Catalog Number |
CAS 2018-0002-0003 | |
Category | Basketry | |
Object Name | Winnowing basket | |
Culture | Western Mono | |
Global Region | North America | |
Country | USA | |
State/Prov./Dist. | California | |
County | ||
Other Geographic Data | Town: North Fork | |
Maker's Name | Clara Harris | |
Date of Manufacture | ca. 1960s-1980s | |
Collection Name | N/A | |
Materials | Warp: whole redbud (Cercis canadensis var. texensis) shoots; Weft: split redbud shoots; Peeled sourberry (Rhus trilobata) shoots | |
Description | Large, open-twined winnowing basket woven of whole redbud shoots as the warp and split redbud shoots as the weft; Rows of twining form decorative pattern by alternating the face of the weft (outside bark or split interior) in alternate rows; Rim is likely made of peeled sourberry shoots. | |
Dimensions (cm) | Height = 23.5, Width = 48.0, Length = 51.7 |