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Catalog Number CAS 2016-0007-0020   CAS 2016-0007-0020; Katsina
Category Carvings
Object Name Katsina
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Buddy Dukepwa
Date of Manufacture 1986
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Paint; Leather; Glue
Description Guard Katsina with black mask, large red ears, and carved feathers on top of head; Eyes are painted white diamonds; Mouth is a gaping red rectangle with sharp white painted teeth; Figure is holding a bow in the right hand and a throwing stick in the left; Both weapons are painted with turquoise and black designs; A leather kilt and cape are worn; The left side of the body is painted in horizontal black and white clown stripes; Signed “Buddy Dukepwa ‘Hopi’ ‘86’” on base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 21.7, Width = 11.0, Length = 12.3

Catalog Number CAS 2016-0007-0021   CAS 2016-0007-0021; Katsina
Category Carvings
Object Name Katsina
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name M. Symptewa
Date of Manufacture Early 1900s
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood: cottonwood (Populus sp.) root; Feathers; Paint; Leather; String; Dye; Glue
Description Whipper / Guard katsina with pinkish-red body, kilt and legs, and painted black chemise with pale blue arm bands; A painted snake design wraps around the kilt; Sash is decorated with black linear design; Face is pale blue with black four-pointed star outlined in pinkish-red dividing the face into quadrants; A black plus sign is painted in each of the quadrant quarters; Pinkish-red ears stick out to the sides; Thick collar with wide black and white stripes; Elaborate feather bundles on the top and back of head with additional feathers attached to back of head and fanning out in halo style; Top feather bundle is dyed red; This katsina was made in the early 20th century but in 19th century style, with old style hands close to the stomach; There is a string loop on back for hanging as the piece was not designed to stand up; Signed “M Symptewa” on underside of kilt.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 36.6, Width = 28.0, Length = 9.0

Catalog Number CAS 2016-0007-0022   CAS 2016-0007-0022; Katsina
Category Carvings
Object Name Katsina
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name M. Symptewa
Date of Manufacture Early 1900s
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood: cottonwood (Populus sp.) root and other wood; Feathers; Paint; Rattan; String; Dye; Glue
Description Masaumana katsina, a female chief’s aide who personifies the force that gave Hopis their mesas; One-shouldered dress over left shoulder, with vertical stripes of reddish-brown and purple separated with thin white stripes framed with thin black stripes; Painted white belt cinches waist; Sash is painted with blue, green, red, black and white designs; Body and legs are painted reddish-pink; Three wrapped rattan rings over painted black circles represent the eyes and the mouth, with white lines painted onto the black circles; Red, pink, purples and mustard-colored dots cover the white background of the face; Feather headdress of pairs of feathers tied onto sticks extend upward from back of head; This katsina was made in the early 20th century but in 19th century old style version of Masaumana, with old style hands close to the stomach; There is a string loop on back for hanging as the piece was not designed to stand up; Signed “M Symptewa” on underside of dress.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 44.6, Width = 8.6, Length = 8.7

Catalog Number CAS 2016-0007-0023   CAS 2016-0007-0023; Katsina
Category Carvings
Object Name Katsina
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Navajo
Other Geographic Data Hopi Indian Reservation; Second Mesa
Maker's Name Norman Hanie
Date of Manufacture Late 20th century
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood: cottonwood (Populus sp.) root and other wood; Paint; Shells; Leather; Feather; String; Glue
Description Koshari Clown katsina depicted with arms behind and wrists tethered to a horizontal bar, in public humiliation for wrongdoing; Facial features are painted in black, with the mouth turned down in sadness; The figure has horizontal black and white stripes over entire body and buckskin-tasseled horns; Additional buckskin tassels are gathered at the ears and the carved hair is bundled and wrapped at the nape of the neck; There is a necklace of shells painted red, turquoise, white and black, and shells on the wrists; “Norman Hanie” and his address are written in ink on base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 32.0, Width = 20.9, Length = 14.8

Catalog Number CAS 2016-0007-0024   CAS 2016-0007-0024; Katsina
Category Carvings
Object Name Katsina
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Navajo
Other Geographic Data Hopi Indian Reservation; First Mesa
Maker's Name Wendell Poleahla
Date of Manufacture Late 20th century
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Paint; Buckskin; Leather; Commercial felt; Commercial yarn; String; Cotton (cotton swab); Glue
Description Koshari Clown katsina with horizontal black and white striped body and buckskin-tasseled horns; Figure holds a round carved drum hanging on a loop in the left hand, and a single drum stick made of a painted cotton swab in the right hand; The figure is wearing carved and painted “denim” shorts with a leather sash around the waist; A leather bracelet is on the left wrist; Buckskin tassels are gathered at the ears and the yarn hair is bundled and wrapped at the nape of the neck; A buckskin medicine bundle hangs around the neck; Signed “Wendell Poleahla 1st Mesa Az.” in ink on base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 27.8, Width = 11.3, Length = 9.2

Catalog Number CAS 2016-0007-0025   CAS 2016-0007-0025; Katsina
Category Carvings
Object Name Katsina
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Eloy Wytewa
Date of Manufacture Late 20th century
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood: cottonwood (Populus sp.) root; Paint; Glue
Description Sowi-ingwu (Deer katsina) with minimal, subtle painting; The figure has antlers, red flower ears and a carved collar representing spruce boughs and painted green; Left hand rests on a staff/cane, which is supported by the ground/base; Right hand holds a carved turquoise-painted gourd rattle; A carved wedding sash hangs down the back; Figure wears a carved heishi bead necklace and carved turquoise bracelet on left wrist; A bundle of feathers is carved into the hair; Unpainted torso is carved into a shirt with pockets and a collar button; Signed “Eloy Wytewa” in ink on base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 41.9, Width = 15.4, Length = 16.0

Catalog Number CAS 2016-0007-0026   CAS 2016-0007-0026; Katsina
Category Carvings
Object Name Katsina
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Jerome Shupla
Date of Manufacture Late 20th century
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Paint; Vinyl; Commercial fabric (polyester “fur”; cotton-poly); Commercial felt; Commercial yarn; Sequins; Glue
Description Heheya katsina, a teacher, who in this case is a transgender figure; He/She wears a woman’s top of synthetic black faux fur fabric and men’s fabric breach clout; The figure has a bracelet painted with a turquoise medallion and a silver sequin in the center, and concho belt made of a strip of brown vinyl with silver sequins representing the conchos; The face is painted with turquoise, orange and red stripes; Upper arms have a “T” type form painted in red; There is a black faux fur hood; Signed “JEROME SHUPLA” in ink on base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 28.7, Width = 13.6, Length = 10.0

Catalog Number CAS 2016-0007-0027   CAS 2016-0007-0027; Katsina
Category Carvings
Object Name Katsina
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Larry David
Date of Manufacture Late 20th century
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Paint; Leather; Glue
Description Bean Dance Heheya katsina with striped horns and rectangular geometric mask topped with five carved white feathers; There is a carved gourd rattle in the raised right hand; The left hand is clenched to hold something, now missing; A carved fox pelt hangs off the figure’s back waist; Signed “Larry David” in ink on base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 32.6, Width = 15.0, Length = 18.0

Catalog Number

CAS 2016-0007-0028   CAS 2016-0007-0028; Katsina
Category Carvings
Object Name Katsina
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Navajo
Other Geographic Data Hopi Indian Reservation; First Mesa; Village: Polacca
Maker's Name Leo Lacapa, Jr. (b. 1969)
Date of Manufacture ca. 1990
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Feathers; Paint; Commercial fabric (polyester “fur”); Cotton; Commercial yarn; String; Glue
Description Kwahu (Eagle Dancer Katsina) with arms at shoulder height and right foot raised in a dance pose; Elaborate feathers form wings on the arms; Additional feathers are on the head piece and the kilt; There is an elaborate back piece of wood applied over synthetic red faux fur fabric; Wooden back piece is painted in two vertical panels, with tadpoles against a turquoise background on the left panel and bird footprints against a mustard yellow background on the right panel; Signed “Leo Lacapa Jr. Hopi Kwahu Eagle Kachina” in ink on base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = ca. 42.5, Width = ca. 41.0, Length = ca. 28.0

Catalog Number CAS 2016-0007-0029   CAS 2016-0007-0029; Katsina
Category Carvings
Object Name Katsina
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Navajo
Other Geographic Data Hopi Indian Reservation; First Mesa; Village: Polacca
Maker's Name D. Namoki, Jr.
Date of Manufacture Late 20th century
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Paint; Leather; Beads; Paper; Commercial yarn; Commercial thread; Glue
Description Owl Katsina with very detailed painting of the face feathers; Head turns on body; Figure is in action pose, with weight on left leg, right heel up and right knee bent; Both hands hold wooden whips; Body is painted orange with white ovals; Figure wears a paper apron with black, red, green and white designs, and a blue beaded necklace; Signed “”D. Namoki Jr. Tewa-Hopi Polacca, Az.” in ink on base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 27.1, Width = 14.0, Length = 16.9

Catalog Number CAS 2016-0007-0030   CAS 2016-0007-0030; Katsina
Category Carvings
Object Name Katsina
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Bill Seweymaeneva
Date of Manufacture Late 20th century
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Paint; Glue
Description Shalakomana katsina (possibly) with a turquoise mask and black rectangles forming eyes and mouth; Hair is carved and painted black, with fringe above eyes and length down back; Cheeks are decorated with black, red, white and mustard yellow horizontal designs; Figure wears painted turquoise rings on four fingers, turquoise and black cuff bracelets on both hands, and a carved turquoise pendant necklace; Carved feathers previously adorned top of head, but have broken off and are missing; Long carved shawl covers shoulders and falls open in front; Bottom corners of shawl come together in front of body; Lower body of figure has a three-tiered pueblo carved into it; Figure holds a red cylinder in left hand and a painted gourd in the right; “Bill Seweymaeneva” written in pencil on base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 25.2, Width = 7.0, Length = 7.3

Catalog Number CAS 2016-0007-0031   CAS 2016-0007-0031; Katsina
Category Carvings
Object Name Katsina
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
County Navajo
Other Geographic Data Hopi Indian Reservation; First Mesa; Village: Polacca
Maker's Name Theresa M. Zeena
Date of Manufacture ca. 1980
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Paint; Ink; Glue
Description Angak'china (Long-haired Katsina) carved in cylindrical form without arms or legs; Turquoise mask with black rectangles for eyes and red, blue and yellow design on mouth; Carved red, green, yellow and turquoise feather protrudes upright from back of head; Cape painted red at the shoulders is that of a female; Incised and painted designs, including clan symbols, adorn the body: a green frog with a rain cloud, roadrunner tracks, a blue, four-petaled flower with white dots on the end of each petal, deer tracks, Kokopelli (the flute player), Grandmother spider, fox tracks, a girl’s doll and a pueblo. “Theresa M. Zeena Hopi Polacca, AZ Angak-china (Long Hair)” written in ink on base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 32.6, Width = 6.2, Length = 5.8

Catalog Number CAS 2016-0007-0032   CAS 2016-0007-0032; Katsina
Category Carvings
Object Name Katsina
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Alex Youvella Hakto
Date of Manufacture Late 20th century
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Paint; Twigs; Rope; Glue
Description Katsina with minimal, very subtle painting representing Yamuhakto (The Wood Carrier), who serves as an assistant to Saiyatasha, whom he accompanies during Shalako; Turquoise mask with three dots forming facial features; Figure wears a carved skirt representing a deer hide, and a concho belt with carved turquoise medallions; A headpiece consists of a horizontal stick over the top of the head with carved tassels and feathers and thin twists of rope at the stick’s terminals; Figure holds sticks in both hands; Signed “Alex Youvella Hakto” with a corn plant image in ink on base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 28.2, Width = 12.7, Length = 11.4

Catalog Number CAS 2016-0007-0033   CAS 2016-0007-0033; Katsina
Category Carvings
Object Name Katsina
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Nelson Kuwanvarya
Date of Manufacture 1985
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Paint; Glue
Description Mana (female) or possibly transgender katsina in active pose, heels slightly elevated and right knee raised; The figure wears a one-shouldered dress over left shoulder has elaborate painted “embroidered” designs; Beneath the dress is a man’s long-sleeved shirt, thus this katsina might be a transgender figure; Dress base is unpainted wood; Painted designs are in green, black, yellow and white; Shirt is white with black designs at wrists and shoulders; Legs are painted mustard yellow and moccasins are turquoise with brown detail and white soles; Figure wears a large, green, carved spruce bough ruff collar, and has a carved black rope slung cross-wise across body, on the opposite shoulder from the dress; Mask is round and black and covered in white tadpole designs; Six carved and painted feathers drape over crown of head; Ears are red with carved white conical earrings; Face is white with an oval frame of mustard yellow, black, white and red; Eyes are shaped like tadpoles; Figure holds a carved rattle in the right hand and gourd in the left, both of which are painted mustard yellow; A carved fringe bracelet is on the right wrist and a carved and painted “turquoise” cuff bracelet adorns the left; Signed “Nelson Kuwanvarya -85-” in ink on base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 30.2, Width = 8.5, Length = 8.5

Catalog Number CAS 2016-0007-0034   CAS 2016-0007-0034; Katsina
Category Carvings
Object Name Katsina
Culture Hopi or Zuni Pueblo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona, New Mexico
County Navajo, AZ or McKinley, NM
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Wilfred Carl
Date of Manufacture Late 20th century
Collection Name N/A
Materials Wood; Paint; Glue
Description Mana katsina with turquoise mask and black facial features; Eyes are horizontal rectangles, mouth is an inverted triangle with two black vertical lines on either side of triangle; Figure wears a white, one-shouldered dress with green and black designs interspersed with white, red, turquoise and mustard yellow; The dress is over the right shoulder, not the left, possibly indicating a cross-dresser; It is possible that this figure represents Waywa, the famous Zuni transgender teacher; Signed “Wilfred Carl” in ink on base.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 27.5, Width = 12.2, Length = 12.0

Catalog Number CAS 2016-0007-0019   CAS 2016-0007-0019; Rattle (katsina)
Category Musical Instruments
Object Name Rattle (katsina)
Culture Hopi
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. Arizona
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Edmund Nekwatewa
Date of Manufacture 1970s
Collection Name N/A
Materials Gourd; Wood; Feathers; Paint; Leather; String; Glue
Description Rattle depicting an Ogre Katsina who is responsible for disciplining wayward children; The face is a gourd painted black with prominent white teeth in a red-outlined mouth; Protruding eyes are white circles with black pupils, and there are turquoise and black horns; Red feathers decorate the forehead and a white arrow-like shape is painted in the middle; Seven long, narrow black feathers frame the head; Short black feathers are attached to the back; The wooden handle is cylindrical and painted white; A twisted string loop is attached to the bottom surface of the handle; Signed “E. Nekwatewa” in pencil on the handle; Edmund Nekwatewa, the artist, was an important figure in recent Hopi history and a recognized author.
Dimensions (cm) Height = 27.3, Width = 27.3, Length = 19.5
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