Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Pierrecomperia K. Sabbe, W. Vyverman & L. Ribeiro in Sabbe et al. 
Generitype T: Pierrecomperia catenuloides K. Sabbe, W. Vyverman & L. Ribeiro in Sabbe et al. 2010
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Year Designated 0
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions
Comments Monotypic. Cymatosiraceae
Published in

Sabbe, K. and Vanelslander, B., Ribeiro, L., Witkowski, A., Muylaert, K. & Vyverman, W. 2010  (ref. 13548)

A new genus, Pierrecomperia gen. nov., a new species and two new combinations in the marine diatom family Cymatosiraceae

Vie et Milieu - Life and Environment, Vol:60[3], 243-256

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