Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

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Category ObjName CollectionName CatNums Culture GlobalRegion Country 
Carvings; Vessels  Bottle  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1503  unknown  Southeast Asia  unknown  Details 
Carvings; Vessels  Bowl  N/A  CAS 2018-0006-0015  Japanese  East Asia  Japan  Details 
Carvings; Vessels  Bowl  N/A  CAS 2019-0004-0009  Japanese  East Asia  Japan  Details 
Carvings; Vessels  Bowl  N/A  CAS 2019-0004-0010  Japanese  East Asia  Japan  Details 
Carvings; Vessels  Bowl  N/A  CAS 2019-0004-0011  Japanese  East Asia  Japan  Details 
Carvings; Vessels  Bowl with stand  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1499A,B    East Asia  China  Details 
Carvings; Visual Arts  Picture frame  N/A  CAS 1988-0009-0059  Filipino  Southeast Asia  Philippines  Details 
Carvings; Visual Arts  Scrimshaw (whale tooth)  N/A  CAS 0429-0032  Japanese  East Asia  Japan  Details 
Carvings; Watercraft  Canoe model  N/A  CAS 0059-0001A-L  Filipino  Southeast Asia  Philippines  Details 
Carvings; Weaponry  Knife sheath  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1685    Southeast Asia  Indonesia  Details 
Carvings; Weaponry  Knife with sheath  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1943A,B    Southeast Asia  Indonesia  Details 
Carvings; Weaponry  Knife with sheath  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1732A,B  Japanese  East Asia  Japan  Details 
Carvings; Weaponry  Sword with sheath  N/A  CAS 1984-0001-0001A,B    Southeast Asia  Malaysia (Malaya)  Details 
Carvings; Weaponry  Sword with sheath  N/A  CAS 0281-0025A,B  Filipino?  Southeast Asia  Philippines or Indonesia  Details 
Carvings; Weaponry  Sword with sheath  N/A  CAS 0584-0005A,B  Japanese  East Asia  Japan  Details 
Ceremonial Items  Ceremonial staff  N/A  CAS 0584-0008    East Asia  China  Details 
Ceremonial Items  Ceremonial staff  N/A  CAS 0584-0009    East Asia  China  Details 
Ceremonial Items  Ceremonial sword  N/A  CAS 0143-0108  Japanese  East Asia  Japan  Details 
Ceremonial Items  Coin sword  N/A  CAS 0584-0006  Chinese  East Asia  China  Details 
Ceremonial Items; Jewelry & Metalwork  Incense burner with lid  N/A  CAS 0583-0009A,B  Korean  East Asia  Korea  Details 
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