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Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0037   CAS 0370-0037; Jar
Category Pottery; Vessels
Object Name Jar
Culture Hopi-Tewa
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Navajo
Other Geographic Data Hopi Indian Reservation; First Mesa
Maker's Name Fannie Polacca Nampeyo (ca. 1900-1987)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1940-1960
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay; Organic pigments
Description Round jar with flat base, flaring lower sides, high shoulder, and short neck; Rim form is slightly everted with rounded lip; Interior and exterior are scraped smooth; Exterior is burnished; Interior of rim and rectangular area around mouth are painted red; 4 painted black bat wing patterns are pendant from red rectangular area that encircles and overlaps rim; Overall design is framed below by wide black line; Signature "Fannie Nampeyo" is painted in black block letters on base. Fannie Polacca Nampeyo was the daughter of Nampeyo, the mother of Elva Nampeyo, Tonita Hamilton and Iris Youvella Nampeyo, the aunt of Rachel Namingha Nampeyo, and the grandmother of Adelle Lalo Nampeyo, Carla Claw Nampeyo and Wallace Youvella, Jr., all of whose works are also represented in the CAS pottery collection.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 11.8, Rim Diam = 9.3, Max Diam = 16.8

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0119   CAS 0370-0119; Jar
Category Pottery; Vessels
Object Name Jar
Culture Kewa Pueblo (Santo Domingo Pueblo)
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Sandoval
Other Geographic Data Kewa Pueblo (Santo Domingo Pueblo)
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1900-1930
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Round water jar with concave base, flaring sides, high shoulder, wide constricted neck, wide mouth, and flaring rim; Interior rim and exterior surfaces are scraped smooth; Interior of rim and exterior underbody are slipped orange; Upper body on exterior is slipped white; Floral motif in design band around neck is repeated 3 times; Second band around shoulder repeats a floral and geometric motif twice; Third band around lower body contains continuous row of black triangles that are alternately pendant above or below center line; Adjacent design bands are separated by paired framing lines, all of which include traditional ceremonial break in the design; Jar is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 23.4, Rim Diam = 20.8, Max Diam = 28.9

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0116   CAS 0370-0116; Jar
Category Pottery; Vessels
Object Name Jar
Culture Kewa Pueblo (Santo Domingo Pueblo)
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Sandoval
Other Geographic Data Kewa Pueblo (Santo Domingo Pueblo)
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1920-1940
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Round water jar with slightly concave base, flaring sides, high and well defined shoulder, and a short but very wide constricted neck with slightly flared rim; Interior and exterior are scraped smooth; Interior is slipped red; Exterior base and lower body are slipped orange; Remainder of exterior is slipped white and painted with black triangular shapes arranged in three bands -- two opposing bands around the shoulder and one around the lower body; Jar is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 17.7, Rim Diam = 12.5, Max Diam = 18.2

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0098   CAS 0370-0098; Jar
Category Pottery; Vessels
Object Name Jar
Culture Kewa Pueblo (Santo Domingo Pueblo)
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Sandoval
Other Geographic Data Kewa Pueblo (Santo Domingo Pueblo)
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1900-1930
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay; Natural pigments
Description Round water jar with concave base, rounded flaring sides, high shoulder, and short neck with wide mouth and everted rim; Interior and exterior surfaces are scraped smooth; Interior of rim and exterior underbody are slipped red; Upper and lower body on exterior are slipped a cream color; Black designs on exterior include 2 free-floating tri-lobed leaf patterns alternating with 2 open umbrella-like shapes, with paired upper and lower framing lines; Solid black line encircles lip; Jar is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 24.7, Rim Diam = 20.1, Max Diam = 28.3

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0133   CAS 0370-0133; Jar
Category Pottery; Vessels
Object Name Jar
Culture Laguna Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Cibola
Other Geographic Data Laguna Pueblo
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1900-1925
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Round jar with flat base, rounded sides, and wide constricted neck with fluted rim; Interior and exterior are scraped smooth; Interior and exterior underbody are slipped orange; Remaining exterior is slipped white; White-slipped area is painted with row of contiguous orange semicircles (clouds?) along lower edge with black leaf-like motif positioned vertically above each semicircle, alternating with orange crescent arch enclosing a black "X" motif, all on white background; Jar is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 18.0, Rim Diam = 19.2, Max Diam = 22.5

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0346   CAS 0370-0346; Jar
Category Pottery; Vessels
Object Name Jar
Culture Mogollon (?)
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County unknown
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture Prehistoric
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Round jar with flat base, globose body, tall cylindrical neck and slightly flared rim; Clay body has high mica or pyrite content; Interior and exterior are scraped smooth but are undecorated.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 15.6, Rim Diam = 9.1, Max Diam = 14.0

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0429   CAS 0370-0429; Jar
Category Pottery; Vessels
Object Name Jar
Culture Mohave
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. California, Arizona
County San Bernardino, CA, Mohave, AZ
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1890-1910
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Micaceous clay; Sandstone temper; Glass beads; Cotton thread
Description Round effigy jar with four spouts on sides, a footed base, and a modeled human head at the top; Exterior surfaces are scraped smooth and painted with all-over network of 3 parallel and intersecting lines (fish bone pattern) with red dots in intervening spaces; Foot, neck, rims of spouts are also painted red; Modeled effigy head is painted with red designs on cheeks, jowls and brow; Three strands of seed beads in alternating bands of blue and white are wrapped around effigy's neck.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 18.7, Max Diam = 19.6

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0427   CAS 0370-0427; Jar
Category Pottery; Vessels
Object Name Jar
Culture Mohave or Diegueño
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. California
County San Diego
Other Geographic Data Santa Ysabel Reservation
Maker's Name Mrs. Jose M. Osuna (b. ca. 1876)
Date of Manufacture 1934
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Micaceous clay
Description Round jar with rounded base and sides, and inward tapering shoulder that rises to form short, straight neck with wide mouth; Interior surfaces are very rough; Exterior surfaces are scraped smooth but otherwise undecorated; Several gray to black fire clouds mark the otherwise buff-color of the vessel.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 20.6, Rim Diam = 10.1, Max Diam = 19.8

Catalog Number CAS 0370-0320   CAS 0370-0320; Jar
Category Pottery; Vessels
Object Name Jar
Culture Navajo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona, New Mexico
Other Geographic Data Navajo Indian Reservation
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1940s to 1950s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay; Piñon pine (Pinus edulis) pitch
Description Tall cylindrical jar with narrow flat base, rounded lower body, and constricted midsection; Tall flaring neck rises to a wide mouth; Both the interior and exterior surfaces are scraped smooth; Appliquéd clay zigzag fillet with incised rope-like design encircles exterior of jar just below rim; Jar is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 23.0, Rim Diam = 13.3, Max Diam = 14.0

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0327   CAS 0370-0327; Jar
Category Pottery; Vessels
Object Name Jar
Culture Navajo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Apache
Other Geographic Data Navajo Indian Reservation
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1930-1950
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay; Piñon pine (Pinus edulis) pitch
Description Tall, cylindrical jar with flat base and vertical sides that rise to a wide mouth; Interior and exterior surfaces are scraped smooth; Edge of rim is incised with short diagonal lines; Appliquéd clay zigzag fillet encircles exterior of jar just below rim and is decorated with continuous line of small round punctations; Interior and exterior of jar are coated with piñon pine pitch; Color is dark brown; Jar is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 20.1, Rim Diam = 13.8, Max Diam = 14.2

Catalog Number CAS 0370-0110   CAS 0370-0110; Jar
Category Pottery; Vessels
Object Name Jar
Culture Ohkay Owingeh (San Juan Pueblo)
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Rio Arriba
Other Geographic Data Okhay Owingeh (San Juan Pueblo)
Maker's Name Crucita Trujillo (1886-1969)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1930-1940
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Micaceous clay
Description Large round jar with flat base, flaring sides, a high and well-defined shoulder, and a very short neck with wide mouth; Exterior and interior only of neck are scraped smooth and lightly polished; Incised zigzag line around shoulder forms two bands of triangles with each row marked by hatching lines running in different directions; Parallel band encircling lower edge of shoulder is marked by parallel diagonally incised lines; Signature "Crucita Trujilla San Juan" is written in pencil on base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 19.6, Rim Diam = 12.7, Max Diam = 26.0

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0114   CAS 0370-0114; Jar
Category Pottery; Vessels
Object Name Jar
Culture Ohkay Owingeh (San Juan Pueblo)
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Rio Arriba
Other Geographic Data Okhay Owingeh (San Juan Pueblo)
Maker's Name Luteria Atencio (b. ca. 1910)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1957
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Micaceous clay
Description Tall round jar with flat narrow base, rounded sides, very high shoulder and short neck with wide mouth and straight rim; Interior and exterior surfaces are scraped smooth; Interior and exterior of rim and exterior lower body are highly burnished; Wide design band on exterior extending from neck down to midlevel height is divided into 3 horizontal bands of 10 panels each; Panels are alternately decorated with incised designs of parallel diagonal lines and nested V-shapes; Upper and lower bands are similar; Incised designs have been covered with micaceous slip; Signature "Luteria Atencio San Juan Pueblo" is printed in ink on base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 26.6, Rim Diam = 13.4, Max Diam = 22.7

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0475   CAS 0370-0475; Jar
Category Pottery; Vessels
Object Name Jar
Culture Ohkay Owingeh (San Juan Pueblo)
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Rio Arriba
Other Geographic Data Okhay Owingeh (San Juan Pueblo)
Maker's Name Luberta Garcia
Date of Manufacture ca. 1940-1960
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Small round jar with flat base, flaring sides on lower body, well defined midlevel shoulder, and wide inward sloping neck; Interior and exterior are scraped smooth; Exterior is coated with red slip and highly burnished, except for base, but is otherwise undecorated; Signature "Luberta Garcia" is written in ink on base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 5.0, Rim Diam = 4.2, Max Diam = 7.9

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0339   CAS 0370-0339; Jar
Category Pottery; Vessels
Object Name Jar
Culture Ohkay Owingeh (San Juan Pueblo)
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Rio Arriba
Other Geographic Data Okhay Owingeh (San Juan Pueblo)
Maker's Name Luberta Garcia
Date of Manufacture ca. 1930-1950
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Small round jar with flat base, flaring sides on underbody, well defined midlevel shoulder, and wide inward sloping neck; Interior and exterior are scraped smooth; Exterior is coated with red slip and highly burnished, except for base; Signature "Luberta Garcia" is written in ink on base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 4.3, Rim Diam = 4.0, Max Diam = 7.4

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0305   CAS 0370-0305; Jar
Category Pottery; Vessels
Object Name Jar
Culture Ohkay Owingeh (San Juan Pueblo) or Santa Clara Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Rio Arriba
Other Geographic Data Okhay Owingeh (San Juan Pueblo)
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1890-1910
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay
Description Round jar with flat base, sides that flare out and upward and then curve inward abruptly forming flat shoulder, and very wide mouth; Interior and exterior surfaces are minimally scraped smooth; Exterior rim is encircled by a wide and very shallow concave band; Band of large concave circles arranged in 6 groups of 3 circles each encircles the edge of the shoulder; Interior and exterior of jar are reduction fired to black color; Jar is unsigned. [Both Joe Ben Wheat (former curator at University of Colorado Museum) and Jerry Brody (former Director of Maxwell Museum, University of New Mexico) looked at this jar in 1981 and identified it as Santa Clara Pueblo rather than Okhay Owingeh.]
Dimensions (cm) Height = 15.5, Rim Diam = 19.0, Max Diam = 26.6

Catalog Number CAS 0370-0283   CAS 0370-0283; Jar
Category Pottery; Vessels
Object Name Jar
Culture Pee-Posh (Maricopa)
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Maricopa
Other Geographic Data Gila River Indian Reservation, Maricopa Colony
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1940s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay; Organic pigment
Description Cylindrical jar with flat base, rounded lower body and constricted neck with everted, scalloped rim; Interior and exterior are scraped smooth; Exterior and interior of rim are covered with red slip and burnished; Black painted designs on exterior consist of two bands of solid triangles pendant from encircling lines, one around neck and one at midlevel height; Triangles on lower band have open circles at their apexes and those in upper band have U-shaped hooks; Solid black line outlines jar's lip; Jar is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 11.8, Rim Diam = 10.6, Max Diam = 11.5

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0277   CAS 0370-0277; Jar
Category Pottery; Vessels
Object Name Jar
Culture Pee-Posh (Maricopa)
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Maricopa
Other Geographic Data Gila River Indian Reservation, Maricopa Colony
Maker's Name Unknown
Date of Manufacture ca. 1895-1910
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay; Organic pigment
Description Deep, round jar with flat base, rounded sides, slightly everted rim, and wide mouth; Interior and exterior surfaces are scraped smooth; Exterior is covered with buff-colored slip and burnished; Painted black geometric design on exterior includes scrolls, curved and straight lines, and diamonds; Band of small black triangles with attached scrolls encircles interior rim; Jar is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 11.4, Rim Diam = 12.0, Max Diam = 13.4

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0200   CAS 0370-0200; Jar
Category Pottery; Vessels
Object Name Jar
Culture Pee-Posh (Maricopa)
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Maricopa
Other Geographic Data Gila River Indian Reservation, Maricopa Colony
Maker's Name Mary Juan (ca. 1896-ca. 1981) (attributed)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1940-1955
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay; Organic pigment
Description Miniature round jar with flat base; Rounded lower body; High shoulder, and wide constricted neck with flaring rim; Interior and exterior are scraped smooth; Interior of neck and entire exterior are coated with red slip and highly polished; Black painted designs on exterior include rectilinear fret around neck (between narrow upper and lower framing lines), with a narrow squiggly line below it, and a band of solid, contiguous triangles just below the shoulder; Solid black line outlines rim; Jar is unsigned.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 5.5, Rim Diam = 3.8, Max Diam = 5.9

Catalog Number

CAS 0370-0345   CAS 0370-0345; Jar
Category Pottery; Vessels
Object Name Jar
Culture Pee-Posh (Maricopa)
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Maricopa
Other Geographic Data Gila River Indian Reservation, Maricopa Colony
Maker's Name Mary Juan (ca. 1896-ca. 1981)
Date of Manufacture 1933
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay; Organic pigment
Description Round jar with flat base, rounded sides on lower body rising to midlevel height shoulder, then forming wide but short and constricted neck with slightly everted rim and wide mouth; Interior and exterior are scraped smooth; Interior of rim and upper half of exterior are covered with red slip and burnished; Lower half of exterior is covered with buff-colored slip; Black painted designs include band of solid black triangles encircling neck and similar band encircling shoulder; Rectilinear fret, straight line and squiggly lines encircle jar above or below bands of triangles; Solid black line outlines lip; Signature "Mary Juan" is painted in script on base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 12.6, Rim Diam = 8.8, Max Diam = 14.3

Catalog Number CAS 0370-0373   CAS 0370-0373; Jar
Category Pottery; Vessels
Object Name Jar
Culture Pee-Posh (Maricopa)
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Maricopa
Other Geographic Data Gila River Indian Reservation, Maricopa Colony
Maker's Name Mary Juan (ca. 1896-ca. 1981)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1950s
Collection Name Elkus Collection (Native American)
Materials Clay; Organic pigment
Description Miniature round jar with slightly concave base, rounded lower body, very high shoulder, and short constricted neck with flaring rim; Interior and exterior are scraped smooth; Interior of neck and entire exterior are coated with red slip and highly polished; Black painted designs on exterior include a narrow squiggly line around the upper shoulder (between narrow upper and lower framing lines), a band of solid black triangles evenly spaced and pendant from the lower framing line, and a negative zigzag line below the band of triangles; Solid black line outlines rim; Signature "Mary Juan" is written in script on base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 5.5, Rim Diam = 4.4, Max Diam = 5.8
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