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Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0062   CAS 0370-0062; Drum stick
Category Musical Instruments
Object Name Drum stick
Culture Rio Grande Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County unknown
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1930-1950
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Wood; Buckskin
Description Drumstick made from short length of peeled stick of which one end is wrapped with large quantity of cotton batting and then covered with larger piece of buckskin, whose bottom edge is secured by several twists of cotton string and then several twists of buckskin lacing; Additional buckskin lace is wrapped around proximal end of handle as decorative fringe or to serve as carrying strap.
Dimensions (cm) Max Diam = 5.4, Length = 29.2

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0063   CAS 0370-0063; Drum stick
Category Musical Instruments
Object Name Drum stick
Culture Rio Grande Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County unknown
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1930-1950
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Wood; Cotton batting; Buckskin; Cotton string
Description Drumstick made from short length of stick whose back has been removed from the upper 2/3s of its length; Distal end of stick is wrapped in large quantity of cotton batting and then covered with piece of buckskin that is sewn together from two smaller pieces and secured around lower edge with several wraps of cotton string; Bottom edge of buckskin covering is fringed.
Dimensions (cm) Max Diam = 5.1, Length = 29.9

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0064   CAS 0370-0064; Drum stick
Category Musical Instruments
Object Name Drum stick
Culture Rio Grande Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County unknown
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1930-1950
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Wood; Commercial fabric; Buckskin
Description Drumstick made from cylindrical carved stick whose distal end is slightly tapered and wrapped with quantity of commercial fabric and covered with piece of buckskin which is gathered together and held in place around bottom with buckskin lace; Shallow groove is carved around proximal end of handle and entire length of handle is stained dark color.
Dimensions (cm) Max Diam = 3.7, Length = 30.3

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0065   CAS 0370-0065; Drum stick
Category Musical Instruments
Object Name Drum stick
Culture Rio Grande Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County unknown
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1930-1950
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Wood; Leather (hide)
Description Drumstick made from crudely carved cylindrical stick whose distal end is slightly tapered and wrapped with piece of tanned skin (hair turned inside) whose lower ends are gathered and held in place with buckskin lace; Length of handle is stained reddish brown color.
Dimensions (cm) Max Diam = 3.3, Length = 21.0

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0407   CAS 0370-0407; Ashtray
Category Pottery
Object Name Ashtray
Culture Cochiti Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Sandoval
Other Geographic Data Cochiti Pueblo
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1950s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Ashtray in the form of a beehive-shaped pueblo-style outdoor bread oven, mounted on flat oval disc; Exterior of oven and surrounding disc are covered with white slip; Exterior of oven is painted with band of terraced triangles around its base and a cloud motif over its open door; Floor of oven is covered with reddish slip; Small saddle-like device is positioned in front of oven to support cigarette; Ashtray is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 5.7, Max Diam = 9.1

Catalog Number CAS 0370-0411   CAS 0370-0411; Ashtray
Category Pottery
Object Name Ashtray
Culture Hopi-Tewa
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Navajo
Other Geographic Data Hopi Indian Reservation; First Mesa
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1940s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Round ashtray with flat base, flaring sides, and wide outward-flaring rim; Interior and exterior are scraped smooth and lightly burnished; Design band around flat rim is divided into 4 panels and decorated with 2 black leaf motifs, each of which is repeated twice; Heavy black line encircles lip; Ashtray is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 3.9, Max Diam = 10.5

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0100   CAS 0370-0100; Ashtray
Category Pottery
Object Name Ashtray
Culture Hopi-Tewa
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Navajo
Other Geographic Data Hopi Indian Reservation; First Mesa; Village: Hano
Maker's Name Sadie Adams (1905-1995)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1950s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Round ashtray with flat base, flaring sides, and wide flat rim with pair of wide, U-shaped depressions for holding the cigarettes; Interior and exterior are scraped smooth and lightly burnished; Band around rim is painted with black geometric motif, repeated on either side of the depressions; Floral signature of Sadie Adams is painted in black on the base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 3.5, Max Diam = 14.3

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0237   CAS 0370-0237; Ashtray
Category Pottery
Object Name Ashtray
Culture Santa Clara Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Rio Arriba
Other Geographic Data Santa Clara Pueblo
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1940s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Effigy ashtray consisting of a truncated triangular dish with flat base and very low sides on its two long sides; Truncated end of dish is open; Modeled figurine of a standing dog is positioned along the opposite end of the dish; Dog's body is stylized, with it its paired front and back legs joined imperceptibly to the body; Modeled head includes ears and muzzle and 2 punctate holes represent the eyes; All surfaces are scraped smooth and highly burnished; Ashtray is reduction fired to glossy black color and is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 7.0, Width = 8.9, Length = 12.6

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0273   CAS 0370-0273; Ashtray
Category Pottery
Object Name Ashtray
Culture Santa Clara Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Rio Arriba
Other Geographic Data Santa Clara Pueblo
Maker's Name Dolorita Tafoya Gutierrez (1923-1995)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1940s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Round ashtray with flat base and flaring sides; Interior walls are steep-sided, then turn and slope outward gradually to rim, forming a wide lip; Interior and exterior are scraped smooth, coated with red slip, and are well burnished, except for base; Design field along interior lip is divided into 3 panels, each filled with the same motif which includes a diagonal band of stacked tan triangles, a negative red diamond within a larger gray triangle, and a other filler units, all outlined in white and bordered by narrow white framing lines above and below; Signature “Dolorita” and "Santa Clara" are written on base in pencil, but both are barely legible.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 3.3, Max Diam = 11.2

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0472   CAS 0370-0472; Ashtray
Category Pottery
Object Name Ashtray
Culture Santa Clara Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Rio Arriba
Other Geographic Data Santa Clara Pueblo
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1930-1960
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Shallow round ashtray with flat base and flaring sides; Interior and exterior are scraped smooth, coated with red slip, and well burnished, but otherwise undecorated; Lightly incised signature on base possibly begins with letter "C," but is too heavily damaged to be legible.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 2.4, Max Diam = 9.5

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0363   CAS 0370-0363; Ashtray
Category Pottery
Object Name Ashtray
Culture Santa Clara Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Rio Arriba
Other Geographic Data Santa Clara Pueblo
Maker's Name Minnie Vigil (b. 1931)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1930-1950
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay; Natural pigments
Description Round ashtray with flat base and flaring sides and deep central concavity with wide, flaring interior rim; Interior and exterior surfaces are scraped smooth, coated with a rust-red slip and highly burnished; Band of contiguous triangles (gray, tan, and peach color and outlined in white) encircles interior rim; White V-shape fills open space between adjacent triangles; Signature "Minnie Sta. Clara" is written in script in pencil on base, along with original purchase price of $1.50. Minnie Vigil is the daughter of Petra Gutierrez, the sister of Lois Gutierrez de la Cruz, and the sister-in-law of Derek de la Cruz, all of whose works are also represented in the CAS pottery collection.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 3.3, Max Diam = 10.8

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0385   CAS 0370-0385; Ashtray
Category Pottery
Object Name Ashtray
Culture Santa Clara Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Rio Arriba
Other Geographic Data Santa Clara Pueblo
Maker's Name Legoria Tafoya (1911-1984)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1940s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay; Slip
Description Oval shaped ashtray with wide flat base and shallow, flaring sides; Pedestal positioned on rim at one end supports concave platform for resting cigar or smoking pipe; Interior and exterior are scraped smooth and are well burnished; Geometric design including panels of triangles, series of parallel lines, and line of dots is painted in dark gray on interior of ashtray; Cigar cradle is painted with series of semicircles around its perimeter; Ashtray is reduction fired to black-on-black color; Signature "Legoria Sta. Clara Pueblo" is lightly incised in script on base. Legoria Tafoya is the mother of Celes Tafoya and the sister of Pablita Velarde, whose pottery, and pottery and paintings, respectively, are represented in the CAS collections.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 5.1, Width = 11.2, Length = 19.0

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0122   CAS 0370-0122; Bowl
Category Pottery
Object Name Bowl
Culture Acoma Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Cibola
Other Geographic Data Acoma Pueblo
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1920-1940
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Deep round bowl with flat base and rounded sides that curve inward very slightly at the rim; Interior and exterior are scraped smooth and slipped white, except for exterior base which is slipped orange; Exterior design includes elaborate black and white multi-zigzag line that includes positive, negative and hachured units; Intervening spaces are filled in with black and white floral units; Heavy black line encircles lip; Bowl is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 14.5, Rim Diam = 21.5, Max Diam = 23.6

Catalog Number CAS 0370-0269   CAS 0370-0269; Bowl
Category Pottery
Object Name Bowl
Culture Cochiti Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Sandoval
Other Geographic Data Cochiti Pueblo
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1920-1930
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Round bowl with flat base and rounded, flaring sides; Interior and exterior surfaces are scraped smooth; Interior and wide band around upper exterior are covered with white slip, while narrow band around interior rim and lower body on exterior are covered with red slip; Black design on interior consists of central floral motif with 4 radiating corn-like plants; Exterior design band includes budding floral motifs, alternately pendant from upper and lower paired framing lines; Bowl is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 7.8, Max Diam = 20.6

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0166   CAS 0370-0166; Bowl
Category Pottery
Object Name Bowl
Culture Cochiti Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Sandoval
Other Geographic Data Cochiti Pueblo
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1950s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Round bowl with flat base, flaring sides, and 2 effigy handles on sides; Interior and exterior are scraped smooth and slipped white, except for exterior underbody which is slipped red; Black designs on interior include band of contiguous triangles below rim and concentric geometric bands in center; Exterior design includes band of cloud motifs pendant from encircling line just below rim and band of small contiguous triangles pendant from encircling line on lower body; All encircling lines and design bands on interior and exterior include the traditional break in the design; Lines and dots decorate each effigy handle; Bowl is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 8.5, Width = 25.4, Rim Diam = 20.4, Max Diam = 21.5

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0025   CAS 0370-0025; Bowl
Category Pottery
Object Name Bowl
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Pinal
Other Geographic Data City: Scottsdale
Maker's Name Charles Loloma (1921-1991) and Otellie Pasivaya Loloma (1922-1993)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1950
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Low and squat wheel-thrown round bowl with flat base, flaring sides and wide shoulder that curves inward to narrow diameter mouth; Interior and exterior are scraped smooth; Interior is covered with thick, white glaze; Upper half of exterior is covered with pale yellow matte glaze and painted with band of contiguous black triangles around rim and similar band just below shoulder; Small opposing, terraced triangles that are pendant from the rim or shoulder bands are positioned around the neck, forming a repetitive, negative design motif; Bowl is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 6.4, Rim Diam = 10.0, Max Diam = 17.4

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0432   CAS 0370-0432; Bowl
Category Pottery
Object Name Bowl
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Pinal
Other Geographic Data City: Scottsdale
Maker's Name Charles Loloma (1921-1991)
Date of Manufacture 1953
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Round stoneware, wheel-thrown bowl with flat base and flaring sides; Interior and upper half of exterior is covered with a dark brown glaze; Narrow zigzag band is incised on the exterior glazed band; Walls of bowl are fairly thin; Signature "Charles Loloma 53" is incised on base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 6.7, Max Diam = 16.4

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0435   CAS 0370-0435; Bowl
Category Pottery
Object Name Bowl
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Pinal
Other Geographic Data City: Scottsdale
Maker's Name Charles Loloma (1921-1991)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1955
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Round, wheel-thrown stoneware bowl with flat base and flaring sides with pronounced keel just above midlevel; Sides curve inward slightly toward rim; Exterior is incised with series of vertical lines extending from base to just below rim; Spaces between adjacent incised lines are filled with incised dots; Interior and upper exterior are coated with a green-brown glaze; Signature "Loloma" is incised on base in stylized printed letters.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 13.9, Rim Diam = 17.5, Max Diam = 18.8

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0439   CAS 0370-0439; Bowl
Category Pottery
Object Name Bowl
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Pinal
Other Geographic Data City: Scottsdale
Maker's Name Charles Loloma (1921-1991)
Date of Manufacture 1953
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Round stoneware, wheel-thrown bowl with flat base and flaring sides that rise vertically near rim; Interior is glazed brown; Exterior is unslipped or unglazed and is incised with band of 9 seated Hopi maidens, each with squash blossom hair style and each wearing a single-shoulder dress; Signature "Charles Loloma, 1953" is incised on base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 9.7, Rim Diam = 14.0, Max Diam = 14.5

Catalog Number CAS 0370-0330   CAS 0370-0330; Bowl
Category Pottery
Object Name Bowl
Culture Hopi-Tewa
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Navajo
Other Geographic Data Hopi Indian Reservation; First Mesa; Village: Hano
Maker's Name Sadie Adams (1905-1995)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1940-1960
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay; Organic pigments
Description Round bowl with flat base, flaring sides, and inverted rim; Exterior is highly burnished; Interior is lightly burnished; Interior design includes large parrot motif in center and band with feather motifs around half of bowl on upper sides; Exterior design consists of 2 band segments with feather motifs, each encircling approx. 1/3 of bowl below rim; Sadie Adams' floral signature is painted on base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 10.5, Rim Diam = 27.5, Max Diam = 30.8
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