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Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0392   CAS 0370-0392; Candle stick / holder
Category Pottery
Object Name Candle stick / holder
Culture San Ildefonso Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Santa Fe
Other Geographic Data San Ildefonso Pueblo
Maker's Name Juanita Wo Peen Gonzales (1908-1988)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1940s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Candle holder (companion piece to CAS 0370-0393) for 5 candles in form of rectangular block that rises in series of 3 terraces from both ends; Sides of holder are perfectly vertical and highly burnished, except for base; Deep cylindrical hole for holding candle is carved into surface of each flat-topped terrace; Holder is reduction fired to glossy black color; Signature "Juanita Wo-peen" is incised in script on base. Juanita Wo Peen Gonzales is the sister-in-law of Rayita Gonzales, whose work is also represented in the CAS pottery collection. Her husband, Louis Wo Peen Gonzales, is a painter.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 8.7, Width = 5.0, Length = 27.8

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0393   CAS 0370-0393; Candle stick / holder
Category Pottery
Object Name Candle stick / holder
Culture San Ildefonso Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Santa Fe
Other Geographic Data San Ildefonso Pueblo
Maker's Name Juanita Wo Peen Gonzales (1908-1988)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1940s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Candle holder (companion piece to CAS 0370-0392) for 5 candles in form of rectangular block that rises in series of 3 terraces from both ends; Sides of holder are perfectly vertical and highly burnished, except for base; Deep cylindrical hole for holding candle is carved into surface of each flat-topped terrace; Holder is reduction fired to glossy black color; Signature "Juanita Wo-peen" is incised in script on base. Juanita Wo Peen Gonzales is the sister-in-law of Rayita Gonzales, whose work is also represented in the CAS pottery collection. Her husband, Louis Wo Peen Gonzales, is a painter.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 8.9, Width = 5.0, Length = 27.9

Catalog Number CAS 0370-0394   CAS 0370-0394; Effigy bowl (bird)
Category Pottery
Object Name Effigy bowl (bird)
Culture Santa Clara Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Rio Arriba
Other Geographic Data Santa Clara Pueblo
Maker's Name Severa Tafoya (1890-1973)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1940s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay; Slip
Description Effigy bowl in the form of a bird with flat base and widely flaring sides that represent squared off wings and tail; Modeled head of bird rises above rim and terminates in pointed beak; Interior and exterior surfaces are scraped smooth and highly burnished; Geometric band painted in dark gray encircles upper sides on interior and includes negative terraced triangle representing kiva steps on tail; Additional kiva steps are represented by terraced edges of band on each wing; Single framing line parallels upper edge of design band; Punctate pair of holes represent eyes on bird's head; Bowl is reduction fired to glossy black-on-black color; Signature "Severa" is incised in script on base. Severa Tafoya is the sister of Van Gutierrez, sister-in-law of Lela Gutierrez, the mother of Angela Baca, the grandmother of Tina Garcia and Greg Garcia, and the aunt of Margaret and Luther Gutierrez, all of whose works are represented in the CAS pottery collection.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 12.1, Width = 23.9, Length = 30.4

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0395   CAS 0370-0395; Effigy bowl (bird)
Category Pottery
Object Name Effigy bowl (bird)
Culture Santa Clara Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Rio Arriba
Other Geographic Data Santa Clara Pueblo
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1930-1945
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Very wide, round effigy bowl in the form of a bird with flat base and flaring sides that extend outward to represent folded wings and rounded tapering tail; Modeled head of bird rises well above rim and terminates in pointed beak; Interior and exterior surfaces are scraped very smooth and are highly burnished, except exterior base; Pair of punctate holes represent bird's eyes and series of short deeply incised lines at front and back of each wing and along edge of tail represent feathers; Bowl is otherwise undecorated; Bowl is reduction fired to glossy black color and is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 11.8, Width = 28.3, Length = 33.3

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0398   CAS 0370-0398; Spoon
Category Carvings; Culinary Items
Object Name Spoon
Culture Eskimo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Alaska
County unknown
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. late 1800s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Wood
Description Spoon carved from single piece of wood; Elongated, shallow bowl is attached to wide openwork handle.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 1.2, Width = 3.5, Length = 20.7

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0400   CAS 0370-0400; Bowl
Category Pottery; Vessels
Object Name Bowl
Culture San Ildefonso Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Santa Fe
Other Geographic Data San Ildefonso Pueblo
Maker's Name Maria Martinez (1887-1980), Julian Martinez (1885-1943)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1925-1943
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay; Slip
Description Round bowl with flat base, rounded sides, and inward curving rim; Interior and exterior are scraped very smooth and exterior is highly burnished; Band of 4 terraced kiva step motifs and 4 stylized feather (?) motifs, all pendant from rim, encircle upper sides of bowl; Bowl is reduction fired to black-on-black color; Signature "Marie + Julian" is incised in script on base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 9.3, Rim Diam = 14.5, Max Diam = 19.6

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0401   CAS 0370-0401; Brush
Category Tools & Implements
Object Name Brush
Culture Navajo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona, New Mexico
Other Geographic Data Navajo Indian Reservation
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1930-1950
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Grass stems; Cotton string
Description Brush made from grass stems gathered into bundle and secured near one end with strip of cotton cloth; Used primarily for sweeping corn from grinding stone or sweeping hogan floor, but also for combing hair.
Dimensions (cm) Max Diam = 6.0, Length = 35.5

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0402   CAS 0370-0402; Bowl
Category Carvings; Vessels
Object Name Bowl
Culture Yup'ik (Yupik) Eskimo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Alaska
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1940
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Wood; Bone
Description Shallow oval bowl with bone inlay on the rim in eight places, design on interior bottom, two incised lines that are colored red and black respectively are found on the exterior body.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 10.2, Width = 29.3, Length = 35.4

Catalog Number CAS 0370-0403   CAS 0370-0403; Cross
Category Carvings
Object Name Cross
Culture Rio Grande Pueblo (?)
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1940-1960
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Wood; Straw
Dimensions (cm) Width = 12.5, Thickness = 0.9, Length = 20.4

Catalog Number CAS 0370-0404   CAS 0370-0404; Cross
Category Carvings
Object Name Cross
Culture Rio Grande Pueblo (?)
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1940-1960
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Wood; Straw
Dimensions (cm) Width = 12.7, Thickness = 0.7, Length = 20.3

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0405   CAS 0370-0405; Bowl
Category Carvings; Vessels
Object Name Bowl
Culture Bering Sea Eskimo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Alaska
County unknown
Other Geographic Data Western region
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1950s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Wood; Paint
Description Oval-shaped bowl with flat base and slightly flaring sides and separately carved and attached rim; Interior base of bowl shows single splayed image of bird with center life line and framed by a single line, all painted in black; Rim is painted rust red on interior and exterior.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 5.5, Width = 12.2, Length = 17.7

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0406   CAS 0370-0406; Bowl
Category Carvings; Vessels
Object Name Bowl
Culture Bering Sea Eskimo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Alaska
County unknown
Other Geographic Data Western region
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1950s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Wood; Paint
Description Oval-shaped bowl with flat base and slightly flaring sides and separately carved and attached rim; Interior base of bowl shows two images of deer, each depicted in x-ray fashion and with a spear or arrow lodged in their shoulders; Images are painted in black and framed by a single black line; Upper interior rim of bowl and entire attached rim (interior and exterior) are painted rust red.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 6.0, Width = 16.2, Length = 25.4

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0407   CAS 0370-0407; Ashtray
Category Pottery
Object Name Ashtray
Culture Cochiti Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Sandoval
Other Geographic Data Cochiti Pueblo
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1950s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Ashtray in the form of a beehive-shaped pueblo-style outdoor bread oven, mounted on flat oval disc; Exterior of oven and surrounding disc are covered with white slip; Exterior of oven is painted with band of terraced triangles around its base and a cloud motif over its open door; Floor of oven is covered with reddish slip; Small saddle-like device is positioned in front of oven to support cigarette; Ashtray is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 5.7, Max Diam = 9.1

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0408   CAS 0370-0408; Bowl
Category Carvings; Vessels
Object Name Bowl
Culture Yup'ik (Yupik) Eskimo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Alaska
County unknown
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1960
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Wood; Shell: nacre (mother-of-pearl)
Description Shallow bowl with flat bottom and small pedestal on exterior, hand grips carved on each end and inset with three pieces of mother of pearl in X shapes on each end.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 5.2, Width = 19.5, Length = 42.3

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0409   CAS 0370-0409; Bowl
Category Carvings; Vessels
Object Name Bowl
Culture Yup'ik (Yupik) Eskimo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Alaska
County unknown
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1960
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Wood
Description Oval shaped wooden bowl with flaring sides and hand grips at each end, flat bottomed exterior.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 8.7, Width = 28.8, Length = 44.5

Catalog Number CAS 0370-0410   CAS 0370-0410; Vase
Category Pottery; Vessels
Object Name Vase
Culture Hopi-Tewa
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Navajo
Other Geographic Data Hopi Indian Reservation; First Mesa
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1930-1950
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Short, cylindrical vase with flat base and vertical sides; Interior and exterior are scraped smooth; Exterior is also burnished; Black painted designs on exterior consist of stylized feather motif that is pendant from narrow upper line and repeated 4 times around sides of vase; Overall band is framed above by wide and narrow framing lines, both of which show the traditional ceremonial break; Vase is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 7.3, Rim Diam = 5.7, Max Diam = 7.2

Catalog Number CAS 0370-0411   CAS 0370-0411; Ashtray
Category Pottery
Object Name Ashtray
Culture Hopi-Tewa
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Navajo
Other Geographic Data Hopi Indian Reservation; First Mesa
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1940s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Round ashtray with flat base, flaring sides, and wide outward-flaring rim; Interior and exterior are scraped smooth and lightly burnished; Design band around flat rim is divided into 4 panels and decorated with 2 black leaf motifs, each of which is repeated twice; Heavy black line encircles lip; Ashtray is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 3.9, Max Diam = 10.5

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0412   CAS 0370-0412; Ladle
Category Carvings; Culinary Items; Tools & Implements
Object Name Ladle
Culture Yup'ik (Yupik) Eskimo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Alaska
County unknown
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1950s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Wood; Stain
Description Ladle carved from single piece of wood; Deep bowl of spoon has rounded base and vertical sides that taper to point at both ends; Short cylindrical handle extends from one end, about 1 cm; Below rim, and terminates in perforated circle; Narrow band around exterior rim of spoon's bowl is marked with shallow cross-cut marks and stained black; Terminal end of handle is also stained black.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 7.5, Width = 12.1, Length = 28.0

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0413   CAS 0370-0413; Bull-roarer
Category Carvings; Ceremonial Items
Object Name Bull-roarer
Culture Rio Grande Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County unknown
Other Geographic Data Northern Rio Grande area
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture 1950s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Wood; Paint; Buckskin thong
Dimensions (cm) Width = 2.8, Thickness = 0.5, Length = 10.3

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0415   CAS 0370-0415; Wood carving (bird)
Category Carvings
Object Name Wood carving (bird)
Culture Rio Grande Pueblo (?)
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County unknown
Other Geographic Data Northern Rio Grande area
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture 1950s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Wood; Buckskin thong
Dimensions (cm) Height = 3.8, Width = 4.1, Length = 6.8
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