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Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Spongia Linnaeus 1 Mai 1753, p. 1169
Generitype T: not designated
Designated by
Year Designated 0
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions
Comments Not verified by us. Farr et al. (1979) give the following entry: "Spongia Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 1169. 1 Mai 1753. T: non designatus. Originally assigned to the algae, this genus is referable to the sponges. Certain species subsequently described in the genus are algae. The generic name is retained in botanical nomenclature for purposes of homonymy." The incorrect entry in VanLandingham ("Spongia Ehrenberg according to F.W. Mills 1933, p. 199 - Not a diatom genus") reflects the fact that a diatom has been described under this genus name. Spongia cribrosum Ehr. listed in Mills 1933 (ref. 000998) p. 199 under genus Antelminella Schütt as a synonym of Antelminella gigas Schütt 1893. There is no entry for genus Spongia in Mills 1935 (ref. 006151). Spongophyllium cribrum 1844 (Spongia cribrum 1837) is illustrated in Ehrenberg 1854 pl. 20/I, fig. 1-2 (ref. 000966), it represents a diatom (Ethmodiscus gigas = Ethmodiscus gazellae).
Published in

Linnaeus, C. 1753  (ref. 7021)

Species Plantarum

Salvius, Stockholm. [Facsimile edition, 1957–1959, Ray Society, London.]

Ulva C. Linneaeus 1753, pg. 1163
Generitype T: Ulva lactuca Linnaeus (Type conserved)
Designated by
Year Designated 0
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions
Comments A single species originally assigned to this genus of green algae is referable to the diatoms (Ulva olivacea Hornemann = Gomphoneis olivacea (Hornemann) P. Dawson ex Ross & Sims).
Published in

Linnaeus, C. 1753  (ref. 7021)

Species Plantarum

Salvius, Stockholm. [Facsimile edition, 1957–1959, Ray Society, London.]

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