Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
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Cream Cups
Platystemon californicus

This species has flowers that exhibit patterns of white, yellow, and yellow-gold. Five petal color patterns exist in natural populations of Cream Cups—1) entirely white, 2) white background with yellow basal spot, 3) white background with yellow petal tips, 4) white background with yellow basal spot and yellow tips, 5) and entirely yellow-gold. Because this species is not capable of self-fertilization, one might predict that differential pollinator attractiveness is a primary factor in the reproductive success of the different color morphs. Recent studies indicate that solitary bees are the most effective pollinators of Cream Cups but the bees show no consistent preference among the color morphs. Surprisingly, it has been found that this species is unusual among annual species in that wind is an important pollination mechanism.

DISTRIBUTION: Grasslands, sandy soils, and burned areas throughout the Calif. Floristic Province and W Desert Province; < 1000 m.
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