Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

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Category ObjName CollectionName CatNums Culture GlobalRegion Country 
Lamps; Pottery  Lamp  Allen  CAS 0216-0196  Persian  Southwest Asia  Iraq or Syria  Details 
Lamps; Pottery  Lamp  Allen  CAS 0216-0053  Persian  Southwest Asia  Syria  Details 
Lamps; Pottery  Lamp  Allen  CAS 0216-0007  Persian (?)  Southwest Asia  Iran or Iraq  Details 
Lamps; Pottery  Lamp  Allen  CAS 0216-0001  Persian (?)  Southwest Asia  Iran or Iraq  Details 
Lamps; Pottery  Lamp  Allen  CAS 0216-0199  Phoenician  Southwest Asia  Israel  Details 
Lamps; Pottery  Lamp  Rietz  CAS 0389-0515  Roman  Southwest Asia  Israel  Details 
Lamps; Pottery  Lamp  Rietz  CAS 0389-0421  Roman or Byzantine  Southwest Asia  unknown  Details 
Lamps; Pottery  Lamp  Rietz  CAS 0389-0137  unknown  Southwest Asia  Israel  Details 
Lamps; Pottery  Oil lamp  Rietz  CAS 0389-0239  Palestinian  Southwest Asia  Israel, Jordan, or Lebanon  Details 
Lamps; Pottery  Oil lamp  Rietz  CAS 0389-0241  Palestinian  Southwest Asia  Israel, Jordan, or Lebanon  Details 
Lamps; Pottery  Oil lamp  Rietz  CAS 0389-0242  Palestinian  Southwest Asia  Israel, Jordan, or Lebanon  Details 
Lamps; Pottery  Oil lamp  Rietz  CAS 0389-0244  Palestinian  Southwest Asia  Israel, Jordan, or Lebanon  Details 
Lamps; Pottery  Oil lamp  Rietz  CAS 0389-0253  Palestinian  Southwest Asia  Israel, Jordan, or Lebanon  Details 
Lamps; Pottery  Oil lamp  Rietz  CAS 0389-0228  Palestinian or Roman  Southwest Asia  Israel, Jordan, or Lebanon  Details 
Pottery  Bowl  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-0493  unknown  Southwest Asia  Iran  Details 
Pottery  Cup  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-0542  Persian  Southwest Asia  Iran  Details 
Pottery  Cup  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-0161  unknown  Southwest Asia  unknown  Details 
Pottery; Tools & Implements  Mold / seal  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-0031  unknown  Southwest Asia  unknown  Details 
Pottery; Tools & Implements  Mold / seal  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-0630  unknown  Southwest Asia  unknown  Details 
Pottery; Tools & Implements  Mold / seal  Rietz Food Technology  CAS 0389-0631  unknown  Southwest Asia  unknown  Details 
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