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Podosira C.G. Ehrenberg 1840, pg. 161
Generitype T: Podosira moniliformis (Montagne) Ehr., nom. illeg. (= Trochiscia moniliformis Montagne 1838, nom. illeg.), Podosira nummuloides C.G. Ehrenberg 1840 nom. illeg., Podosira hormoides (Montagne) Kützing 1844 = Melosira ("Meloseira") hormoides Montagne 1839.
Designated by Ehrenberg, C.G.(000292)
Year Designated 1840
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions Silva (1996)
Comments Type by monotypy. Type by monotypy. Comments: Described as new in Ehrenberg 1840, p. 161 (ref. 000292) with one species included, P. nummuloides (Mont.) Ehr. It is also described as new in Ehrenberg 1840, p. 48 (ref. 000290); in this paper, one species is included, P. nummuloides (p. 78), for which Ehrenberg gives as synonyms Trochiscia moniliformis Montagne 1837 and Melosira hormoides Montagne msc. 1838. Podosira is also introduced as a new genus in Ehrenberg 1843, p. 402 (ref. 000294), and illustrated pl. I/III, fig. 34 (Podosira moniliformis). See also Ehrenberg 1841 (ref. 0953) p. 128 (ref. 0290 and 000953 are identical except for pagination). It is unclear which one of these two 1840 Ehrenberg's publications (ref. 000292 and 000290) was published first. Farr et al. (1979) give as original reference Ehrenberg 1840, p. 161 (ref. 000292).
Published in

Ehrenberg, C.G. 1840  (ref. 292)

Erstlich über ausgezeichnete jetzt lebende peruanische und mexikanische Meeres-Infusorien, welche mit zur Erläuterung räthselhafter fossiler Formen der Kreidebildung dienen

Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königlich-Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Vol:1840, 157-162

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