Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

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Category ObjName CollectionName CatNums Culture GlobalRegion Country 
Basketry  Winnowing basket  Elkus  CAS 0370-0771  Paiute  North America  USA  Details 
Basketry; Folk Toys  Effigy basket and doll  Elkus  CAS 0370-0069  Coushatta  North America  USA  Details 
Basketry; Vessels  Basket water jar  Elkus  CAS 0370-0781  Paiute  North America  USA  Details 
Basketry; Vessels  Basket water jar  Elkus  CAS 0370-0832  Paiute  North America  USA  Details 
Basketry; Vessels  Basket water jar  Elkus  CAS 0370-0829  Paiute, Shoshone  North America  USA  Details 
Basketry; Vessels  Basket water jar  Elkus  CAS 0370-0056  Western Apache  North America  USA  Details 
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