Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011 |
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Anomoeoneis E. Pfitzer 1871, p. 77 | |
Generitype | T: Anomoeoneis sphaerophora (Kützing) E. Pfitzer 1871 (= Navicula sphaerophora Kützing 1844) |
Designated by | Pfitzer, E. |
Year Designated | 1871 |
Nomenclatural status | valid |
Recent revisions | Round & Mann 1981 (ref. 006882) |
Comments | Type by monotypy. |
Published in |
Pfitzer, E. 1871 (ref. 754) Untersuchungen uber Bau und Entwickelung der Bacillariaceen (Diatomaceen). Botanische Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiet der Morphologie und Physiologie. Herausg. von J. Hanstein, Bonn.[Heft 2], 189 pp., 6 pls. |
Neidium E. Pfitzer 1871, pg. 39 | |
Generitype | LT: Neidium affine (C.G. Ehrenberg) E. Pfitzer 1871 (= Navicula affine C.G. Ehrenberg 1841) |
Designated by | C.S. Boyer (000946), p. 320 |
Year Designated | 1927 |
Nomenclatural status | valid |
Recent revisions | Reimer 1959 (ref. 005250) |
Comments | Four species are listed p. 39 (but not illustrated), N. firmum, N. amphigomphus, N. affine, N. limosum, a fifth species, N. amphirhynchum is illustrated on pl. 4, fig. 1, no type designated. |
Published in |
Pfitzer, E. 1871 (ref. 754) Untersuchungen uber Bau und Entwickelung der Bacillariaceen (Diatomaceen). Botanische Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiet der Morphologie und Physiologie. Herausg. von J. Hanstein, Bonn.[Heft 2], 189 pp., 6 pls. |
Plagiotropis E. Pfitzer 1871, pg. 93 | |
Generitype | T: Plagiotropis baltica E. Pfitzer 1871 |
Designated by | Pfitzer, E. |
Year Designated | 1871 |
Nomenclatural status | valid/illegitimate |
Recent revisions | Paddock 1988 (ref. 006160), Czarnecki 1984 (ref. 006898) |
Comments | Type by monotypy. Comments: Later homonym of Plagiotropis F. von Mueller 1857. See P.T. Cleve 1891 (ref. 000228) p. 53 where Cleve groups genus Plagiotropis, genus Amphoropsis and genus Orthotropis into the genus Tropidoneis Cleve. See also Cleve 1894 (ref. 000232) p. 22-24. Paddock 1988 (ref. 006160), p. 70, indicates that the type of the genus is Plagiotropis vitrea (Smith) Kuntze (= Amphiprora vitrea Smith 1853). Cleve 1891 (ref. 000228), p. 52, had indicated that Amphiprora vitrea is synonym with Plagiotropis baltica. See Tropidoneis Cleve 1891 (taxonomic synonym). |
Published in |
Pfitzer, E. 1871 (ref. 754) Untersuchungen uber Bau und Entwickelung der Bacillariaceen (Diatomaceen). Botanische Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiet der Morphologie und Physiologie. Herausg. von J. Hanstein, Bonn.[Heft 2], 189 pp., 6 pls. |
Suriraya E. Pfitzer 1871, pg. 107 | |
Generitype | |
Designated by | |
Year Designated | 0 |
Nomenclatural status | valid/superfluous |
Recent revisions | |
Comments | Synonym of Surirella Turpin 1828. Superfluous substitute name. Name introduced as "Suriraya Turp." with a long description (and/or comments) in German, and an infrapaginal note: "Mit Unrecht schreibt man den Namen dieser Gattung überall Surirella". New name for Surirella Turpin and proposed because the original genus was named for Dr. Suriray. Nevertheless, the original spelling should not be altered (see ICBN, Art. 60, ex. 6). |
Published in |
Pfitzer, E. 1871 (ref. 754) Untersuchungen uber Bau und Entwickelung der Bacillariaceen (Diatomaceen). Botanische Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiet der Morphologie und Physiologie. Herausg. von J. Hanstein, Bonn.[Heft 2], 189 pp., 6 pls. |
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