Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Anthropology Collections Database

Catalog Number CAS 0389-2098   CAS 0389-2098; Fork
Category Carvings; Culinary Items
Object Name Fork
Culture English or possibly German or Dutch
Global Region Europe
Country England / Great Britain or possibly Germany or Netherlands
State/Prov./Dist. England or possibly Germany or Netherlands
Other Geographic Data unknown
Maker's Name
Date of Manufacture ca. 1600-1650
Collection Name Rietz Collection of Food Technology
Materials Metal; Ivory (elephant?); Silver
Description Two-tined iron fork with silver bolster and ivory handle; Proximal end of handle is carved into likeness of upper torso of a woman with tentacle arms; From BRL 1982: “Small carving fork, English or possibly German; Finely carved ivory (elephant?) (sic) handle: a woman in a fancy hat and a clinging gown; Silver ferrule; Very fancy forged two-tine straight form; Some damage to base of handle; Bailey plate 28, 29, identifies a similar piece as English, second half of 17th century; This could be Dutch also, or could be German, same period.”
Dimensions (cm) Width = 2.1, Thickness = 1.3, Length = 22.3