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Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1117   CAS 0370-1117; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Santa Clara Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Bernalillo
Other Geographic Data City: Albuquerque (Albuquerque Indian School)
Maker's Name Michael Padilla (b. 1946)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1961
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Water-based paint (poss. latex) on cork board
Description Painting entitled "War Gods" depicting 6 crudely drawn spirit figures standing in line in front of pueblo building with terraced steps leading up to it and ladders leaning against each side of it; Entire scene is painted in black and white against gray background; Not signed by artist.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 43.7, Length = 29.4

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1118   CAS 0370-1118; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture San Ildefonso Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Santa Fe
Other Geographic Data San Ildefonso Pueblo
Maker's Name Joe Aguilar (Jose Vincente Aguilar, Warm Mountain, Sua Peen) (b. 1924)
Date of Manufacture 1949
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Watercolor on watercolor paper
Description Untitled impressionistic painting on white d'arches watercolor paper, depicting two eagle dancers, shown in frontal view with their knees bent and arms outstretched; Both dancers wear kilts, eagle feather "wings" along their arms, and white head cap with protruding beak; Figures are painted very loosely in watercolor wash technique against plain white background; Signature "Warm Mountain '49" is written in blue-green ink in lower right corner; Support paper is embossed "Veritable Paper, D'arches, Torchon" in lower left corner. This painting was selected by Ruth and Charles deYoung Elkus as their annual holiday card, probably in 1950, 1952 or 1953. Joe Aguilar (Jose Vincente Aguilar) is the son of Rosalie Simbola Aguilar and Joe Aguilar [José Angeles Aguilar] and the brother of Florence Aguilar Naranjo and Alfred Aguilar, all of whose works are also represented in the CAS collection.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 56.3, Length = 37.2

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1119   CAS 0370-1119; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Navajo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Apache
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Harrison Begay (Haskay Yahneyah) (1914 or 1917-2012)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1950s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Opaque watercolor on board
Description Painting on white poster board entitled "Twin Fawns Racing Under Rainbow", depicting pair of fawns leaping in front of stylized bush; Arching over them is a protective rainbow Yei, colored half pink and half blue; Background of painting is plain white; Signature "Harrison Begay" is printed in blue-gray paint near lower right corner; Written in pencil on reverse is "Twin Fawn and Rainbow, Twin Fawn Racing Under Rainbow, by Harrison Begay, Navajo Artist." Possibly, this painting was selected by Ruth and Charles deYoung Elkus in 1959 as their annual holiday card, printed by the Grabhorn Press in San Francisco.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 38.1, Length = 31.8

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1120   CAS 0370-1120; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Coconino
Other Geographic Data Hopi Indian Reservation; Village: Moenkopi
Maker's Name James R. Humetewa, Jr. (Soo-We) (b. 1926)
Date of Manufacture 1940
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Opaque watercolor on paper
Description Painting entitled "Two Corn Dancers and One Mudhead" depicting two Avachhoya (Corn) Katsinam, each wearing a black apron-like kilt and red sash and carrying ears of corn; Dancers' bodies are painted with red and turquoise colored circles; The dancers' face masks are incorrectly painted multi colors and are topped by four owl feathers pointing in the cardinal directions; At right is a dancing Koyemsi (Mudhead) Katsina, wearing black kilt and red neckerchief and white bag across his chest and carrying bone resonator and wooden rasp; Signed "J. Humetewa Jr." in lower right corner.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 43.2, Length = 29.1

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1121   CAS 0370-1121; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture San Ildefonso Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Santa Fe
Other Geographic Data San Ildefonso Pueblo
Maker's Name Gilbert Atencio (Wah Peen) (1930-1995)
Date of Manufacture 1964
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Opaque watercolor on paper
Description Painting on tan paper entitled "Time for Dinner" depicting 2 striped skunks crouching in front of basket filled with ears of corn; Corn stalks are shown growing in background and to the sides, while rain cloud motif fills upper left corner and sun motif fills upper right corner; Terraced geometric motif is in lower left corner and signature "Gilbert Atencio 64" is printed in black and red paint in lower right corner; On reverse is handwritten the following in pencil: "Title - Time for Dinner; By - Gilbert Atencio, Rt 1 Box 306, Santa Fe, New Mexico, San Ildefonso Pueblo; Tribe - San Ildefonso Tewa." Gilbert Atencio was the son of Isabel Montoya Atencio, the brother of Helen Gutierrez, and the nephew of sisters Desideria Montoya Sanchez and Maria Martinez, all of whose work is also represented in the CAS collection.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 38.9, Length = 29.0

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1122   CAS 0370-1122; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Navajo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Apache
Other Geographic Data Community: Wide Ruins
Maker's Name Beatien Yazz (Beatian Yazz, Jimmy Toddy) (b. 1928)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1955-1960
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Opaque watercolor on paper
Description Untitled painting on white sketch pad paper depicting Navajo man on brown pinto horse about to spear a buffalo; The shirtless hunter is wearing a leather and silver bow guard and a feathered cap topped with eagle plumes; Man’s hair is bright blue, as are the buffalo's horns, nose, eyes and hoofs; Painting is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 35.3, Length = 42.6

Catalog Number CAS 0370-1123   CAS 0370-1123; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Cochiti Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Sandoval
Other Geographic Data Cochiti Pueblo
Maker's Name Joe H. Herrera (See-Ru) (1923-2001)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1955
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Casein on paper
Description Painting on blue construction paper entitled "Butterfly" depicting single outlined image of stylized butterfly in colors of white, blue, tan, gray, and pink, on a background finely stippled in white and red; "’Butterfly’ by Joe H. Herrera Cochiti Pueblo N. Mex" and original purchase price of $20.00 are written in pencil on reverse.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 32.4, Length = 50.0

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1124   CAS 0370-1124; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Santa Clara Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Rio Arriba
Other Geographic Data Santa Clara Pueblo
Maker's Name Pablita Velarde (Tse Tsan) (1918-2006)
Date of Manufacture 1958
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Opaque watercolor on mat board
Description Painting entitled "Red Birds" depicting 2 stylized birds with long necks and legs whose plumage is predominantly red with black and white geometric markings on wings and tails; Stylized plants are depicted in foreground; Zigzag horizon line is just below center, with yellow terraced formation (mesa or kiva steps) rising toward upper left corner in background; Signature "Pablita Velarde" is printed in lower right corner. Pablita Velarde is the mother of Helen Hardin, whose early paintings are represented in the CAS painting collection, and the sister of Legoria Tafoya, whose pottery is represented in the CAS pottery collection.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 48.4, Length = 38.5

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1125   CAS 0370-1125; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Navajo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Apache
Other Geographic Data Community: Wide Ruins
Maker's Name Beatien Yazz (Beatian Yazz, Jimmy Toddy) (b. 1928)
Date of Manufacture ca. mid 1950s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Watercolor on paper
Description Untitled painting on white paper depicting grizzly bear attacking buffalo atop rounded hill covered with tufts of grass; Bear is shown atop the buffalo's back, sinking its claws into buffalo's shoulder and side of face; Buffalo is standing on its hind legs trying to throw bear off; Buffalo skull is partially shown to the right; Signature "Beatian Yazz" is printed in black ink in lower right corner.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 42.1, Length = 38.0

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1126   CAS 0370-1126; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Navajo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Apache
Other Geographic Data Navajo Indian Reservation; Community: Rough Rock
Maker's Name Andy Tsinajinnie (Yazzie Bahe, Andrew Van Tsihnahjinnie) (1916-2000)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1960
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Casein on mat board
Description Painting on gray mat board entitled "Navajo & Family on Horse Going to a Sing", depicting Navajo man and woman, each on spirited brown horses, riding toward right edge of painting; Man is dressed in high moccasins and buckskin pants and shirt; Woman is dressed in moccasins and woven black dress; Positioned behind woman is baby in cradleboard adorned with silver conchas and secured with tumpline around woman's forehead; Stylized grass in foreground is painted red; Signature "Tsinajinie" is printed in white paint near lower right corner; Title is written in pencil on reverse.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 68.4, Length = 45.5

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1127   CAS 0370-1127; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Santa Clara Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Rio Arriba
Other Geographic Data Santa Clara Pueblo
Maker's Name Helen Hardin (Tsa-Sah-Wee-Eh) (1943-1984)
Date of Manufacture 1961
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Casein on mat board
Description Painting on white mat board entitled "Germination of Sun Katsina and Squash" depicting a squash katsina figure standing by a corn plant and squash plant; Overhead within a circle is a sun katsina figure, whose body is painted red with one shoulder turquoise and one yellow and the sun face encircled by white eagle feathers; Blue, pink, and yellow half-circles surround sun katsina; Signature "Tsa-Sah-Wee-Eh" is printed in lower right corner. Helen Hardin is the daughter of Pablita Velarde, whose paintings are also represented in the CAS painting collection.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 21.0, Length = 27.5

Catalog Number CAS 0370-1128   CAS 0370-1128; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Omaha or Sioux
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Santa Fe
Other Geographic Data City: Santa Fe
Maker's Name Calvin Tyndall (Umpah [Elk]) (died ca. 1970s)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1935-1940
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Opaque watercolor on paper
Description Painting on white watercolor paper entitled "Gourd Song" showing man with his back to the viewer and seated between two upright curved poles with feathered streamers; Man wears plains-style cloth apron with eagle motif, and beaded or quilled wristlets and armlets, and he holds gourd rattle in each hand; He is flanked by 2 men similarly dressed, shown in full frontal pose; 5 additional men, each in red and blue blanket and seated with heads bowed nearly to the ground form a semicircle around central figure; Arched band overhead with feathered streamers frames the scene; Signature "Um Pah" is printed in black ink just below figures; "The Studio U.S. Indian School Santa Fe, New Mexico" is stamped on reverse. This painting was selected by Ruth and Charles deYoung Elkus in 1958 as their annual holiday card, printed by the Grabhorn Press in San Francisco.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 38.4, Length = 56.9

Catalog Number CAS 0370-1129   CAS 0370-1129; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Navajo
Other Geographic Data Hopi Indian Reservation; Second Mesa; Village: Shungopovi
Maker's Name Otis Polelonema (Lomadamosiva) (1902-1981)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1940-1960
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Watercolor on paper
Description Painting entitled "New Bride Woman" depicting solitary figure of Hopi bride, shown standing in full frontal view; Bride is dressed in traditional black pueblo dress, white wedding robe/shawl and white moccasins and is holding in front of her the reed mat or wedding case containing her woven wedding sash; She is painted against a blank background; Signature "Otis Polelonema" is printed in black paint near lower right corner; Title "New Bride Woman" is printed in black ink on reverse.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 30.4, Length = 48.3

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1130   CAS 0370-1130; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Navajo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Santa Fe
Other Geographic Data City: Santa Fe
Maker's Name Keats Begay (1922-1987)
Date of Manufacture 1936
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Opaque watercolor on paper
Description Painting on heavy white paper entitled "Navajo Sandpainting", depicting stylized rendition of Navajo ceremonial sand painting used in both the nightway and featherway chants; Pair of crossed logs each holds pair of Yei (deity) figures at each end with four sacred plants (corn, beans, squash, tobacco); Painting is flanked by two figures of B'ganaskiddy (also known as Hump-backed Yei or God of Plenty) shown here as a guardian figure; Signature "K. Begay 36" is printed in red and blue paint near lower right corner; Handwritten in pencil on reverse is "Navajo Sandpaint by Keats Begay"; "The Studio, U.S. Indian School, Santa Fe, New Mexico" is stamped on reverse.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 55.3, Length = 39.9

Catalog Number CAS 0370-1132   CAS 0370-1132; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Navajo
Other Geographic Data Hopi Indian Reservation; Second Mesa; Village: Shungopovi
Maker's Name Otis Polelonema (Lomadamosiva) (1902-1981)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1930
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Opaque watercolor on paper
Description Untitled painting depicting Ma'alo, the Stick Katsina who appears in Mixed Dances; Standing figure is shown in frontal view, wearing embroidered kilt and dance sash; Case mask is painted half green and half brown with green ruff collar and feathers on top and at sides; Shoulders, forearms, and lower legs are painted blue and yellow; Figure carries rattle and staff; Signature "Otis Polelonema" is printed in lower right corner.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 30.5, Length = 48.4

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1133   CAS 0370-1133; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Santa Clara Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Rio Arriba
Other Geographic Data Santa Clara Pueblo
Maker's Name Pablita Velarde (Tse Tsan) (1918-2006)
Date of Manufacture 1932-1936
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Tempera on paper
Description Painting entitled "Santa Clara Pueblo Corn Dance", depicting four men wearing dance kilts and carrying rattles and four women wearing pueblo-style one-shoulder dresses and tabletas dancing in linear group, all facing the center; Signature "Pablita Velande" (sic) is printed in lower right corner with ghost image of second signature slightly above and to the right. Pablita Velarde is the mother of Helen Hardin, whose early paintings are represented in the CAS painting collection, and the sister of Legoria Tafoya, whose pottery is represented in the CAS pottery collection.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 50.1, Length = 20.7

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1134   CAS 0370-1134; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Santa Clara Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Rio Arriba
Other Geographic Data Santa Clara Pueblo
Maker's Name Eugene Silva (Pa Yo Pin)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1930-1950
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Opaque watercolor on green paper
Description Painting on spruce green construction paper entitled "Mountain Sheep Dance", depicting two mountain sheep dancers flanking a central pine tree; Each dancer wears white kilt, white shirt, and headdress that includes pair of protruding mountain sheep horns; Dancers' faces are painted black and each carries a short staff or cane in each hand; Figures are shown against plain background with no attempt at perspective; Signature "Pa Yo Pin" is printed in white paint near lower right corner; "Eugene Silva, Santa Clara Pue., Espanola, N. Mex., Mountain Sheep Dance" is handwritten on reverse; "The Studio, U.S. Indian School, Santa Fe, New Mexico" is faintly stamped on reverse.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 47.5, Length = 32.5

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1135   CAS 0370-1135; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Navajo
Other Geographic Data Hopi Indian Reservation; Third Mesa; Village: Hotevilla
Maker's Name Harry Sakyesva (b. 1921)
Date of Manufacture 1945
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Opaque watercolor on paper
Description Painting entitled "Eagle Dancer", depicting single figure of eagle katsina dancer, shown in full length, frontal view, posed with his arms/wings outstretched; Dancer wears white kilt and red sash with a turquoise colored head mask with red ears and decorated with green spruce collar and eagle feathers on top; Rows of eagle feathers decorate the dancer's arms and hang from his waist in back; Signature "H. Sakyesva '45" is printed in lower right corner; Title is printed on reverse in lower right corner.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 57.0, Length = 39.1

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1136   CAS 0370-1136; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Navajo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Apache
Other Geographic Data Community: Fort Defiance
Maker's Name Bobby Hicks (b. 1934)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1960
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Casein on watercolor paper
Description Painting entitled "Peyote Dream" depicting a monument valley landscape in very bright colors of green, yellow, orange, blue, and pink and painted in a very contemporary style; Signature "Bobby Hicks" is printed in lower right corner in black paint, outlined in white paint; Painting is mounted in window mat of black illustration board, whose window is outlined in white paint and on whose lower panel is printed the title, "Peyote Dream" in white paint.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 71.5, Length = 56.3

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1137A   CAS 0370-1137A; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Zuni Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County McKinley
Other Geographic Data Zuni Pueblo
Maker's Name Dempsey Chapita (b. 1922)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1935-1939
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials India ink and opaque watercolor on paper
Description Untitled painting on white paper showing multi-colored geometric patterns, including 2 cloud symbols; Painting is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 15.2, Length = 20.3
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