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Craticula A. Grunow 1867, p. 20
Generitype LT: Craticula perrotettii A. Grunow 1867
Designated by Ross in Farr et al. (1979) (ref. 006663)
Year Designated 1979
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions Mann & Stickle 1991 (ref. 006865)
Comments Four species are originally included, and no type is unequivocally designated. A larger treatment is given by Grunow to C. perrotetii which is given as the holotype by Ross in Farr et al. 1979. SVL does not accept this genus: Genus based on monstrosities, vide Pfitzer 1871, p.104-105 (ref. 000754). Hanna (unpubl. ms.) remarked that Cox (Am. Journ. Micr. Pop. Sci. vol. 4, 1879, pp. 97-100) stated that the genus is Stictodesmus Greville and possibly Climaconeis Grunow. He added that all are abnormal forms of Navicula and that C. ehrenbergii of Grunow in N. cuspidata.
Published in

Grunow, A. 1867  (ref. 432)

Reise seiner Majestät Fregatte Novara um die Erde. Botanischer Theil. Band I. Algen.

Wien, aus der Kaiselich-Königlichen Hof-und Staasdruckerei pp. 1-104, pls I, Ia, II-XI

Orthoneis A. Grunow 1867, pg. 9
Generitype not designated
Designated by
Year Designated 0
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions
Comments Reference to subgenus Orthoneis Grunow is found in Grunow 1867, p. 20 (ref. 000431). In Grunow 1867 (ref. 000432) it is treated as a genus including 2 subgenera, Stictoneis and Orthoneis, 5 species are included p. 15-16, and no type is designated. Farr et al. (1979) give date as 1870.
Published in

Grunow, A. 1867  (ref. 432)

Reise seiner Majestät Fregatte Novara um die Erde. Botanischer Theil. Band I. Algen.

Wien, aus der Kaiselich-Königlichen Hof-und Staasdruckerei pp. 1-104, pls I, Ia, II-XI

Anorthoneis A. Grunow 1868, p. 9
Generitype T: Anorthoneis excentrica (A. Donkin) A. Grunow 1868 (= Cocconeis excentrica A. Donkin 1858)
Designated by Grunow, A. (000432)
Year Designated 1867
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions
Comments Type by monotypy.
Published in

Grunow, A. 1867  (ref. 432)

Reise seiner Majestät Fregatte Novara um die Erde. Botanischer Theil. Band I. Algen.

Wien, aus der Kaiselich-Königlichen Hof-und Staasdruckerei pp. 1-104, pls I, Ia, II-XI

Climacodium A. Grunow pg. 102
Generitype T: Climacodium frauenfeldianum Grunow 1867
Designated by Grunow, A.(000432)
Year Designated 1867
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions
Comments Type by monotypy.
Published in

Grunow, A. 1867  (ref. 432)

Reise seiner Majestät Fregatte Novara um die Erde. Botanischer Theil. Band I. Algen.

Wien, aus der Kaiselich-Königlichen Hof-und Staasdruckerei pp. 1-104, pls I, Ia, II-XI

Gomphonitzschia A. Grunow 1868, pg. 7
Generitype T: Gomphonitzschia ungeriana A. Grunow 1867
Designated by Grunow, A.(000432)
Year Designated 1867
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions Hendey & Sims 1982 (ref. 003166)
Comments Type by monotypy.
Published in

Grunow, A. 1867  (ref. 432)

Reise seiner Majestät Fregatte Novara um die Erde. Botanischer Theil. Band I. Algen.

Wien, aus der Kaiselich-Königlichen Hof-und Staasdruckerei pp. 1-104, pls I, Ia, II-XI

Stictoneis A. Grunow 1868, pg. 15
Generitype not designated
Designated by
Year Designated 0
Nomenclatural status subgenus
Recent revisions
Comments Subgenus of Orthoneis Grunow. Probably not validly published because no description is provided while not being monotypic. Two species included, Orthoneis fimbriata (Brightw.) Grun., Orthoneis Binotata Grun, no type designated. VanLandingham gives Stictoneis Grunow 1867, p. 9 (ref. 000431 ?), and says: (subgenus), 000431 not verified by us. See also Stictoneis Kutzing 1844.
Published in

Grunow, A. 1867  (ref. 432)

Reise seiner Majestät Fregatte Novara um die Erde. Botanischer Theil. Band I. Algen.

Wien, aus der Kaiselich-Königlichen Hof-und Staasdruckerei pp. 1-104, pls I, Ia, II-XI

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