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Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Ctenophora (A. Grunow) D.M. Williams & F.E. Round Nov. 1986, p. 330
Generitype T: Ctenophora pulchella (Ralfs ex Kützing) Williams & Round 1986) (= Synedra pulchella Ralfs ex Kützing (1844)
Designated by
Year Designated 0
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions
Comments Name first validly published as a subgenus (Gruppe) of Synedra (see Grunow 1862, p. 385, ref. 000428) (p. 71 of reprint ). Williams and Round 1986 give a new status to the name Ctenophora, elevating it to the rank of genus. Type is given as C. pulchella (Ralfs ex Kützing) Williams & Round, in accordance with Frenguelli (1929) (ref. 000345) who typified Synedra subgenus Ctenophora Grunow with S. pulchella .
Published in

Williams, D.M. and Round, F.E. 1986  (ref. 3154)

Revision of the genus Synedra Ehrenb.

Diatom Research, Vol:1[2], 313-339

Tabularia (F.T. Kutzing) D.M. Williams & F.E. Round Nov. 1986, pg. 320
Generitype T: Tabularia barbulata (= Synedra barbulata Kutzing 1844) Williams & Round 1986
Designated by Williams et Round (003154)
Year Designated 1986
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions
Comments Type by original designation. Kützing 1844, p. 67 (ref. 000595) created Tabularia as a subgroup within genus Synedra . He included 11 species (including Synedra barbulata) and did not designate a type. Type designated by Williams & Round 1986.
Published in

Williams, D.M. and Round, F.E. 1986  (ref. 3154)

Revision of the genus Synedra Ehrenb.

Diatom Research, Vol:1[2], 313-339

Catacombas D.M. Williams & F.E. Round 1986, pg. 314, pl. 1-9
Generitype T: Catacombas gaillonii (J.B.M. Bory de Saint-Vincent) D.M. Williams & F.E. Round 1986 (= Navicula gaillonii J.B.M. Bory de Saint-Vincent 1827)
Designated by Williams & Round (003154)
Year Designated 1986
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions
Comments Type by original designation.
Published in

Williams, D.M. and Round, F.E. 1986  (ref. 3154)

Revision of the genus Synedra Ehrenb.

Diatom Research, Vol:1[2], 313-339

Hyalosynedra D.M. Williams & F.E. Round Nov/1986, pg. 316
Generitype T: Hyalosynedra laevigata (A. Grunow) D.M. Williams & F.E. Round 1986 (= Synedra laevigata A. Grunow 1877)
Designated by Williams & Round (003154)
Year Designated 1986
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions
Comments Type by original designation
Published in

Williams, D.M. and Round, F.E. 1986  (ref. 3154)

Revision of the genus Synedra Ehrenb.

Diatom Research, Vol:1[2], 313-339

Neosynedra D.M. Williams & F.E. Round Nov/1986, pg. 332
Generitype T: Neosynedra provincialis (A. Grunow) D.M. Williams & F.E. Round 1986 (= Synedra provincialis A. Grunow 1877)
Designated by Williams & Round (003154)
Year Designated 1986
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions
Comments Type by original designation
Published in

Williams, D.M. and Round, F.E. 1986  (ref. 3154)

Revision of the genus Synedra Ehrenb.

Diatom Research, Vol:1[2], 313-339

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