Catalog Number |
CAS 0513-0128 | |
Category | Bead & Leatherwork | |
Object Name | Apron | |
Culture | Rendille | |
Global Region | Sub-Saharan Africa | |
Country | Kenya | |
State/Prov./Dist. | Marsabit, Gabraland | |
County | ||
Other Geographic Data | Village: Gob Silamo; Marsabit, Gabraland | |
Maker's Name | Unknown | |
Date of Manufacture | 1941 | |
Collection Name | N/A | |
Materials | Plastic beads; Ostrich egg shell beads; Bureh tree seed beads; Goat leather | |
Description | Apron worn (with bead fringes in front) around waist over a leather skirt; Worn by unmarried girls of Galdalen clan and Sapaade age set; Apron consists of single strand of beads (white plastic beads at back, round disc beads of ostrich egg shell at front) on leather thong, with 19 shorter strings of ostrich egg shell beads looped over main strand and tied to form short fringes; Each fringe ends with single bureh (also identified as bubunto) tree seed bead, goat skin leather fringes, and additional white (and 1 yellow) plastic beads. | |
Dimensions (cm) | Width = ca. 40.0, Thickness = 1.2, Length = ca. 33.0 |