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Catalog Number

CAS 0389-0720   CAS 0389-0720; Food mold
Category Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork
Object Name Food mold
Global Region Europe
Country unknown
Other Geographic Data Western Europe
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Rietz Collection of Food Technology
Materials Metal: Lead
Description Two-piece hinged food mold of a flower showing the petals and calyx; Interior of mold is aluminum plated; No maker's marks.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 3.2, Width = 7.6, Depth = 7.1

Catalog Number

CAS 0389-0721   CAS 0389-0721; Food mold
Category Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork
Object Name Food mold
Global Region Europe
Country unknown
Other Geographic Data Western Europe
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. mid to late 1800s
Collection Name Rietz Collection of Food Technology
Materials Metal: Lead
Description Two-piece hinged food mold, each half showing a different part of a flower; One part shows the flower from the top and the other part shows it from the bottom; No maker's marks.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 4.3, Width = 6.8, Depth = 8.2

Catalog Number

CAS 0389-0728A-F   CAS 0389-0728A-F; Food mold
Category Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork
Object Name Food mold
Global Region Europe
Country unknown
Other Geographic Data Western Europe
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture late 1800s to early 1900s
Collection Name Rietz Collection of Food Technology
Materials Metal: Lead; Tin
Description Four-piece dessert (food) mold consisting of 2 bowl-like pieces with flaring sides and open bottoms, which are hinged together with 2 key-shaped pins; The open ends are both capped by lids in the shape of a mound of small fruits or berries.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 16.7, Max Diam = 14.9

Catalog Number

CAS 0389-0732   CAS 0389-0732; Food mold
Category Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork
Object Name Food mold
Global Region Europe
Country unknown
Other Geographic Data Western Europe
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture early to mid 1900s
Collection Name Rietz Collection of Food Technology
Materials Metal: copper; Tin
Description Round copper food mold with a short, fluted base with scalloped edge and a six-point star on top; Interior of mold is tin plated; Small copper wire loop is threaded through perforation near base of mold.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 3.8, Max Diam = 7.8

Catalog Number CAS 0389-0733   CAS 0389-0733; Food mold
Category Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork
Object Name Food mold
Global Region Europe
Country unknown
Other Geographic Data Western Europe
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Rietz Collection of Food Technology
Materials Metal: copper
Dimensions (cm) Height = 3.1, Width = 5.1, Length = 8.9

Catalog Number

CAS 0389-0734   CAS 0389-0734; Food mold
Category Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork
Object Name Food mold
Global Region Europe
Country unknown
Other Geographic Data Western Europe
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Rietz Collection of Food Technology
Materials Metal: copper
Dimensions (cm) Height = 3.0, Width = 6.5, Length = 8.9

Catalog Number

CAS 0389-0735   CAS 0389-0735; Food mold
Category Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork
Object Name Food mold
Global Region Europe
Country unknown
Other Geographic Data Western Europe
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Rietz Collection of Food Technology
Materials Metal: copper
Dimensions (cm) Height = 3.0, Width = 6.5, Length = 8.9

Catalog Number

CAS 0389-0736A,B   CAS 0389-0736A,B; Food mold
Category Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork
Object Name Food mold
Global Region Europe
Country unknown
Other Geographic Data Western Europe
Maker's Name H. R. C.?
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Rietz Collection of Food Technology
Materials Metal: copper; Tin
Description Two-piece, egg-shaped food mold with constricted neck on upper piece to allow for pouring food into the mold; Interior of mold is tin plated; "H. R. C." is stamped around mid-section of larger piece.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 7.2, Max Diam = 4.5

Catalog Number

CAS 0389-0970   CAS 0389-0970; Food mold
Category Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork
Object Name Food mold
Global Region Europe
Country unknown
Other Geographic Data Western Europe?
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Rietz Collection of Food Technology
Materials Metal: copper; Tin
Description Oval copper food mold with straight-sided base, surmounted by single row of columnar structures set on their ends and arranged in oval shape; Open center of mold is also straight-sided; Interior of mold is tin plated; Small star stamped on one end of base; Cross above an orb (same hallmark as CAS 0389-0710, -0711, -0824, -0958, -0961 and -0971) and "608" are stamped on base at opposite end.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 7.0, Width = 11.5, Length = 16.8

Catalog Number

CAS 0389-0971   CAS 0389-0971; Food mold
Category Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork
Object Name Food mold
Global Region Europe
Country unknown
Other Geographic Data Western Europe?
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Rietz Collection of Food Technology
Materials Metal: copper; Tin
Description Food mold in the form of 8 cylindrical cream-filled pastries set on ends and arranged in oval with open, straight-sided center; Base of each pastry shape is surrounded by 3 ladyfinger-like cookie shapes; Interior of mold is tin plated; Small star is stamped near base on one end; Small cross atop an orb (same hallmark as CAS 0389-0710, -0711, -0824, -0958, -0961, and -0970) and "662" are stamped on opposite end.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 6.9, Width = 10.1, Length = 14.5

Catalog Number

CAS 0389-1269A-C   CAS 0389-1269A-C; Food mold
Category Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork
Object Name Food mold
Culture British
Global Region Europe
Country Great Britain
State/Prov./Dist. unknown
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture 09 June 1877
Collection Name Rietz Collection of Food Technology
Materials Metal: Lead
Description Three-piece round food mold comprising a flat base with straight sides, into which fits a low, terraced mid-section ring with fluted sides, surmounted by a lid with modeled grapes on top; "50 3 pints" and a small cross atop a circle are stamped on interior of base; Maker's stamp (I I P M and RD [all inside diamond shape]) is embossed on lid.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 10.5, Max Diam = 19.7

Catalog Number CAS 0389-0725A-C   CAS 0389-0725A-C; Food mold
Category Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork
Object Name Food mold
Culture British
Global Region Europe
Country Great Britain
State/Prov./Dist. unknown
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture 22 July 1868
Collection Name Rietz Collection of Food Technology
Materials Metal: pewter
Dimensions (cm) Height = 14.0, Max Diam = 9.1

Catalog Number CAS 0389-0747   CAS 0389-0747; Food mold
Category Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork
Object Name Food mold
Culture English
Global Region Europe
Country England / Great Britain
State/Prov./Dist. England
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Rietz Collection of Food Technology
Materials Metal: copper; Tin
Dimensions (cm) Height = 2.2, Width = 6.7, Length = 6.8

Catalog Number

CAS 0389-0799   CAS 0389-0799; Food mold
Category Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork
Object Name Food mold
Culture English
Global Region Europe
Country England / Great Britain
State/Prov./Dist. England
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Rietz Collection of Food Technology
Materials Metal: Tin
Dimensions (cm) Height = 4.3, Width = 8.7, Length = 1.0

Catalog Number CAS 0389-0771   CAS 0389-0771; Food mold
Category Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork
Object Name Food mold
Culture English
Global Region Europe
Country England / Great Britain
State/Prov./Dist. England
Other Geographic Data City: London
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Rietz Collection of Food Technology
Materials Metal: copper; Tin
Dimensions (cm) Height = 2.7, Width = 4.8, Length = 9.4

Catalog Number CAS 0389-0774   CAS 0389-0774; Food mold
Category Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork
Object Name Food mold
Culture English
Global Region Europe
Country England / Great Britain
State/Prov./Dist. England
Other Geographic Data City: London
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Rietz Collection of Food Technology
Materials Metal: copper; Tin
Dimensions (cm) Height = 2.7, Width = 4.8, Length = 9.4

Catalog Number CAS 0389-0776   CAS 0389-0776; Food mold
Category Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork
Object Name Food mold
Culture English
Global Region Europe
Country England / Great Britain
State/Prov./Dist. England
Other Geographic Data City: London
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Rietz Collection of Food Technology
Materials Metal: copper; Tin
Dimensions (cm) Height = 2.7, Width = 4.8, Length = 9.4

Catalog Number CAS 0389-0778   CAS 0389-0778; Food mold
Category Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork
Object Name Food mold
Culture English
Global Region Europe
Country England / Great Britain
State/Prov./Dist. England
Other Geographic Data City: London
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Rietz Collection of Food Technology
Materials Metal: copper; Tin
Dimensions (cm) Height = 2.7, Width = 4.8, Length = 9.4

Catalog Number CAS 0389-0779   CAS 0389-0779; Food mold
Category Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork
Object Name Food mold
Culture English
Global Region Europe
Country England / Great Britain
State/Prov./Dist. England
Other Geographic Data City: London
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Rietz Collection of Food Technology
Materials Metal: copper; Tin
Dimensions (cm) Height = 2.7, Width = 4.8, Length = 9.4

Catalog Number

CAS 0389-0820   CAS 0389-0820; Food mold
Category Culinary Items; Jewelry & Metalwork
Object Name Food mold
Culture English
Global Region Europe
Country England / Great Britain
State/Prov./Dist. England
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture
Collection Name Rietz Collection of Food Technology
Materials Metal: copper
Dimensions (cm) Height = 8.5, Width = 10.5, Length = 15.5
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