Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Polymyscos C. Janisch 1888, pl. 20, fig. 18-19
Generitype T: Polymyscos schleinitzii C. Janisch
Designated by
Year Designated 0
Nomenclatural status invalid
Recent revisions
Comments Type by monotypy. Illustration only. Janisch's paper was never published. The name is invalid because the manuscript in which it appeared is not effectively published.
Published in

Janisch, C. 1888  (ref. 541)

Diatomaceen gesammelt auf der Forschungs-Reise der Gazelle in d. Jahren 1874-1876 bearbeitet durch C. Janisch. (Planches et Phototypie d'après les photographies de C. Janisch). The Diatoms of the Gazelle Expedition.

 16 plates (325 figs.)

Schmidtia C. Janisch 1888, pl. 21, fig. 20, 21
Generitype T: not designated
Designated by
Year Designated 0
Nomenclatural status invalid
Recent revisions
Comments The genus name is not validly published, the genus being described in an unpublished manuscript consisting of 22 unpublished plates. Two species described for genus Schmidtia: S. caballi and S. rotunda, no generitype designated. The name is already occupied by Schmidtia Steudel ex J.A. Schmidt 1852 (nom. cons.) (Phan.).
Published in

Janisch, C. 1888  (ref. 541)

Diatomaceen gesammelt auf der Forschungs-Reise der Gazelle in d. Jahren 1874-1876 bearbeitet durch C. Janisch. (Planches et Phototypie d'après les photographies de C. Janisch). The Diatoms of the Gazelle Expedition.

 16 plates (325 figs.)

Weissflogia C. Janisch 1888, pl. 1, figs. 12-17
Generitype T: not designated
Designated by
Year Designated 0
Nomenclatural status invalid
Recent revisions
Comments This paper is an unpublished manuscript, consisting of 22 plates. No generic description. 3 species mentionned for genus Weissflogia : W. supina, W. hyalina, W. Macdonaldii, no generitype designated.
Published in

Janisch, C. 1888  (ref. 541)

Diatomaceen gesammelt auf der Forschungs-Reise der Gazelle in d. Jahren 1874-1876 bearbeitet durch C. Janisch. (Planches et Phototypie d'après les photographies de C. Janisch). The Diatoms of the Gazelle Expedition.

 16 plates (325 figs.)

[ 3 ] records found...Brief Records    Multiple Pages    Back to Search Form
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