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Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Hemidiscus G.C. Wallich 1860, pg. 42
Generitype T: Hemidiscus cuneiformis G.C. Wallich 1860
Designated by Wallich, G.C.(000906)
Year Designated 1860
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions
Published in

Wallich, G.C. 1860  (ref. 906)

On the siliceous organisms found in the digestive cavities of the Salpae, and their relation to the Flint nodules of the Chalk Formation.

Transactions of the Microscopical Society, New Series, London, Vol:8, 36-55, pl. 2.

Stigmaphora G.C. Wallich 1860, pg. 43
Generitype LT: Stigmaphora rostrata G.C. Wallich 1860
Designated by Round, Crawford & Mann (ref. 003245), p. 703
Year Designated 1990
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions
Comments Two species were originally included, Stigmaphora lanceolata and Stigmaphora rostrata, and no type was originally designated. According to Hanna (unpubl. ms.), Two species were included Stigmaphora lanceolata and Stigmaphora rostrata, no type designated. Hanna also wrote that the original spelling is Stigmophora, and that Karsten, 1907 (ref. 001024), p. 399, spelled the genus Stigmaphora by error. Not verified by us. RCM gives S. rostrata as the type.
Published in

Wallich, G.C. 1860  (ref. 906)

On the siliceous organisms found in the digestive cavities of the Salpae, and their relation to the Flint nodules of the Chalk Formation.

Transactions of the Microscopical Society, New Series, London, Vol:8, 36-55, pl. 2.

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