Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

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Jewelry & Metalwork; Vessels  Measuring container  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1185  English  Europe  England / Great Britain  Details 
Jewelry & Metalwork; Vessels  Measuring container  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1186  English  Europe  England / Great Britain  Details 
Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork; Vessels  Measuring tankard  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1187  British  Europe  Great Britain  Details 
Jewelry & Metalwork; Vessels  Measuring container  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1188  English  Europe  England / Great Britain  Details 
Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork; Vessels  Tankard  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1190  English  Europe  England / Great Britain  Details 
Jewelry & Metalwork; Vessels  Mug  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1192  English  Europe  England / Great Britain  Details 
Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork; Vessels  Tankard  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1193  English  Europe  England / Great Britain  Details 
Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork; Vessels  Tankard  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1194    Europe  unknown  Details 
Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork; Vessels  Tankard  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1195  British  Europe  Great Britain  Details 
Jewelry & Metalwork; Vessels  Measuring mug  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1200  unknown  Europe  unknown  Details 
Jewelry & Metalwork; Vessels  Measuring mug  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1204  English, probably  Europe  England / Great Britain, probably  Details 
Jewelry & Metalwork; Vessels  Measuring mug  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1205  unknown  Europe  unknown  Details 
Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork  Sugar crusher  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1208  European or Euro-American  Europe or North America  unknown  Details 
Tools & Implements  Tongs  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1210  European or Euro-American  Europe or North America  unknown  Details 
Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork  Can opener  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1212  European or Euro-American  Europe or North America  unknown  Details 
Tools & Implements  Pestle  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1215  Jewish  Europe  Austria / Hungary  Details 
Tools & Implements  Pestle  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1219  Jewish, probably  Europe  Austria / Hungary, probably  Details 
Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork  Trivet  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1220  European or Euro-American  Europe or North America  unknown  Details 
Tools & Implements  Tongs  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1224  European or Euro-American  Europe or North America  unknown  Details 
Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork  Chopper  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1228  Swedish  Europe  Sweden  Details 
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