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Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Hystrix J.B.M. Bory de Saint-Vincent 1822,
Designated by
Year Designated 0
Nomenclatural status ?
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Comments Not verified by us. Entry in Mills (ref. 006290) reads: "Hystrix, Bory - sp. Bory, Encycl. 1822. Bacillaria hystrix, Bory, Encycl. 1824. SYNEDRA GALLIONI, (Bory) Ehr." In De Toni, 1892 (ref. 000950), p. 658, Bacillaria Hystryx Bory Encycl. 1824 (ex insula Franciae) was given as a synonym of Synedra gallionii. The only entry for this name in Farr et al. (1979) is: "Hystrix Moench, Meth. 294, 1794. T: H. patula Moench (Elymus hystrix Linnaeus). Synonym of: Asperella Humbodt 1790. Phan.".
Published in

Bory de Saint Vincent, J.B.M. 1824  (ref. 147)

Encyclopédie Méthodique, Histoire Naturelle Des Zoophytes ou Animaux Rayonnés.

Agasse, Paris. 819 pp.

Crystalia Sommerfeld in J.B.M. Bory de Saint-Vincent 1824,
Generitype T: Crystalia pulvinata Sommerfeld
Designated by Sommerfeld in C.A. Agardh (000103)
Year Designated 1827
Nomenclatural status ?
Recent revisions
Comments Not verified by us. Information according to De Toni 1891, p. 420 (ref. 000271). SVL also gives spelling Crystallia. SVL wrote: "Crystallia Sommerfeld in C.A. Agardh 1827 ? (ref. 000103) vide De Toni 1891, p. 420 (ref. 000271)". This genus could not be found in Agardh 1827, the name appears in De Toni 1891, p. 420 as Crystallia pulvinata Sommerf., and is given by De Toni as a synonym of Gomphonema geminatum (Lyng.) Ag. 1824 with a reference to Bory's Encycl. Method. (1824, ref. 000147).
Published in

Bory de Saint Vincent, J.B.M. 1824  (ref. 147)

Encyclopédie Méthodique, Histoire Naturelle Des Zoophytes ou Animaux Rayonnés.

Agasse, Paris. 819 pp.

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