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Catalog Number

CAS 0602-0073   CAS 0602-0073; Spear
Category Jewelry & Metalwork; Weaponry
Object Name Spear
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Philippines
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name N/A
Materials Metal; Wood
Dimensions (cm) Width = 4.3, Thickness = 3.4, Length = 225.0

Catalog Number

CAS 2011-0002-0002   CAS 2011-0002-0002; Spear
Category Jewelry & Metalwork; Weaponry
Object Name Spear
Culture Bontoc Igorot
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Philippines
State/Prov./Dist. Luzon
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1890-1925
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Metal: Iron: Brass
Description Spear with long wood shaft which tapers toward the proximal end which is fitted with a pointed hand-forged iron wrapping; Lanceolate-shaped, doubled-edged blade with with elongate stem for hafting is inserted into distal end of shaft and secured in place with a brass (?) collar wrapped around the top of the shaft; Upper 32 cm of shaft are decorated with numerous triangular brass slivers that are embedded into the shaft in chevron rows, with additional inserts between the uppermost rows forming a network pattern.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 4.3, Max Diam = 3.0, Length = 162.0

Catalog Number CAS 2011-0002-0003   CAS 2011-0002-0003; Spear
Category Jewelry & Metalwork; Weaponry
Object Name Spear
Culture Bontoc Igorot
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Philippines
State/Prov./Dist. Luzon
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1890-1925
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Iron: White metal
Description Spear with long wooden shaft that tapers toward the proximal end which is fitted with a hand-forged iron wrapping; Distal end of shaft is also fitted with an iron sleeve measuring 13.0 cm in length; Elongated, triangular double-edged blade very slight median ridge on both faces is hafted to shaft by means of long center stem; Blade also has two basal flaring wings, whose ends are turned up; Area measuring 31 cm behind distal sleeve on shaft is decorated with small triangular slivers of white metal, arranged in straight or chevron bands, with a slightly more elaborate arrangement in the last few rows near the distal end.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 13.2, Max Diam = 2.3, Length = 163.0

Catalog Number

CAS 2005-0001-0004   CAS 2005-0001-0004; Spear
Category Jewelry & Metalwork; Weaponry
Object Name Spear
Culture Filipino
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Philippines
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1910-1917
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Metal: Steel; Rattan
Description Spear with long hand forged, double-edged steel blade of lanceolate form with median ridge on both faces, very long, outward flaring basal tangs, and a hafting stem which is inserted into end of long wooden shaft and secured with wide steel ferrule and 5 braided rattan bands and two strips of dyed red rattan wrapping just below the ferrule; Proximal end of staff is tapered and wrapped with a cone-shaped steel cap.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 14.5, Thickness = 2.8, Length = 187.3

Catalog Number

CAS 2005-0001-0005   CAS 2005-0001-0005; Spear
Category Jewelry & Metalwork; Weaponry
Object Name Spear
Culture Filipino
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Philippines
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1910-1917
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Metal: Steel; Rattan
Description Spear with long, hand forged, double-edged steel blade of lanceolate form with median ridge on both faces and a proximal end that forms a socket that fits over the tapered end of a long wooden shaft and is secured with two braided rattan bands; One very wide and two narrow braided rattan bands add additional decoration to the shaft just below the blade's socket; Proximal end of shaft is tapered and fitted with a cone-shaped steel cap.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 4.8, Thickness = 2.6, Length = 187.8

Catalog Number

CAS 2005-0001-0006   CAS 2005-0001-0006; Spear
Category Jewelry & Metalwork; Weaponry
Object Name Spear
Culture Filipino
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Philippines
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1910-1917
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Steel; Metal: Brass
Description Spear with long, hand forged, double-edged steel blade with deeply cut side notches forming series of down-turned lateral tangs, the last one being extremely long and flaring; Long straight stem is inserted into end of long wooden shaft and secured with heavy steel ferrule; Distal end of shaft is decorated just below ferrule with small brass staples that are inlaid in 3 distinct bands, the first of which forms a chevron pattern and the other two form geometric patterns; Proximal end of shaft is tapered and was originally fitted with cone-shaped steel cap.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 9.1, Thickness = 3.0, Length = 163.6

Catalog Number

CAS 2005-0001-0007   CAS 2005-0001-0007; Spear
Category Jewelry & Metalwork; Weaponry
Object Name Spear
Culture Filipino
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Philippines
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1910-1917
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Metal: Steel; Rattan
Description Spear with large, hand forged, double-edged steel blade with median ridge on both faces and very deeply cut basal notches that form prominent slightly flared basal tangs; Long hafting stem is inserted into expanded distal end of long wooden shaft and wrapped with one very wide and two narrower braided rattan bands and a strip of dyed red rattan wrapping; Proximal end of shaft is tapered to a point but does not appear to have been fitted with a steel end cap.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 5.9, Thickness = 4.0, Length = 173.2

Catalog Number

CAS 1988-0009-0022   CAS 1988-0009-0022; Spear
Category Jewelry & Metalwork; Weaponry
Object Name Spear
Culture Filipino
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Philippines
State/Prov./Dist. Luzon
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1904-1907
Collection Name N/A
Materials Metal; Wood; Rattan
Dimensions (cm) Width = 3.9, Thickness = 3.1, Length = 177.0

Catalog Number

CAS 0091-0077   CAS 0091-0077; Spear
Category Jewelry & Metalwork; Weaponry
Object Name Spear
Culture Filipino
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Philippines
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1910
Collection Name N/A
Materials Metal; Wood; Rattan
Dimensions (cm) Width = 5.2, Thickness = 3.4, Length = ca. 200.0

Catalog Number

CAS 1992-0010-0001   CAS 1992-0010-0001; Spear
Category Jewelry & Metalwork; Weaponry
Object Name Spear
Culture Wa
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Myanmar (Burma)
State/Prov./Dist. Former Wa States
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture 19th century or earlier
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Metal: Steel; Copper; Silver silk; Orangutan (?) hair
Description Spear with wooden shaft wrapped in copper sheeting on proximal end and silver sheeting; Upper portion of shaft decorated with 3 hollow silver balls; Largest ball is decorated with 12 silver, conical danglers and red primate hair (tied with cordage); Silver stopping shield mounted below lance-shaped steel blade; Braided orange silk carrying cord is wrapped around shaft above midsection.
Dimensions (cm) Max Diam = 9.7, Length = 225.0

Catalog Number

CAS 1992-0010-0002   CAS 1992-0010-0002; Spear
Category Jewelry & Metalwork; Weaponry
Object Name Spear
Culture Wa
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Myanmar (Burma)
State/Prov./Dist. Former Wa States
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture 19th century or earlier
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Metal: Steel; Silver
Description Spear with wooden shaft partially wrapped in silver sheeting; Iron guard on proximal end of shaft; Steel spearhead is 3-pronged, of which center blade is lance shaped while flanking blades are shorter and curved.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 17.2, Thickness = 2.9, Length = 196.0

Catalog Number

CAS 1992-0010-0004   CAS 1992-0010-0004; Spear
Category Jewelry & Metalwork; Weaponry
Object Name Spear
Culture Wa
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Myanmar (Burma)
State/Prov./Dist. Former Wa States
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture 19th century or earlier
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Metal: Steel; Silver; Iron; Silk
Description Spear with wooden shaft wrapped in silver sheeting and silver wire appliqué; Uppermost part of shaft decorated with 3 hollow, fluted silver balls and one saucer-shaped ball; Steel spearhead is lance-shaped; Braided green silk carrying cord is wrapped around midsection of shaft.
Dimensions (cm) Max Diam = 7.0, Length = 229.0

Catalog Number CAS 1998-0009-0012   CAS 1998-0009-0012; Spear blade
Category Jewelry & Metalwork; Weaponry
Object Name Spear blade
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Malaysia (Malaya) or Indonesia
State/Prov./Dist. Sarawak, Malaysia or Borneo, Indonesia
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name N/A
Materials Metal: Steel
Dimensions (cm) Width = 4.7, Thickness = 2.3, Length = 47.4

Catalog Number

CAS 0091-0072A,B   CAS 0091-0072A,B; Spear with sheath
Category Jewelry & Metalwork; Weaponry
Object Name Spear with sheath
Culture Filipino
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Philippines
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1910
Collection Name N/A
Materials Metal; Wood
Description A: Spear, B: Sheath
Dimensions (cm) Width = A=5.8; B=6.3, Thickness = A=2.6; B=2.8, Length = A=ca. 198.0; B=34.8

Catalog Number

CAS 0091-0073A,B   CAS 0091-0073A,B; Spear with sheath
Category Jewelry & Metalwork; Weaponry
Object Name Spear with sheath
Culture Filipino
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Philippines
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1910
Collection Name N/A
Materials Metal; Wood
Description A: Spear, B: Sheath
Dimensions (cm) Width = A=5.1; B=5.8, Thickness = A=2.5; B=3.4, Length = A=ca. 204.5; B=39.6

Catalog Number

CAS 0091-0076A,B   CAS 0091-0076A,B; Spear with sheath
Category Jewelry & Metalwork; Weaponry
Object Name Spear with sheath
Culture Filipino
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Philippines
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1910
Collection Name N/A
Materials Metal; Wood; Rattan
Description A: Spear, B: Sheath
Dimensions (cm) Width = A=4.1; B=5.5, Thickness = A=2.6; B=3.3, Length = A=ca. 197.0; B=34.3

Catalog Number

CAS 0091-0067   CAS 0091-0067; Sword
Category Jewelry & Metalwork; Weaponry
Object Name Sword
Culture Filipino
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Philippines
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1910
Collection Name N/A
Materials Metal; Wood
Dimensions (cm) Width = 11.7, Thickness = 4.7, Length = 85.1

Catalog Number

CAS 0091-0068   CAS 0091-0068; Sword
Category Jewelry & Metalwork; Weaponry
Object Name Sword
Culture Filipino
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Philippines
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1910
Collection Name N/A
Materials Metal; Wood
Dimensions (cm) Width = 12.2, Thickness = 4.3, Length = 62.2

Catalog Number

CAS 1995-0009-0003   CAS 1995-0009-0003; Sword
Category Jewelry & Metalwork; Weaponry
Object Name Sword
Culture Filipino
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Philippines
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name N/A
Materials Metal: Steel; Wood
Description Kampilan with very long, straight, single-edged blade that is wider at point than hilt; Wooden hilt and guard are carved with geometric designs and partially wrapped in rattan; Series of holes at end of hilt originally decorated with tufts of hair (now missing).
Dimensions (cm) Width = 13.8, Thickness = 3.8, Length = 87.7

Catalog Number

CAS 1995-0009-0004   CAS 1995-0009-0004; Sword
Category Jewelry & Metalwork; Weaponry
Object Name Sword
Culture Filipino
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Philippines
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name N/A
Materials Metal: Steel; Wood; Rattan
Description Panabas with straight wooden hilt carved with geometric designs and partially wrapped in rattan; Single-edged curved steel blade is very thick near hilt and widest at squared-off point.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 12.6, Thickness = 5.2, Length = 75.8
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