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Catalog Number CAS 0370-1137B   CAS 0370-1137B; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Zuni Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County McKinley
Other Geographic Data Zuni Pueblo
Maker's Name Dempsey Chapita (b. 1922)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1935-1939
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials India ink and opaque watercolor on paper
Description Untitled painting on white paper depicting Zuni Shalako figure in full dress, including moccasins, embroidered kilt and shawl and elongated headdress including blue face mask with horns and eagle plumes; Painting is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 8.0, Length = 14.9

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1137C   CAS 0370-1137C; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Zuni Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County McKinley
Other Geographic Data Zuni Pueblo
Maker's Name Dempsey Chapita (b. 1922)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1935-1939
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials India ink and opaque watercolor on paper
Description Untitled painting on white paper depicting four multi-colored geometric designs, possibly representing clouds; Signature "Dempsey C." is handwritten in pencil on reverse.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 15.2, Length = 20.3

Catalog Number CAS 0370-1137D   CAS 0370-1137D; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Zuni Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County McKinley
Other Geographic Data Zuni Pueblo
Maker's Name Dempsey Chapita (b. 1922)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1935-1939
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials India ink and opaque watercolor on paper
Description Untitled painting on white paper depicting either Hilili Kohanna (the Corn Hilili) who appears in the Hilili dance, performed after the winter solstice ceremonies, or Newekwe Kokothlanna (Big Katsina of the Galaxy Society) who appears only at the initiation into the Newekwe society, a curing society that treats stomach ailments; Figure is dressed in moccasins, embroidered kilt, brown cape, and blue case mask surmounted by 9 eagle plumes and ribbon streamers at sides; He carries yucca whips or swords in each hand; Painting is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 11.0, Length = 18.3

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1138   CAS 0370-1138; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Navajo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County McKinley
Other Geographic Data City: Gallup
Maker's Name Narciso Platero Abeyta (Ha So Deh, Ha So De) (1918-1998)
Date of Manufacture 1939 (revised 1959)
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Opaque watercolor on paper
Description Painting on heavy pink-colored watercolor paper entitled "The Sun Carrier" depicting one of the Navajo warrior twins carrying a shield with a sun face while riding a white horse across a rainbow arch at the base of the painting; Four stylized plants, each painted in one of the four Navajo sacred colors (black, yellow [gold], white, and blue) seem to sprout from the arch; Signature "Ha-So-Deh" printed in yellow paint in lower right corner.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 30.3, Length = 42.0

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1139   CAS 0370-1139; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Navajo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Apache
Other Geographic Data Community: Wide Ruins
Maker's Name Beatien Yazz (Beatian Yazz, Jimmy Toddy) (b. 1928)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1960
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Casein on mat board
Description Painting on green mat board, entitled "The Eclipse", depicting elder Navajo man dressed in gray jeans and green shirt riding brown and gray pinto horse; Man's hair is disheveled and his bent over position suggests exhaustion, as does slow gait of horse; Overhead is image of horned sun, painted in various shades of gray, with gray rays of light extending downward; Stylized landscape line is painted in shades of gray; Signature "Beatian Yazz" (with copyright symbol) is printed in gray paint in lower right corner; Title is written in pencil on reverse in upper left corner; Entire painting is framed by narrow pink line.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 55.7, Length = 71.0

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1140   CAS 0370-1140; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture San Ildefonso Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Santa Fe
Other Geographic Data San Ildefonso Pueblo
Maker's Name Gilbert Atencio (Wah Peen) (1930-1995)
Date of Manufacture 1951
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Opaque watercolor on paper
Description Painting on white paper entitled "The Corn Dance" depicts ceremonial dancers including drummer, standard bearer, 2 female and 2 male dancers, and Koshare clown; All figures except Koshare are shown in right profile; Koshare has body painted in broad gray and white stripes and wears blue breechclout; Male dancers wear moccasins, white embroidered kilts, gray shirts, white rain sashes, and fox skin tails and carry gourd rattles; Barefooted female dancers wear black dresses and wooden tabletas and carry spruce boughs; Standard bearer in green pants and orange shirt carries flag-like standard; Drummer plays barrel drum; Signature "By Gilbert Atencio 51" is printed in black ink in lower right corner. Gilbert Atencio was the son of Isabel Montoya Atencio, the brother of Helen Gutierrez, and the nephew of sisters Desideria Montoya Sanchez and Maria Martinez, all of whose work is also represented in the CAS collection.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 58.3, Length = 41.0

Catalog Number CAS 0370-1141   CAS 0370-1141; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Fort Sill Apache
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Santa Fe
Other Geographic Data City: Santa Fe
Maker's Name Allan C. Houser (Haozous) (1915-1994)
Date of Manufacture 1950
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Casein on paper
Description Untitled painting on gray paper depicting single Apache Gans or Crown Dancer figure shown in full front animated dance pose; Dancer is dressed in high moccasins, fringed buckskin kilt and dark blue cloth mask, crowned by white double barred wooden cross painted with geometric patterns; Figure's upper body is painted dark blue with white markings and long red ribbon with attached feathers trails from each upper arm; Dancer carries wooden sword in each hand; Signature "Allan Houser -50-" is printed in black ink in lower left corner.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 40.8, Length = 62.3

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1142   CAS 0370-1142; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Kiowa
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Oklahoma
County unknown
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Al Momaday (Huan Toa) (1913-1981)
Date of Manufacture 1959
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Casein on mat board
Description Painting on dark blue mat board entitled "Mountain Spirits Dancer," depicting Mescalero Apache Gan or Crown Dancer, shown in right profile, bent at knees and with shoulders thrown back, right arm forward and left arm back; Dancer wears moccasins, fringed buckskin kilt, and black head and face mask with crown of wooden slats; Long red streamers hang from his upper arms and he carries wooden sword in each hand; Teepee is shown in background at right and dancer is backlit by light from orange and yellow flames; Signature "Al Momaday" is printed in white paint near bottom center; "Mountain Spirits Dancer, Mescalero Apache by Al Momaday $75.00" is printed in black ink on reverse. This painting was selected by Ruth and Charles deYoung Elkus in 1960 as their annual holiday card, printed by the Grabhorn Press in San Francisco.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 35.7, Length = 43.2

Catalog Number CAS 0370-1143   CAS 0370-1143; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture San Carlos Apache
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Santa Fe
Other Geographic Data City: Santa Fe
Maker's Name Wilson Dewey (Sundust) (1915-1969)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1960
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Casein on watercolor paper
Description Untitled painting on white watercolor paper depicting single crown dancer shown in full stride in 3/4 left profile; Dancer wears moccasins, brown fringed buckskin kilt, and black cloth head and face mask topped by fan of wooden slats painted with crescent and other geometric symbols; Dancer's upper body is painted black with white markings and long red streams trail from his upper arms; He carries wooden sword in each hand; Signature "Dewey" is printed along dancer's left foot.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 38.0, Length = 56.9

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1144   CAS 0370-1144; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture San Ildefonso Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Santa Fe
Other Geographic Data San Ildefonso Pueblo
Maker's Name Awa Tsireh (Alfonso Roybal) (1898-1955)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1930-1935
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Colored ink and watercolor on paper
Description Untitled painting on white paper depicting two eagle dancers and pair of drummers; Male drummers are shown at right in half profile, each dressed in moccasins, pants, and shirts and each holding pueblo style barrel drum out in front and drumstick in right hand; Dancers are in front of them and are identically dressed in black leggings, leather kilt painted with plumed serpent motif, bundle of eagle feathers tied at their waists, eagle feather "wings" along their arms, and head cap with protruding "beak"; All figures are shown against plain white background with no attempt at perspective; Signature "Awa Tsireh" is handwritten in black ink in lower right corner. Awa Tsireh was the cousin of Margaret Lou Gutierrez, whose work is represented in the CAS pottery collection.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 45.7, Length = 32.5

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1145   CAS 0370-1145; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Navajo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Apache
Other Geographic Data Town: St. Michaels
Maker's Name Robert Chee (1938-1972)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1960
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Casein on mat board
Description Untitled painting on black mat board depicting two young Navajo men riding their horses toward right edge of painting; Lead rider is on gray pinto horse and is dressed in gray jeans and brown shirt and is playing Navajo pottery drum; Second rider is on salmon-colored pinto horse is is dressed in gray jeans and blue shirt; Stylized plants are in foreground; Navajo Yei (deity) figure streaks across sky in background, and small bird in flight arches across sky in upper left quadrant; Signature "Robert Chee" is printed in gray paint in lower right corner.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 76.9, Length = 50.9

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1146   CAS 0370-1146; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Navajo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County San Juan
Other Geographic Data Navajo Indian Reservation; Community: Shiprock
Maker's Name Charles Lee (Charlie Lee, Yel Ha Yah, Hush Ka Yel Ha Ya) (b. 1926)
Date of Manufacture 1950
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Opaque watercolor on buff paper
Description Painting on beige construction paper entitled "Going to a Sing", depicting 4 young Navajo men riding galloping pinto horses; Each man is dressed in jeans, shirt, moccasins, and headband; Monument valley-type rock formations and stylized clouds are in background; Stylized yucca plants are in foreground; Signature "Yel-Ha-Yah '50" is printed in brown paint in lower right corner; Written on reverse is the following: "Title 'Going to a Sing' 4 riders, by Charlie Lee Yel-Ha-Yah '50, Gallup, N. Mex. c/o Perea."
Dimensions (cm) Width = 46.4, Length = 32.4

Catalog Number CAS 0370-1147   CAS 0370-1147; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Cochiti Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Sandoval
Other Geographic Data Cochiti Pueblo
Maker's Name Joe H. Herrera (See-Ru) (1923-2001)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1952-1956
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Casein on paper
Description Painting on white watercolor paper entitled "Petroglyph Allto" (?), depicting petroglyph of masked human face sprouting deer horns, kiva steps, a bird, shield, and other geometric patterns in colors of light gray, several shades of blue, brick red, and dark gray, all on blue-gray background superimposed on gray-brown background made to look like sand; The following is handwritten in pencil on reverse: "Petroglyph ‘Allto’ Joe H. Herrera Cochiti, Commanche (sic) Gap, Galisteo Basin, South of Santa Fe."
Dimensions (cm) Width = 43.1, Length = 56.5

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1148   CAS 0370-1148; Painting
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Painting
Culture Navajo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Apache
Other Geographic Data Navajo Indian Reservation; Community: Rough Rock
Maker's Name Andy Tsinajinnie (Yazzie Bahe, Andrew Van Tsihnahjinnie) (1916-2000)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1953-1955
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials White opaque watercolor on black board
Description Untitled painting on black mat board showing a Navajo woman standing aboard a wagon being pulled by a pair of donkeys; Loaded on the rear of the wagon is a large wooden water barrel; Entire scene is painted in white paint against plain black background; Signature "Tsinajinie" is printed in white paint near lower right corner.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 50.4, Length = 38.2

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1150   CAS 0370-1150; Engraving
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Engraving
Culture South Baffin Inuit
Global Region North America
Country Canada
State/Prov./Dist. Nunavut
Other Geographic Data Baffin Island, Cape Dorset
Maker's Name Eliyah (Elijah)
Date of Manufacture 1966
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Ink on paper
Description Engraving on white paper entitled "Bird With Nest" depicting stylized eagle printed in brown and black standing next to a triangular nest containing 3 eggs, all against plain white background; "Bird With Nest, 15/50, Dorset, 1966, Eliyah" is handwritten in pencil below image, along with undetermined word in Inuit characters; Embossed chop mark of printer appears in lower right border.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 31.2, Length = 25.3

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1151   CAS 0370-1151; Engraving
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Engraving
Culture South Baffin Inuit
Global Region North America
Country Canada
State/Prov./Dist. Nunavut
Other Geographic Data Baffin Island, Cape Dorset
Maker's Name Jamasie
Date of Manufacture 1966
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Ink on paper
Description Engraving on white paper entitled "Family Portrait" showing young Eskimo girl dressed in hooded parka, pants, and mukluks, flanked by her mother on her right (similarly dressed) and her father on her left (dressed in plain parka, pants, and mukluks); Figures are printed in black against plain background; Girl and father are shown in full frontal pose while mother is in 3/4 right profile; "Family portrait, Dorset, 1966, 15/50, Jamasie" is handwritten in pencil below image; Embossed chop mark of printer appears in lower right border.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 33.0, Length = 25.2

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1152   CAS 0370-1152; Stone cut print
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Stone cut print
Culture South Baffin Inuit
Global Region North America
Country Canada
State/Prov./Dist. Nunavut
Other Geographic Data Baffin Island, Cape Dorset
Maker's Name Kiakshuk (Kiaksuk) (1886-1966)
Date of Manufacture 1964
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Ink on paper
Description Stone cut print on white paper entitled "Man and Seal" depicting Eskimo man dressed in parka, pants, and mukluk, standing poised with spear in one hand next to seal which he either has just killed or is about to kill; Man is printed in black ink and seal is printed in gray ink; "47/50, Man and Seal. Stone cut, Kiakshuk, 1964" is handwritten in pencil below image; Chop marks of artist and of artists' co-op (Canadian Eskimo Art) are printed in black and red ink above and to left of image; Embossed chop mark of printer appears in lower right corner.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 43.5, Length = 31.2

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1153   CAS 0370-1153; Engraving
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Engraving
Culture South Baffin Inuit
Global Region North America
Country Canada
State/Prov./Dist. Nunavut
Other Geographic Data Baffin Island, Cape Dorset
Maker's Name Kenojuak Ashevak (Kenoyuak) (1927-2013)
Date of Manufacture 1964
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Ink on paper
Description Engraving on white paper entitled "Wonderful Bird", depicting stylized image of bird in standing position preening one of its large tail feathers; The bird sports equally large feathers on the top of its head; Image is printed in black; "35/50. Wonderful Bird, Kenojuak, 1964" is handwritten in pencil beneath image; Embossed chop mark of printer appears in lower right border.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 45.1, Length = 30.3

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1154   CAS 0370-1154; Stone cut print
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Stone cut print
Culture South Baffin Inuit
Global Region North America
Country Canada
State/Prov./Dist. Nunavut
Other Geographic Data Baffin Island, Cape Dorset
Maker's Name Eejyvudluk (Eegyvudluk, Eejyudluk) (1920-1993)
Date of Manufacture 1960
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Ink on paper
Description Stone cut print on white paper entitled "The Fisherman" depicting man dressed in parka, pants, and mukluks and carrying small ice fishing pole in left hand and single fish in right hand; Image is printed in black ink; "The Fisherman, Stone cut, 22/50, Cape Dorset, '60, Eejyvudluk" is handwritten in pencil below image; Chop marks of artist and of artists' co-op (Canadian Eskimo Art) are printed in red and black ink to right of image.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 31.7, Length = 30.3

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-1155   CAS 0370-1155; Stone cut print
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Stone cut print
Culture Eskimo
Global Region North America
Country Canada
State/Prov./Dist. Quebec
Other Geographic Data Povungnituk
Maker's Name Mikpiga
Date of Manufacture 1962
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Ink on paper
Description Stone cut print on white paper with undetermined title depicting two running caribou rendered in the style of cave paintings and printed in black ink; "21/25, 1962" are hand printed in pencil below image along with additional information in Inuit characters; Embossed chop mark of printer appears in lower right corner.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 40.2, Length = 29.6
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