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Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Muelleria (J. Frenguelli) J. Frenguelli 1945, pg. 172
Generitype LT: Muelleria linearis (O. Muller) J. Frenguelli 1945 (= Diploneis linearis O. Muller 1909)
Designated by Round, Crawford & Mann (ref. 003245), p. 695 (1990).
Year Designated 1990
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions Spaulding and Stoermer 1997 (ref. 006845), Reichardt 1998, Spaulding & Kociolek (199, ref. 007022)
Comments The name Muelleria was first introduced by Frenguelli in 1924 (ref. 000969) p. 256 (p. 98 of reprint) as a new subgenus of Navicula. Two species were included, Navicula linearis (O. Müller) Cleve and Navicula porto-monttana Cleve. Following the description of Navicula linearis, Frenguelli gave a detailed diagnosis of his new subgenus but did not designate or indicate a type. Later, Frenguelli (1945) elevated the subgenus to generic level, including in it three species, Muelleria linearis (Müll.) Freng., M. porto-monttana (Cleve) Freng. and M. patagonica (Müll.) Freng. Although no generic description was given, the generic name is valid because a full and direct reference to its publication at the level of subgenus was given. Again, Frenguelli (1945) failed to designate or indicate a type. Lectotypification was effected by Round, Crawford & Mann (1990), p. 695, who chose Muelleria linearis (O. Müller) J. Frenguelli 1945. Spaulding and Stoermer (1997), p. 97, erroneously state that Frenguelli 1924 designated D. linearis as the type of Navicula subg. Muelleria.
Published in

Frenguelli, J. 1945  (ref. 365)

El Platense y sus diatomeas, Las diatomeas del Platense

Revista del Museo de La Plata (Nueva Serie), Seccion Paleontologia, Vol:3, 77-221, 15 pls

Opephoropsis J. Frenguelli 1945, pg. 205
Generitype T: Opephoropsis swartzii (A.Grunow) J. Frenguelli 1945 (‘schwartzii’) (= Fragillaria swartzii Grunow 1863)
Designated by Frenguelli, J.(000365)
Year Designated 1945
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions
Comments Type by monotypy. This genus name was erroneously spelt Opheporopsis p. 205 but correctly spelled Opephoropsis in other parts of the text. The name of the type species is incorrectly spelled O. schwartzii in Frenguelli, and should be corrected to swartzii .
Published in

Frenguelli, J. 1945  (ref. 365)

El Platense y sus diatomeas, Las diatomeas del Platense

Revista del Museo de La Plata (Nueva Serie), Seccion Paleontologia, Vol:3, 77-221, 15 pls

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