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Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Szechenyia J. Pantocsek 1903, pg. 16
Generitype LT: Szechenyia antiqua J. Pantocsek 1903
Designated by Round, Crawford & Mann (ref. 003245), p. 704 (1990)
Year Designated 1990
Nomenclatural status valid/illegitimate
Recent revisions
Comments Later homonym of Szechenyia Kanitz 1891. Three species included, S. antiqua, S. gracilis, S. ornata, type not originally designated. Also described as new in Pantocsek 1904, p. 14 (ref. 005225)(type not designated).
Published in

Pantocsek, J. 1903  (ref. 1801)

Bescheibung und Abbildung der fossilen bacillarien des Andesittuffes von Szliacs in Ungarn.

(Pozsony) Pressburg-Berlin. pp. 1-20, 2 pls.

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