small knob on base (on which top spins) and a short flaring stem on the upper surface; Upper surface of disc and stem are painted with a red spiraling band; C: Medium top, biconvex, disc-shaped with a small knob on the base (on which top spins) and a short stem on the upper surface; Upper surface of disc and stem are painted with a green spiraling band.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 8.9, Max Diam = 9.0

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0001-0284   CAS 1993-0001-0284; Pigeon on wheels (toy)
Category Folk Toys
Object Name Pigeon on wheels (toy)
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Nagano Prefecture
Other Geographic Data City: Nozawa; Hot Springs region
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture 1960s
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Plant fiber: Akebi vine; Bamboo; Wire
Description Pigeon figurine woven of akebi vine and mounted on wheels with a bamboo axle; First made by Anshin Kawano ca. mid-1800s until his death, and then reintroduced in early 1900s; Purchased to ensure owner good health, safety, happiness and peace.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 9.0, Width = 6.9, Length = 14.7

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0001-0285   CAS 1993-0001-0285; Boat (toy)
Category Folk Toys
Object Name Boat (toy)
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Kochi Prefecture
Other Geographic Data City: Kochi
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1980s
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Wood; Paint; Glue
Description Model of a flat-bottomed boat on a wheeled cart; Body of the boat is carved from a single piece of wood with additional pieces added later; From the square stern, the sides taper gradually toward the bow, where an added beam extends forward; The interior hold of the boat is painted brown and four narrow cylindrical crossbeams extend across it and project through the hull; A flat brown plank is attached across the stern; The exterior sides of the boat are painted with a red and green floral motif and the bottom edges are painted black; The immovable wheels are mounted on square wooden “axles”; This type of boat is modeled after boats that were used for whaling, starting in the 17th Century. See CAS 1993-0001-0286 and CAS 1993-0001-0315 for similar toys made in Wakayama Prefecture.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 4.4, Width = 3.7, Length = 12.0

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0001-0286   CAS 1993-0001-0286; Boat (toy)
Category Folk Toys
Object Name Boat (toy)
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Wakayama Prefecture
Other Geographic Data City: Wakayama
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1980s
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Wood; Paint; Bamboo; Glue
Description Model of a flat-bottomed boat on a wheeled, flatbed cart; Body of the boat is carved from a single piece of wood with additional pieces added later; From the square stern, the sides taper gradually toward the bow, where an added beam extends forward; The flat-bottomed interior hold of the boat is painted orange and three narrow cylindrical crossbeams extend across it nearer the stern end and project through the hull; A flat brown plank is attached across the stern; The upper sides of the boat are painted white, while the lower sides are painted in diagonal bands of blue, white, and orange; The bed of the cart on which the boat is mounted is painted brown and its movable wheels are orange; The wheels are mounted on wooden “axles”, which, in turn, pass through lengths of bamboo that are glued to underside of cart; An unidentified stamp in Japanese script is stamped on the underside of the cart; This type of toy boat was fashioned after model whaling boats made by whalers for their own children, starting in the 17th Century. See CAS 1993-0001-0285 for similar toy made in Kochi Prefecture and CAS 1993-0001-0315 for another example from Wakayama Prefecture.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 4.1, Width = 5.3, Length = 12.7

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0001-0287A,B   CAS 1993-0001-0287A,B; Wood carvings (woman and girl)
Category Carvings; Folk Toys
Object Name Wood carvings (woman and girl)
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Akita Prefecture
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1970
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Wood: cryptomeria; Paint
Description Pair of stylized carvings, one of a young girl and the other of a woman, each with a cylindrical body which is painted with a face and stylized clothing to represent the blue and white homespun kasuri pattern and the straw snow and rain coat (mino) worn in the north.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 9.0, Max Diam = 2.8
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