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Styllaria Draparnaud ex J. Bory de Saint-Vincent 31 Dec 1822, pg. 129 (vol. 2)
Generitype T: Styllaria paradoxa (Lyngbye 1819) Bory de Saint Vincent 1822 (= Echinella paradoxa Lyngbye 1819)
Designated by ICBN 1956 (006916), p. 201
Year Designated 1956
Nomenclatural status nom. rej.
Recent revisions
Comments Name rejected vs. Licmophora C.A. Agardh 1827 (Nom. cons.)(taxonomic synonym) (see ICBN 1956, p. 201, ref. 006916). Three species are mentioned in the discussion by Bory 1822: Echinella geminata Lyng., E. paradoxa Lyng., E. cuneata Lyng., no generitype designated. Round, Crawford & Mann (1990), p. 703, erroneously indicate that the type was designated by ICBN 1961, p. 209 (ref. 006910); the type was listed at the time of the rejection (ICBN 1956, p. 201). Pre-rejection lectotypification in ICBN 1952, p. 71 (ref. 006915).
Published in

Bory de Saint-Vincent, J.B.M. and coll. . 1822-1831  (ref. 145)

Dictionnaire Classique d'Histoire Naturelle

Paris. Rey & Gravier, libraires-éditeurs; Baudouin Frères, libraires-éditeurs., Vol:vol. 1 to 17

Achnanthes J.B.M. Bory de Saint-Vincent 1822, pg. 79, 593 (vol. 1)
Generitype LT: Achnanthes adnata Bory de Saint Vincent 1822
Designated by C.S. Boyer (000946), p. 229
Year Designated 1927
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions Lange-Bertalot & Krammer, 1989 (ref. 006174); Lange-Bertalot & Compere 1997 (ref. 006890)
Comments Three species are included in this genus by Bory (p. 79-80): Achnanthes adnata Bory, A. bacillarioides Bory & A. dubia Bory. According to Bory, these 3 species are grouped together by Lyngbye (Tent. Hydroph., p. 210, pl. 70B. 1819) under the name Echinella stipitata. Bory also wrote (p. 593): "Une Echinelle de Lyngbye est le type de ce genre." Lange-Bertalot & Compère 1997 (ref. 006890) proposed to conserve the name Achnanthes with a conserved type, A. minutissima Kützing. This proposal has been rejected by the permanent committee for algal nomenclature (pers. com. of P. Compère, secretary of the committee).
Published in

Bory de Saint-Vincent, J.B.M. and coll. . 1822-1831  (ref. 145)

Dictionnaire Classique d'Histoire Naturelle

Paris. Rey & Gravier, libraires-éditeurs; Baudouin Frères, libraires-éditeurs., Vol:vol. 1 to 17

Dendrella J.B.M. Bory de Saint-Vincent 15 May 1824, pg. 393 (vol. 5)
Generitype T: Dendrella lyngbyi Bory de Saint-Vincent, nom. illeg. (Echinella geminata H.C. Lyngbye)
Designated by ICBN 1956 (006916), p. 200
Year Designated 1956
Nomenclatural status nom. rej.
Recent revisions
Comments Name rejected vs. Didymosphenia M. Schmidt 1988 (see ICBN 1956, p. 200, ref. 006916). Seven species listed in Bory, no generitype designated. ICBN also indicates that this is a nomenclatural synonym, and says: typ. des. in Regnum Veg. 3:70. 1952. Prerejection lectotypification in ICBN 1952 (ref. 006905) (September 1952), p. 70 according to ICBN 1994 (ref. 006906), however it was published earlier in Taxon 1: 95-97. July 1952 (ref. 006922)
Published in

Bory de Saint-Vincent, J.B.M. and coll. . 1822-1831  (ref. 145)

Dictionnaire Classique d'Histoire Naturelle

Paris. Rey & Gravier, libraires-éditeurs; Baudouin Frères, libraires-éditeurs., Vol:vol. 1 to 17

Lunulina J.B.M. Bory de Saint-Vincent 1822, p. 128 (vol.2)
Generitype T: Lunulina olivacea J. Bory de Saint Vincent 1822 (= Vibrio lunula Muller = Echinella olivacea Lyngbye)
Designated by Bory de Saint Vincent, J.(000145)
Year Designated 1822
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions
Comments Type by original designation (also monotypique). About the type, Bory says (in French): "Vibrio lunula of Müller is the type of this genus in which are included the individuals illustrated by Lyngbye, in the lower part of his fig. C, pl. 70, under the name Echinella olivacea". "Le Vibrio Lunula de Müller est le type de ce genre dans lequel rentrent les indivius représentés par Lyngbye, dans le bas de sa fig. C, pl. 70, sous le nom d'Echinella olivacea" There is also an entry under Lunulina in Bory 1826 (vol.9) where 5 species are described). Misspelled "Lunularia" in SVL catalogue and Mills index. Lunularia Bory is published in Bory 1826, vol. 9, p. 542 (ref. 000145), however it is not a diatom. Lunulina olivacea is not published ontil vol. 9. Review this entry
Published in

Bory de Saint-Vincent, J.B.M. and coll. . 1822-1831  (ref. 145)

Dictionnaire Classique d'Histoire Naturelle

Paris. Rey & Gravier, libraires-éditeurs; Baudouin Frères, libraires-éditeurs., Vol:vol. 1 to 17

Navicula J.B.M. Bory de Saint-Vincent 31/Dec/1822, pg. 128 (vol. 2)
Generitype T: Navicula tripunctata (O. Muller) J. Bory de Saint-Vincent 1827 (= Vibrio tripunctatus O. Muller 1786)
Designated by Bory de Saint Vincent, J.(000145)
Year Designated 1822
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions Cox 1979 (ref. 006851)
Comments Type by original designation (“le Vibrio tripunctatus de Muller est le type de ce genre”). The combination Navicula tripunctata Bory is published in "Encycl. Method. Hist. Nat.; Zoophytes 563. 1827". Boyer, 1927 (ref. 000946) p. 362 indicates that the type is Navicula ostrearia Bory. Bory (Dict. Univ. vol. 10, 1826, p. 265, ref. 000145) stated that Vibrio ostrearia described by Gaillon (in Ann. Générales des Sci. Physiques, vol. 7, p. 93) is synonymous with Vibrio tripunctatus Müller.
Published in

Bory de Saint-Vincent, J.B.M. and coll. . 1822-1831  (ref. 145)

Dictionnaire Classique d'Histoire Naturelle

Paris. Rey & Gravier, libraires-éditeurs; Baudouin Frères, libraires-éditeurs., Vol:vol. 1 to 17

Nematoplata J.B.M. Bory de Saint-Vincent 27/May/1822, pg. 593 (vol.1)
Generitype LT: Nematoplata bronchialis (A.W. Roth) J. Bory de Saint Vincent (op.cit.11:499, 1827)(= Conferva bronchialis A.W. Roth 1797-1806)
Designated by Bory 1827, Dict. Class. Hist Nat. 11: 499. (ref. 000145)
Year Designated 1827
Nomenclatural status valid
Recent revisions
Comments Lectotypification by monotypification. Name first introduced in vol. 1, p. 593 (1822) under the entry "Arthrodiées". Description of the genus is given and 2 species are mentioned: Conferva pectinalis Müller and Conferva bronchialis Roth as "types" (= syntypes) no generitype designated (Bory, stated in the protologue that the two species "présentent indifféremment l'une et l'autre le type du genre Nématoplate"). Nematoplata is also treated in Bory 1827 (vol. 11, p. 498-499, ref. 000145). In this volume, Bory describes 3 species: N. bronchialis, N. argentea and N. subquadrata, he does not explicitly designate a type, but he lists Nematoplata bronchialis (Roth) Bory with Conferva pectinalis O. Müller as a synonym. We accept Bory's action (of placing into synonymy the 2 original species) as the lectotypification (by monotypification) of the genus.
Published in

Bory de Saint-Vincent, J.B.M. and coll. . 1822-1831  (ref. 145)

Dictionnaire Classique d'Histoire Naturelle

Paris. Rey & Gravier, libraires-éditeurs; Baudouin Frères, libraires-éditeurs., Vol:vol. 1 to 17

Archimedea J.B.M. Bory de Saint-Vincent Apr 1824, vol. 5, p. 461
Designated by
Year Designated 0
Nomenclatural status nomen nudum
Recent revisions
Comments In the comments under "Diatome", Bory indicates that he established this genus (Diatoma) under the name Archimedea more than 20 years ago, and that since then De Candolle (Flor. Franc., T. II, p. 48) published it under the name Diatoma. Bory indicates that he has adopted De Candolle’s designation. We were not able to track down the first occurrence in the literature of the name Archimedea (possibly published around year 1800, or may be never published). Name already occupied by Archimedea Sacramento ex St. Hilaire, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. Ser. 2.7:32. 1837. (Phan. Balanophoraceae).
Published in

Bory de Saint-Vincent, J.B.M. and coll. . 1822-1831  (ref. 145)

Dictionnaire Classique d'Histoire Naturelle

Paris. Rey & Gravier, libraires-éditeurs; Baudouin Frères, libraires-éditeurs., Vol:vol. 1 to 17

Diatoma J.B.M. Bory de Saint-Vincent May/15/1824, pg. 461 (vol. 5)
Generitype T: Diatoma vulgare J.B.M. Bory de Saint-Vincent 1824 (type conserved)
Designated by ICBN 1961 (ref. 006910), p. 208
Year Designated 1961
Nomenclatural status nom. cons.
Recent revisions Williams 1985 (ref. 006928), Williams 1990 (ref. 006877)
Comments Name conserved vs. Diatoma Lour. (see ICBN 1961, p. 208, ref. 006910). Bory says p. 461 (in French):"...we had established this genus more than 20 years ago under the name Archimedea...., However, since De Candolle published it later (Flor. Franc. T. II, p. 48) (1805, ref. 000265) under this current name (Diatoma), we adopted this designation....About the 6 or 8 species known to us the following are the most common: Diatoma vulgaris... Diatoma danica...". No type designated in Bory.
Published in

Bory de Saint-Vincent, J.B.M. and coll. . 1822-1831  (ref. 145)

Dictionnaire Classique d'Histoire Naturelle

Paris. Rey & Gravier, libraires-éditeurs; Baudouin Frères, libraires-éditeurs., Vol:vol. 1 to 17

Gaillonella J.B.M. Bory de Saint-Vincent 5 Mar 1825, pg. 101 (vol. 7)
Generitype T: Conferva monoliformis O.F. Muller
Designated by Bory, J.B.M.(000145)
Year Designated 1825
Nomenclatural status valid/illegitimate ?
Recent revisions
Comments Listed in ICBN 1956 (ref. 006916), p. 201 as rejected against Melosira Agardh, not listed in the subsequent codes. It is the nomenclatural synonym of Lysigonium Link 1820 (name rej. vs. Melosira Agardh). The orthographic variant "Gallionella" was introduced by Ehrenberg 1838, p. 166 (ref. 000288); but was conserved by an emended type by the Judical Commision of the International Committee on Bacteriological Nomenclature (see INa card)
Published in

Bory de Saint-Vincent, J.B.M. and coll. . 1822-1831  (ref. 145)

Dictionnaire Classique d'Histoire Naturelle

Paris. Rey & Gravier, libraires-éditeurs; Baudouin Frères, libraires-éditeurs., Vol:vol. 1 to 17

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