Catalog Number |
CAS 2018-0002-0002 |
Category |
Jewelry & Metalwork |
Object Name |
Necklace |
Culture |
Pomo |
Global Region |
North America |
Country |
State/Prov./Dist. |
California |
County |
Other Geographic
Data |
Maker's Name |
Pearl |
Date of Manufacture |
2015 |
Collection Name |
N/A |
Materials |
Pine (Pinus sp.) nuts; Glass; Monofilament; Deer skin |
Description |
Single-strand beaded necklace comprising mostly single pine nuts alternating with pairs of purple and single white glass beads; The terminus of each strand is sewn to a thin length of commercially tanned yellow-colored leather. Pearl is the granddaughter of Clint McKay; She was 7 years old when she made this necklace. |
Dimensions (cm) |
Max Diam = 1.1, Length = 42.7 |