Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011 |
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Clevamphora C. Mereschkowsky 1903, pg. 27 | |
Generitype | T: Amphora ovalis C.G. Ehrenberg ex Kützing 1844 |
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Year Designated | 0 |
Nomenclatural status | valid/superfluous |
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Comments | Automatic typification under Art. 7.5.Nomenclaturally superfluous. This name appears in a key to diatom genera, with the note: "ich setze lieber Clevamphora fur die Amphora sensu strict. of Cleve" ("I prefer to use Clevamphora for Amphora s.s of Cleve"). Cleve (1895, ref. 000949), p. 99, divides genus Amphora Ehr. in different subgroups, one of them is Amphora (with Amphora ovalis as the type). Farr et al. 1979 give Amphora Ehr. ex Kütz. as synonym (by lectotypification). Genus name is spelled Cleveamphora in Farr et al. 1979. |
Published in |
Mereschkowsky, C. 1903 (ref. 1384) Uber Placoneis, ein neues Diatomeen-Genus. Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt, Vol:15[1], 1-30, pl. 1. |
Placoneis C. Mereschkowsky 1903, pg. 3 | |
Generitype | LT: Placoneis exigua (Gregory) Mereschkowsky 1903 (= Pinnularia exigua Gregory) |
Designated by | Cox (006795), p. 154 |
Year Designated | 1988 |
Nomenclatural status | valid |
Recent revisions | Cox 1988 (ref. 006795) |
Comments | Mereschkowsky included 9 species and several varieties, and did not designate a generitype. Genus described as new the same year in Mereschkowsky 1903 (ref. 006378), p. 14. Mereschkowsky’s comments in ref. 006378 suggest that ref. 001384 was published before ref. 006378. |
Published in |
Mereschkowsky, C. 1903 (ref. 1384) Uber Placoneis, ein neues Diatomeen-Genus. Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt, Vol:15[1], 1-30, pl. 1. |
Staurophora C. Mereschkowsky 1903, pg. 20 | |
Generitype | LT: Staurophora gregoryi (Ralfs) Mereschkowsky 1903, nom. illeg. (= Stauroneis gregoryi Ralfs, name illeg. [Staurophora amphioxys (Gregory) D.G. Mann in F.E. Round, R.M. Crawford & D.G. Mann 1990 (= Stauroneis amphioxys Gregory 1856)] |
Designated by | Mann in Round, Crawford & Mann 1990, p. 482 (ref. 003245) |
Year Designated | 1990 |
Nomenclatural status | valid/illegitimate |
Recent revisions | |
Comments | Later homonym of Staurophora Willdenow 1809. Two species (S. salina, S. gregoryi), and one variety (S. salina var. latior) are originally included, and no type is designated. Mereschkowsky, p. 22, cited Staurophora amphioxys Gregory as a synonym for Staurophora gregoryi; there is no valid reason for not keeping the epithet "amphioxys", and the name Staurophora gregoryi is therefore illegitimate. Mann in Round, Crawford & Mann (ref. 003245), p. 482 (1990) designated Staurophora amphioxys (Gregory) D.G. Mann in F.E. Round, R.M. Crawford & D.G. Mann 1990 (= Stauroneis amphioxys Gregory) as the type of the genus. |
Published in |
Mereschkowsky, C. 1903 (ref. 1384) Uber Placoneis, ein neues Diatomeen-Genus. Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt, Vol:15[1], 1-30, pl. 1. |
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