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Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Toxosira A. de Brebisson ex M. Peragallo 1903, pg. 926
Generitype T: Toxosira strummulosa A. de Brebisson ex M. Peragallo 1903
Designated by Brebisson, A. de ex M. Peragallo (002540)
Year Designated 1903
Nomenclatural status invalid
Recent revisions
Comments Type by monotypy. Genus name introduced as Toxosira Brébisson. The only species is listed as "Toxosira strummulosa Bréb.? - (Ceratoneis arcus)". The genus name is not validly published because it is not accepted by Peragallo who considers it synonym of C. arcus.
Published in

Peragallo, M. 1903  (ref. 1463)

Le Catalogue Général des Diatomées.

Clermont-Ferrand., Vol:2, 472-973.

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