Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

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Pottery; Vessels  Pitcher  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1353  unknown  Europe  unknown  Details 
Culinary Items; Pottery  Plate  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1356  English  Europe  England / Great Britain  Details 
Culinary Items; Vessels  Wine dispenser with lid  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1360A-C  English  Europe  England / Great Britain  Details 
Culinary Items; Pottery  Platter  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1362  English  Europe  England / Great Britain  Details 
Culinary Items; Pottery  Platter  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1363  English  Europe  England / Great Britain  Details 
Culinary Items; Pottery  Platter  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1365  English  Europe  England / Great Britain  Details 
Culinary Items; Pottery  Platter  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1369  English  Europe  England / Great Britain  Details 
Carvings; Tools & Implements  Bread cachet (food stamp)  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1410  Roman  Europe  unknown  Details 
Carvings; Tools & Implements  Stamp  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1412  unknown  Europe  unknown  Details 
Carvings; Culinary Items  Chalice  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1413  unknown  Europe  unknown  Details 
Carvings; Culinary Items  Cup  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1415  unknown  Europe  unknown  Details 
Carvings; Culinary Items  Chalice  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1416  unknown  Europe  unknown  Details 
Carvings; Culinary Items  Cup  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1418  Spanish  Europe  Spain  Details 
Carvings; Culinary Items  Chalice  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1419  unknown  Europe  unknown  Details 
Carvings; Culinary Items  Cup  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1420  unknown  Europe  unknown  Details 
Carvings; Culinary Items  Cup  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1421  unknown  Europe  unknown  Details 
Carvings; Vessels  Mug  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1422  English  Europe  England / Great Britain  Details 
Carvings; Vessels  Mug  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1423  English  Europe  England / Great Britain  Details 
Carvings; Vessels  Mug  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1424  English  Europe  England / Great Britain  Details 
Carvings; Vessels  Bowl  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-1432  European or Euro-American  Europe or North America  unknown  Details 
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