The colors below indicate the kind of documentation available for this species
in the California counties where it occurs.
Point Reyes Meadowfoam Limnanthes douglasii ssp. sulphurea (Limnanthaceae)
Like many members of the genus Limnanthes, this Meadowfoam grows in seasonally wet meadows or depressions called vernal pools. Many vernal pool species are pollinated by tiny host specific bees with limited foraging ranges. Because the bees tend to visit nearest neighbor flowers there is little pollen dispersal between separate vernal pools. This isolating mechanism which is mediated by pollinator behavior is one factor resulting in the high number of subspecies found among species of Meadowfoam.
DISTRIBUTION: Wet coastal meadows along the north and central coast of Calif. from Marin to San Mateo counties; < 100 m.