Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011 |
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Baxteria H. Van Heurck 1896, p. 460 | |
Generitype | T: Baxteria brunii H. Van Heurck 1896 |
Designated by | Van Heurck 1896 |
Year Designated | 1896 |
Nomenclatural status | valid/illegitimate |
Recent revisions | |
Comments | Type by monotypy. Later homonym of Baxteria R. Brown ex W.J. Hooker, 1848 (nom cons.), and Baxteria H.G. Reichenbach 1828 (nom. rej.). Synonym (substitute name): Baxteriopsis G. Karsten 1928." Tempère 1893, p. 79 (ref. 001540) mentions the genus name Baxteria Van Heurck (probably the first published appearance of it), however, it is not effectively published in Tempère's paper because it lacks a description and/or illustration. Valid publication of Baxteria is in Van Heurck 1896 (ref. 000897), p. 460, where the genus is described and the species B. brunii is illustrated. |
Published in |
Van Heurck, H. 1896 (ref. 897) A Treatise on the Diatomaceae. Translated by W.E. Baxter. William Wesley & Son, London. 558 pp., 35 pls. |
Bruniella H. Van Heurck 1896, p. 519 | |
Generitype | T: Bruniella coronalis (J. Brun) H. Van Heurck 1896 (= Cotyledon coronalis J. Brun 1891) |
Designated by | Van Heurck, H.(000897) |
Year Designated | 1896 |
Nomenclatural status | |
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Comments | Type originally indicated (second species questionably included).This genus name was not validly published in Van Heurck, because (1) the genus may not have been accepted by Van Heurck, (2) two species may be included and no generic description is provided. Van Heurck says, on p. 519, as part of the discussion on genus Acanthodiscus: "As to the curious form which Mr. Brun calls Cotyledon coronalis it requires further examination, and may constitute a new genus, Bruniella H.V.H., in which may also perhaps be included his C. circularis." This refers to the paper on Cotyledon in Brun 1891 (ref. 000176). |
Published in |
Van Heurck, H. 1896 (ref. 897) A Treatise on the Diatomaceae. Translated by W.E. Baxter. William Wesley & Son, London. 558 pp., 35 pls. |
Grovea A. Schmidt ex Van Heurck p. 480 | |
Generitype | T: Grovea pedalis (E. Grove & G. Sturt 1887) A. Schmidt ex Van Heurck (= Biddulphia pedalis E. Grove & G. Sturt 1887). |
Designated by | Schmidt, A. in A. Schmidt et al. (000807) |
Year Designated | 1890 |
Nomenclatural status | valid |
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Comments | Type by monotypy. The name was first introduced in Schmidt et al. 1890, pl. 149, fig. 18 (ref. 000807) as "Grovea pedalis A.S. (Biddulphia pedalis Gr.& St.)" without mention of being a new genus, and without description. It was therefore not validly published because “a genus name is not validly published by the mere mention of the subordinate taxa included in the genus concerned” (see ICBN Art. 34.1/d). Van Heurck 1896 provided the validating description. |
Published in |
Van Heurck, H. 1896 (ref. 897) A Treatise on the Diatomaceae. Translated by W.E. Baxter. William Wesley & Son, London. 558 pp., 35 pls. |
Grunoviella H. Van Heurck 1896, pg. 332 | |
Generitype | T: Grunoviella gemmata (A. Grunow 1866) H. Van Heurck 1896 (= Sceptroneis? gemmata A. Grunow 1866) |
Designated by | Van Heurck (000897) |
Year Designated | 1896 |
Nomenclatural status | valid |
Recent revisions | |
Comments | Type by original designation. Entered in Van Heurck 1896 (ref. 000897) p. 332 as Grunoviella H.V.H., 1892, Gen. Nov. Only one species is illustrated and described on p. 332: Grunoviella gemmata (Gr.) Van Heurck (= Sceptroneis? gemmata Gr.), however, on the same page Van Heurck says: "I include in the same genus Sceptroneis marina (Greg) Grun. (H.V.H. Atl., pl. 37, fig. 2)" (this species is also illustrated on pl. 30, fig. 845, as Sceptroneis marina). G. gemmata is designated by Van Heurck as the type by the following statement (p. 332): "I dedicate this genus to my excellent friend....Mr. Grunow, who has described the type-form." |
Published in |
Van Heurck, H. 1896 (ref. 897) A Treatise on the Diatomaceae. Translated by W.E. Baxter. William Wesley & Son, London. 558 pp., 35 pls. |
Haynaldiella J. Pantocsek ex H. Van Heurck 1896, p. 536 | |
Generitype | T: Haynaldiella antiqua J. Pantocsek ex Van Heurck 1896 |
Designated by | Pantocsek ex Van Heurck (000897) |
Year Designated | 1896 |
Nomenclatural status | valid?/illegitimate |
Recent revisions | |
Comments | Type by monotypy. Orthographic variation of Haynaldella Pantocsek or Haynaldia Pantocsek, unless it is a deliberate attempt to alter the original spelling. |
Published in |
Van Heurck, H. 1896 (ref. 897) A Treatise on the Diatomaceae. Translated by W.E. Baxter. William Wesley & Son, London. 558 pp., 35 pls. |
Helminthopsis H. Van Heurck 1896, pg. 455 | |
Generitype | T: Helminthopsis weissfloggi H. Van Heurck 1896 |
Designated by | Van Heurck, H.(000897) |
Year Designated | 1896 |
Nomenclatural status | valid/illegitimate |
Recent revisions | |
Comments | Type by monotypy. Comments: Later homonym of Helminthopsis O. Heer, 1877. Synonym: Helminthopsidella Silva 1970 (replacement name). |
Published in |
Van Heurck, H. 1896 (ref. 897) A Treatise on the Diatomaceae. Translated by W.E. Baxter. William Wesley & Son, London. 558 pp., 35 pls. |
Leudugeria J. Tempere ex H. Van Heurck 1896, pg. 539 | |
Generitype | T: Leudugeria janischii (Grunow) J. Tempere ex H. Van Heurck 1896 (= Euodia janischii A. Grunow 1883) |
Designated by | Van Heurck (001895) |
Year Designated | 1896 |
Nomenclatural status | valid |
Recent revisions | |
Comments | Type by monotypy. The name is first introduced In Tempère 1893 (ref. 001895) as Leudugeria Tempère 1893, in a list of diatom genera (p. 19), with no description provided. This genus became validly published in Van Heurck 1896 (ref. 000897), p. 539, where it is presented as Leudugeria Tempère 1893 (p. 539), with a description and an illustration; Van Heurck indicates that there is only one species L. janischii (Gr.) Temp. |
Published in |
Van Heurck, H. 1896 (ref. 897) A Treatise on the Diatomaceae. Translated by W.E. Baxter. William Wesley & Son, London. 558 pp., 35 pls. |
Muelleriella H. Van Heurck 1896, pg. 435 | |
Generitype | T: Muelleriella limbata (C.G. Ehrenberg 1854) H. Van Heurck 1896 |
Designated by | ICBN 1978, p. 290 |
Year Designated | 1978 |
Nomenclatural status | nom. rej. |
Recent revisions | Hendey 1972 (ref. 003220) |
Comments | Nom. rej. vs. Muelleriella P. Dusen 1905 (nom. cons.)(Musci)(see ICBN 1978, p. 290). Originally monotypic. Synonym (substitute name): Muelleriopsis Hendey 1972. |
Published in |
Van Heurck, H. 1896 (ref. 897) A Treatise on the Diatomaceae. Translated by W.E. Baxter. William Wesley & Son, London. 558 pp., 35 pls. |
Perithyra C.G. Ehrenberg ex H. Van Heurck 1896, p. 492 | |
Generitype | LT: Perithyra denaria C.G. Ehrenberg ex Van Heurck 1896 |
Designated by | Round, Crawford & Mann (1990), p. 697 (ref. 003245). |
Year Designated | 1990 |
Nomenclatural status | valid |
Recent revisions | |
Comments | Illustrated in Ehrenberg 1854 (ref. 000966), plate 35A, figure IX/5 (P. denaria) and IX/6 (P. quaternaria). No generitype was designated by Ehrenberg. This genus name is not validly published in Ehrenberg (1854) because more than one species are included and no generic description is given. Ehrenberg 1854, on plate caption for pl. 35A/IX, refers to "Monatsberichte der Berliner Akademie der Wissenschaften 1845 S.311. 1846 S.278. Text S.123-134". These articles were not consulted by us. Van Heurck illustrates P. denaria, gives a description of the genus and says: "This genus, which appears rather doubtful, includes, according to Ehrenberg, two forms, P. denaria Ehr. and P. quaternaria Ehr., which only differs in having four tubercules. These forms are found in the Ganges. For anything I know, they have never been seen by anyone but Ehrenberg". No type is indicated by Van Heurck. Farr et al. 1979 indicate the type as "not designated", Round, Crawford & Mann (1990) give P. denaria as the type. |
Published in |
Van Heurck, H. 1896 (ref. 897) A Treatise on the Diatomaceae. Translated by W.E. Baxter. William Wesley & Son, London. 558 pp., 35 pls. |
Ploiaria J. Pantocsek ex Van Heurck p. 457 | |
Generitype | T: Ploiaria petasiformis (J. Pantocsek) J. Pantocsek ex Van Heurck 1896 (= Hemiaulus? petasiformis Pantocsek 1886). |
Designated by | Pantocsek, J.(001033) |
Year Designated | 1889 |
Nomenclatural status | valid |
Recent revisions | |
Comments | Type by monotypy. The genus name appeared in Pantocsek 1889 (ref. 001033), pg. 83, pl. 28, fig. 403, 405, but was not validly published because a generic description was not provided by Pantocsek. The validating description was provided by Van Heurck 1896. |
Published in |
Van Heurck, H. 1896 (ref. 897) A Treatise on the Diatomaceae. Translated by W.E. Baxter. William Wesley & Son, London. 558 pp., 35 pls. |
Reicheltia H. Van Heurck 1896, pg. 243 | |
Generitype | T: Reicheltia nobilis (Reichelt in Herrmann & Reichelt 1892-1893) Van Heurck 1896 (= Gomphopleura nobilis Reichelt in Herrmann & Reichelt 1892-1893) |
Designated by | Van Heurck, H.(000897) |
Year Designated | 1896 |
Nomenclatural status | valid/illegitimate |
Recent revisions | |
Comments | Type by monotypy. Introduced in Van Heurck 1896 as “Reicheltia H.V.H., 1895, in Litt.”. Nomenclatural synonym of Gomphopleura Reichelt ex Tempère 1894. |
Published in |
Van Heurck, H. 1896 (ref. 897) A Treatise on the Diatomaceae. Translated by W.E. Baxter. William Wesley & Son, London. 558 pp., 35 pls. |
Rutilariopsis H. Van Heurck 1896, pg. 459 | |
Generitype | T: Rutilariopsis recens (P.T. Cleve) H. Van Heurck 1896 (= Rutilaria recens P.T. Cleve 1881) |
Designated by | Van Heurck (000897) |
Year Designated | 1896 |
Nomenclatural status | valid |
Recent revisions | |
Comments | Type by monotypy. Introduced in H. Van Heurck 1896 as "Rutilariopsis, H.V.H., 1894". |
Published in |
Van Heurck, H. 1896 (ref. 897) A Treatise on the Diatomaceae. Translated by W.E. Baxter. William Wesley & Son, London. 558 pp., 35 pls. |
Scytellum C.A. Agardh (according to Van Heurck 1896) 1827, | |
Generitype | |
Designated by | |
Year Designated | 0 |
Nomenclatural status | ? |
Recent revisions | |
Comments | Not verified by us. VanLandingham gives information as "Scytellum Agardh 1827 (ref. 000103) according to Van Heurck 1896, p. 554" (ref. 000897). This genus could not be found in Agardh 1827 (ref. 000103). The name appears in the index of Van Heurck's Treatise 1896, p. 554, as "Scytellum Ag. 1827 (No. 7)", which refers to genus Navicula p. 162-238. We could not find any more information in Van Heurck 1896. Name not listed in Farr et al. (1979) or ING (current internet version). |
Published in |
Van Heurck, H. 1896 (ref. 897) A Treatise on the Diatomaceae. Translated by W.E. Baxter. William Wesley & Son, London. 558 pp., 35 pls. |
Stenopterobia A. de Brebisson ex H. Van Heurck 1896, p. 374 | |
Generitype | LT: Surirella intermedia F.W. Lewis (nom. illeg.) (= Stenopterobia sigmatella (Greg.) Ross, according to Round, Crawford & Mann 1990, p. 642, 702) |
Designated by | Mann in Round, Crawford, Mann (003245), p. 642 |
Year Designated | 1990 |
Nomenclatural status | valid |
Recent revisions | |
Comments | Introduced in Van Heurck as Stenopterobia de Brébisson in litteris. Four species included in Van Heurck, Surirella Baileyi Lew., S. intermedia Lew., S. delicatissima Lew., and S. anceps Lew. Taylor (1929, p. 222, ref. 000877) cited "Brébisson in litt. 1868". The name seems to have first appeared in the published literature in Cleve 1881 (ref. 000223), p. 7 as "Surirella" (Stenopterobia ?) gracillima Grun. mpt.; it was however not validly published as a subgenus name in Cleve because it was lacking a description. |
Published in |
Van Heurck, H. 1896 (ref. 897) A Treatise on the Diatomaceae. Translated by W.E. Baxter. William Wesley & Son, London. 558 pp., 35 pls. |
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