Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

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Pottery; Vessels  Jar  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-0220  unknown  Southwest Asia  unknown  Details 
Pottery; Vessels  Jar  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-0264  unknown  Southwest Asia  unknown  Details 
Pottery; Vessels  Jar  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-0453  unknown  Southwest Asia  unknown  Details 
Pottery; Vessels  Jar  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-0443  unknown  Southwest Asia  unknown  Details 
Pottery; Vessels  Jar  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-0545  unknown  Southwest Asia  unknown  Details 
Pottery; Vessels  Jar  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-0681  unknown  Southwest Asia  unknown  Details 
Pottery; Vessels  Jar  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-2219  unknown  Southwest Asia  unknown  Details 
Pottery; Vessels  Jar (decanter)  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-0383  unknown  Southwest Asia  Israel  Details 
Pottery; Vessels  Jar with lid  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-0382A,B  Persian  Southwest Asia  Iran  Details 
Pottery; Vessels  Pitcher  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-0373  Cypriot  Southwest Asia  Cyprus  Details 
Pottery; Vessels  Pitcher  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-0456  Mycenaen?  Southwest Asia  Cyprus  Details 
Pottery; Vessels  Pitcher  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-0499  Mycenaen?  Southwest Asia  Cyprus  Details 
Pottery; Vessels  Pitcher  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-0303  Palestinian or Canaanite?  Southwest Asia  Israel, Jordan, or Lebanon  Details 
Pottery; Vessels  Pitcher  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-0119  Palestinian, Hellenistic  Southwest Asia  unknown  Details 
Pottery; Vessels  Pitcher  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-0051  Persian  Southwest Asia  Iran  Details 
Pottery; Vessels  Pitcher  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-0344  Persian  Southwest Asia  Iran  Details 
Pottery; Vessels  Pitcher  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-2220  Persian  Southwest Asia  Iran  Details 
Pottery; Vessels  Pitcher  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-2701  Persian  Southwest Asia  Iran  Details 
Pottery; Vessels  Pitcher  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-0663  Persian (?)  Southwest Asia  Iran  Details 
Pottery; Vessels  Pitcher  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-0408  unknown  Southwest Asia  Iran  Details 
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