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Catalog Number

CAS 2017-0003-0006   CAS 2017-0003-0006; Serigraph
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Serigraph
Culture Absaroke (Crow)
Global Region North America
Country USA
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Earl Biss (1947-1998)
Date of Manufacture 1979
Collection Name N/A
Description Serigraph entitled “Ladies in the Morning Sun”; Image depicts four women on horses against a primarily light blue background; Slightly left of center, a rising sun is depicted by a bright orange disk, encircled in shades of red and pink, above thick bands of pink and orange; Two women face the sun, with only the back of their heads and backs visible; Two other women are shown in profile, facing right, with their faces lacking detail; All four the women wear beige textiles across their shoulders and backs, accented by designs in blue, yellow, and red; The bodies of the horses are primarily black, but are slightly obscured by various accents of pink, purple, orange that cover the bottom 1/3 of the image, depicting the colors of the sunrise; Title written in pencil lower center; From a limited edition of 60; Dated “ 79’ ” and signed by the artist in blue pencil in upper right; Numbered “45/60” in pencil, lower left; Published by P&M Graphics.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 73.2, Thickness = 0.1, Length = 55.8

Catalog Number CAS 2017-0003-0003   CAS 2017-0003-0003; Poster
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Poster
Culture Luiseño
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Fritz Scholder (1937-2005)
Date of Manufacture 1975
Collection Name N/A
Materials Paper; Ink
Description Color poster: “Scholder Collects Scholder University of Santa Clara de Saisset Art Gallery October 10 - November 27, 1975”; Image depicts a man standing in partial profile, facing left, wearing a floor-length headdress of white and black feathers and holding a staff in his right hand, with raised and slightly extended forearm; He wears a purple and red shirt, long black pants with a white stripe down the left leg, and purple shoes with white stripes; His face is not visible, being in apparent deep shadow; Background of image is a light brown, with faint shadows of purple and red radiating out from the back of his headdress, chest, lower right leg, and left foot; Signed in plate, lower left; Signed and dated “10.9.77” by the artist in pen lower right.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 62.7, Thickness = 0.1, Length = 77.7

Catalog Number CAS 2017-0003-0004   CAS 2017-0003-0004; Poster
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Poster
Culture Luiseño
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Fritz Scholder (1937-2005)
Date of Manufacture 1976
Collection Name N/A
Materials Paper; Ink
Description Color poster: “Santa Fe Festival of the Arts October 7-22, 1977”; Image consists of background of primarily beige with the upper 1/3 a bright blue, suggesting a dessert landscape; In the foreground a man stands facing forward, left arm bent across his chest and holding a blue blanket around the left side of his body; The blue blanket covers him almost entirely, with only hair, face, and left foot visible; His black hair flows out to his right; Black shadows obscure his right side, suggesting a shadow cast by the blanket blowing in wind; His shadow can be seen in the lower right corner of the image; Image is very similar to the artist’s 1973 “Santa Fe Indian” although that piece is the opposite configuration, with the shadow on the figure’s left side, and variations in color; Signed in plate, lower left; Signed and dated “10.9.77” by the artist in pen lower right.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 63.3, Thickness = 0.1, Length = 81.3

Catalog Number

CAS 2017-0003-0005   CAS 2017-0003-0005; Poster
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Poster
Culture Luiseño
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name Fritz Scholder (1937-2005)
Date of Manufacture 1976
Collection Name N/A
Materials Paper; Ink
Description Color poster of painting titled “Indian Power”; Image depicts an unclothed man in vibrant orange, astride a bright purple horse, in profile facing right; His right arm is raised in a fist, covering his face, while his left grasps a handful of the horse’s black mane; Horse’s head is bowed, mouth slightly open, and appears to be galloping; The man’s hair flows out behind him in two black braids, further depicting the movement of the scene; Man and horse are shown against a solid bright blue background; Signed in plate, upper right; Signed and dated “10.9.77” by the artist in pen lower right.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 73.4, Thickness = 0.1, Length = 62.4

Catalog Number

CAS 2017-0003-0001   CAS 2017-0003-0001; Etching (untitled)
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Etching (untitled)
Culture Navajo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
Other Geographic Data
Maker's Name R. C. Gorman (Rudolph Carl Gorman) (1931-2005)
Date of Manufacture 1977
Collection Name N/A
Description Untitled color etching on German copperplate Deluxe paper; Image depicts a woman sitting in partial profile, with feet folded in and legs bent to the side, hands clasped around her feet; Her face is turned to the left of the image, in full profile, while most of her torso is seen; A brown and beige striped textile covers her back and shoulders, over her red blouse; She wears a blue pendant earring in her left ear, and a long white ribbon ties back her grey hair in a knot at the nape of her neck; In the background and foreground are patches of various shades of grey, depicting the shadow she casts; The artist began this work in 1976, completing and marking it in 1977; Signed by the artist in lower left pencil “R.C. Gorman 1977” and “34/40” written in pencil lower right; Workshop chop: blind stamp on back lower left; “34/40” on lower right, “1977” lower left; From a limited edition of three states (1 bon à tirer, 2 printer’s proofs, 40 regular edition, 5 artist’s proofs, 5 hand publisher’s impressions, 7 trial proofs); Published by Hand Graphics, Ltd.
Dimensions (cm) Width = 67.4, Thickness = 0.1, Length = 57.5

Catalog Number

CAS 2017-0003-0002   CAS 2017-0003-0002; Poster (”Chili Peppers”)
Category Visual Arts
Object Name Poster (”Chili Peppers”)
Culture Navajo
Global Region North America
Country USA
State/Prov./Dist. New Mexico
County Taos
Other Geographic Data City: Taos
Maker's Name R. C. Gorman (Rudolph Carl Gorman) (1931-2005)
Date of Manufacture 1987
Collection Name N/A
Description Color poster: “R.C. Gorman The Graphic Works (Chili Peppers)”; Image depicts a woman sitting on the ground facing right in profile, with arms wrapped around bent left knee; In front of her extended right leg, in the foreground of image, is a basket of red and green chili peppers, with other peppers scattered on the ground around her; She wears a red shirt with an orange and green striped belt, and a flowing skirt of various shades of peach, pink, and purple; In her right ear she wears a blue pendant earring, and a long white ribbon ties her black hair back in a knot at the nape of her neck; Woman is shown seated on a dark purple ground, against a background of cloudy peach, which transitions to a light purple towards the top of the image; Signed by the artist in black ink lower right; Printed below image: “R.C. GORMAN: Chili Peppers. Reproduced from an original lithograph. Published by Taos Editions, Ltd., in association with Western Graphics Workshop, Inc. and Houston Fine Art Press. ©Copyright by Taos Editions, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.”
Dimensions (cm) Width = 79.0, Thickness = 0.1, Length = 69.3
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