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Catalog Number CAS 0423-0110   CAS 0423-0110; Lime container
Category Vessels
Object Name Lime container
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Indonesia
State/Prov./Dist. Timor
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name N/A
Materials Bamboo
Dimensions (cm) Max Diam = 2.9, Length = 11.0

Catalog Number CAS 0423-0111   CAS 0423-0111; Lime container
Category Vessels
Object Name Lime container
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Indonesia
State/Prov./Dist. Timor
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name N/A
Materials Bamboo
Dimensions (cm) Max Diam = 2.8, Length = 11.3

Catalog Number CAS 0423-0112   CAS 0423-0112; Lime container
Category Vessels
Object Name Lime container
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Indonesia
State/Prov./Dist. Timor
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name N/A
Materials Bamboo
Dimensions (cm) Max Diam = 3.2, Length = 9.7

Catalog Number CAS 0423-0113   CAS 0423-0113; Lime container
Category Vessels
Object Name Lime container
Global Region Southeast Asia
Country Indonesia
State/Prov./Dist. Timor
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name N/A
Materials Bamboo; Cork; Cotton string
Dimensions (cm) Max Diam = 3.1, Length = 9.9

Catalog Number

CAS 0429-0013A,B   CAS 0429-0013A,B; Tortoise shell snuff bottle
Category Vessels
Object Name Tortoise shell snuff bottle
Culture Chinese
Global Region East Asia
Country China
State/Prov./Dist. unknown
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture 1850-1900
Collection Name N/A
Materials Sea turtle shell (tortoiseshell); Bamboo; Cork; Coral (?)
Description Tortoise shell snuff bottle with coral (?) stopper attached to bamboo spoon.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 3.9, Thickness = 1.8, Length = 6.0

Catalog Number

CAS 0429-0066   CAS 0429-0066; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country China
State/Prov./Dist. unknown
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1975
Collection Name N/A
Materials Insect parts; Feathers; Cardboard; Wood; Glass
Description Faux painting depicting several floral stems and a small bluebird in flight; Stems of flowering branches are fashioned from insect legs and flowers and bird are fashioned from natural and dyed feathers; All are mounted on white cardboard inscribed with a Japanese script and framed within a pale green mat inside a round dark brown frame with domed glass covering, and fitted with brass hinge on top for hanging.
Dimensions (cm) Thickness = 2.0, Max Diam = 20.7

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0001-0034   CAS 1993-0001-0034; Votive plaque
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Votive plaque
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Kyoto Prefecture
Other Geographic Data City: Yamashima; Temple: Inari
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1970s
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Wood; paint; Commercial string
Description Rectangular wooden plaque with peaked top, painted with image of white rabbit against an orange oval disk; Red stamp of temple is in lower left corner and Japanese inscription in black paint is written along right edge; Small hole is drilled through near top of plaque and length of coral colored commercially braided string is threaded through it.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 14.0, Thickness = 0.7, Length = 8.8

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0001-0294   CAS 1993-0001-0294; Votive plaque
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Votive plaque
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Kyoto Prefecture
Other Geographic Data City: Kyoto; Temple: Nashinoki
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Wood
Description Note with object: “Painted by the priest - small in #” (sic).
Dimensions (cm) Width = 15.2, Thickness = 0.6, Length = 9.6

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0001-0263   CAS 1993-0001-0263; Votive plaque
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Votive plaque
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Kyoto Prefecture
Other Geographic Data City: Kingazu; Temple: Fushigi Fudoin
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Wood
Dimensions (cm) Width = 14.0, Thickness = 0.5, Length = 9.3

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0001-0145   CAS 1993-0001-0145; Votive plaque
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Votive plaque
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Kyoto Prefecture
Other Geographic Data City: Mitsurugi Jinjya; Temple: Mitsurugi Shrine
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Wood
Description 5-sided, flat wooden plaque with painted image of two Tobiuo (flying fish) on front; Cord is threaded through drilled hole at top.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 17.0, Thickness = 0.2, Length = 12.5

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0001-0074   CAS 1993-0001-0074; Votive plaque
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Votive plaque
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Kyoto Prefecture
Other Geographic Data City: Kyoto; Temple: Iwashimizu Hachiman Gu
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Dimensions (cm) Width = 13.9, Thickness = 0.5, Length = 10.0

Catalog Number

CAS 2008-0004-0034   CAS 2008-0004-0034; Votive plaque
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Votive plaque
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Kyoto Prefecture
Other Geographic Data City: Kyoto
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1930s
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Paint
Description Miniature votive plaque cut from a thin flat piece of wood in the form of a stylized horse and painted on one side only, showing a white horse with orange mane, black tail, blue saddle and a yin-yang symbol just below the saddle; Probably artist’s signature and other lengthy description printed on reverse in black ink; Plaque may have originally had small wooden stand (now lost).
Dimensions (cm) Width = 7.9, Thickness = 0.4, Length = 4.7

Catalog Number CAS 1993-0010-0009   CAS 1993-0010-0009; Votive plaque
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Votive plaque
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Kyoto Prefecture
Other Geographic Data City: Rokkakudo; School: Ikenobo
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Wood; Paint; Paper
Description Flat, 5-sided plaque with painted image of two men arranging flowers with a temple in background; Plant fiber cord is threaded through hole at top; Inscriptions on reverse read (left to right): "Ikebana [flower arrangement]"; "Place of origin"; And "Ikenobo [famous flower arrangement school]." Stamped seal on reverse identifies place as "Rokkakudo, 18th spiritual place in western Japan."
Dimensions (cm) Width = 13.8, Thickness = 0.7, Length = 8.7

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0010-0010   CAS 1993-0010-0010; Votive plaque
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Votive plaque
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Kyoto Prefecture
Other Geographic Data District: Fushimi; Shrine: Fushimi-Gokogu
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture 1978
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Wood; Paint; Silk
Description Flat, 5-sided plaque with painted image of a dancing monkey, held by Leah by kneeling man; Purple silk cord is threaded through drilled hole at top; Seal of shrine is stamped in red in lower left corner; Red inscriptions along right edge read, "Good Luck." Artist's signature (illegible) is inscribed in black in lower right corner.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 17.7, Thickness = 1.1, Length = 11.3

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0010-0011   CAS 1993-0010-0011; Votive plaque
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Votive plaque
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Kyoto Prefecture
Other Geographic Data City: Kyoto; Shrine: Kwasan Jinja
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture 1993
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Wood; Paint; Silk
Description Flat, 5-sided plaque with painted image of chicken (white with green and black tail and wings) and 3 yellow chicks, all beneath a pine bough on the front; Orange silk cord is threaded through hole at top; Inscriptions along left edge identify shrine; inscriptions along right edge invoke good luck and happiness.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 15.2, Thickness = 0.6, Length = 9.3

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0010-0012   CAS 1993-0010-0012; Votive plaque
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Votive plaque
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Kyoto Prefecture
Other Geographic Data Shrine: Kamigamo Jinja
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture 1978
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Wood; Paint; Silk
Description Flat, 5-sided plaque with painted scene of black bull being led out from temple by two young women, accompanied by group of men in white and purple robes; Red silk cord is threaded through hole at top; Inscription in upper right reads, "Aoi Matsuri [Aoi festival, a spring time festival]." Name of shrine is inscribed in black along left edge; Shrine's seal is stamped in red in lower left corner.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 15.3, Thickness = 0.6, Length = 10.5

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0010-0013   CAS 1993-0010-0013; Votive plaque
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Votive plaque
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Kyoto Prefecture
Other Geographic Data City: Kamo-Cho; Shrine: Jyoururi Tera
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture 1985
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Wood; Paint; Silk cord
Description Flat, 5-sided plaque with painted image of Kissho Tennyo (wearing green kimono with red, yellow, and white floral motifs and similarly colored head wreath) on front; Purple silk cord is threaded through hole at top; Stamped inscription along right edge is illegible; Black inscriptions along left edge identify temple and invoke good luck; Artist's name (illegible) is stamped in red in lower left corner.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 13.6, Thickness = 0.5, Length = 8.5

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0010-0014   CAS 1993-0010-0014; Votive plaque
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Votive plaque
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Nara Prefecture
Other Geographic Data Temple: Kasuga-Taisha
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture 1991
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Wood; Paint; Silk cord
Description Flat, 5-sided plaque painted with scene of two men (each dressed in blue) leading an elaborately decorated white horse; Red silk cord is threaded through drilled hole at top; Temple seal is stamped in red in lower right corner.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 15.8, Thickness = 0.6, Length = 10.5

Catalog Number CAS 1993-0010-0015   CAS 1993-0010-0015; Votive plaque
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Votive plaque
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Kyoto Prefecture
Other Geographic Data District: Fushimil; Temple: Chokenji
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture 1984
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Wood; Paint; Silk cord
Description Flat, 5-sided plaque with painted image of the seven lucky gods, with the goddess, Benzaiten in the center; Purple silk cord is threaded through hole at top; Inscription on back invokes good luck from the goddess, Benzaiten, at Chokenji (shrine) on Tokozan (mountain).
Dimensions (cm) Width = 21.0, Thickness = 0.6, Length = 10.3

Catalog Number

CAS 1993-0010-0016   CAS 1993-0010-0016; Votive plaque
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Votive plaque
Culture Japanese
Global Region East Asia
Country Japan
State/Prov./Dist. Kyoto Prefecture
Other Geographic Data Shrine: Kadode-Hachiman-Gu
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture 1985
Collection Name Kadota Collection (Japanese Folk Toys)
Materials Wood; Paint; Plant fiber
Description Flat, 5-sided plaque with painted image of white pigeon beneath plum blossoms on front; Plant fiber cord is threaded through hole at top; Black inscription along left edge identifies the shrine; Gold inscription along right edge invokes good luck.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 14.9, Thickness = 1.2, Length = 10.8
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