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Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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[ 5 ] records found...Brief Records    Multiple Pages    Back to Search Form

Balanosa S. Komura p. 51
Generitype T: Balanosa fusiformis S. Komura 1996
Designated by
Year Designated 0
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions
Comments Type by original designation Two species originally included. Fossil (Miocene). Naviculales.
Published in

Komura, S. 1996  (ref. 9313)

Some new diatoms from the Miocene Nabuto Formation, Central Japan

Diatom. The Japanese Journal of Diatomology, Vol:12, 43-67

Plurifenestra S. Komura p. 44
Generitype T: Plurifenestra cruciata S. Komura 1996
Designated by
Year Designated 0
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions
Comments Type by original designation. Two species originally included. Fossil (Miocene). Plurifenestraceae. Stictodiscales (fide Nikolaev et al. 2001).
Published in

Komura, S. 1996  (ref. 9313)

Some new diatoms from the Miocene Nabuto Formation, Central Japan

Diatom. The Japanese Journal of Diatomology, Vol:12, 43-67

Rouxiopsis S. Komura p. 50
Generitype T: Rouxiopsis bipartita S. Komura 1996
Designated by
Year Designated 0
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions
Comments Type by original designation. Monotypic. Fossil (Miocene). Naviculales (EF).
Published in

Komura, S. 1996  (ref. 9313)

Some new diatoms from the Miocene Nabuto Formation, Central Japan

Diatom. The Japanese Journal of Diatomology, Vol:12, 43-67

Siphonodiscus S. Komura p. 49
Generitype T: Siphonodiscus polysiphonius S. Komura 1996
Designated by
Year Designated 0
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions
Comments Type by original designation. Monotypic. Fossil (Miocene). Asterolampraceae (fide Nikolaev et al. 2001).
Published in

Komura, S. 1996  (ref. 9313)

Some new diatoms from the Miocene Nabuto Formation, Central Japan

Diatom. The Japanese Journal of Diatomology, Vol:12, 43-67

Unguiella S. Komura p. 46
Generitype T: Unguiella grossecarinata S. Komura 1996
Designated by
Year Designated 0
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions
Comments Type by original designation. Two species originally included. Fossil (Miocene). Plurifenestraceae. Stictodiscales (fide Nikolaev et al. 2001).
Published in

Komura, S. 1996  (ref. 9313)

Some new diatoms from the Miocene Nabuto Formation, Central Japan

Diatom. The Japanese Journal of Diatomology, Vol:12, 43-67

[ 5 ] records found...Brief Records    Multiple Pages    Back to Search Form
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