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Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Licmosphenia C. Mereschkowsky 13/Oct/1902, p. 177 (p. 1 of reprint)
Generitype T: Licmosphenia clevei C. Mereschkowsky 1902
Designated by Mereschkowsky, C.(002086)
Year Designated 1902
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions
Comments Type by original designation. Comments: Five species are included and Mereschkowsky states after the description of L. clevei, p. 180 (p. 3 of reprint), "c'est le type du genre". Farr et al. (1979) and current internet version of the ING give a different reference: "Bot. Zap. 19: 89, 1902" (ref. 006508). Mereschkowsky 1902 (ref. 006508) gives a generic description in Russian p. 89 and in French p. 91, and descibes 5 species, L. clevei, L. peragalli, L. grunowii, L. Van Heurckii, L. schmidtii, but does not designate a type. According to the Journal's cover page, the publication date of ref. 006508 is 1902-1903, it is 1902 according to ING (current internet version). It is not clear which one of the two references, ref. 002086 or ref. 006508, was published first.
Published in

Mereschkowsky, C. 1902  (ref. 2086)

Sur un nouveau genre de Diatomée. Note préliminaire.

Nuova Notarisia, Vol:13, 177-183.

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