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Stauroneis peckii (Rabenhorst) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 914
BasionymStauroptera peckii Rabenhorst 1853
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula gibba var. peckii (Rabenhorst) Grunow 1860
Pinnularia gibba var. peckii (Rabenhorst) Gutwinski 1891
Pinnularia stauroptera var. peckii (Rabenhorst) F.W. Mills 1934
Stauroptera peckii Rabenhorst 1853
Pinnularia gibba var. peckii (Rabenhorst) Mayer 1913

Stauroneis truncata (Rabenhorst) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 914
BasionymStauroptera truncata Rabenhorst
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Actinocyclus tessellatus (Roper) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 835
BasionymEupodiscus tesselatus Roper 1858
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsRoperia tesselata (Roper) Grunow in Van Heurck 1883
Eupodiscus tesselatus Roper 1858
Roperia tesselata (Roper) Grunow ex Pelletan 1889

Actinoptychus splendens (Shadbolt) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 840
BasionymActinophaenia splendens Shadbolt 1854
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsActinophaenia splendens Shadbolt 1854

Dimeregramma (Dimerogramma) sinuatum (Thwaites in W. Smith) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 790; pl. 4, fig. 12
BasionymDenticula sinuata Thwaites in W. Smith 1856
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsGrunowia (Grunovia) sinuata (Thwaites in W. Smith) Rabenhorst 1864
Nitzschia sinuata (Thwaites in W. Smith) Grunow in Cleve & Grunow 1880
Homoeocladia sinuata (Thwaites? ex W. Smith) Kuntze 1898
Odontidium sinuatum (Thwaites in W. Smith) O'Meara 1875
Denticula sinuata Thwaites in W. Smith 1856
Bacillaria sinuata (Thwaites in W. Smith) Elmore in Barbour 1895

Actinocyclus crassus (W. Smith) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 835
BasionymEupodiscus crassus W. Smith 1853
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsActinocyclus crassus (W. Smith) Van Heurck 1883
Actinocyclus ehrenbergii var. crassa (W. Smith) Hustedt 1929
Actinocyclus octonarius var. crassus (W. Smith) Hendey 1954
Eupodiscus crassus W. Smith 1853
Actinocyclus octonarius var. crassus (W. Smith) Hajós 1968

Actinocyclus fulvus (W. Smith) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 835
BasionymEupodiscus fulvus W. Smith 1853
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsAuliscus fulvus (W. Smith) Rabenhorst 1864
Eupodiscus fulvus W. Smith 1853

Actinocyclus ralfsii (W. Smith) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 835; pl. 5, fig. 84
BasionymEupodiscus ralfsii W. Smith 1856
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsActinocyclus ehrenbergii var. ralfsii (W. Smith) Hustedt 1929
Actinocyclus octonarius var. ralfsii (W. Smith) Hendey 1954
Eupodiscus ralfsii W. Smith 1856

Ceratoneis reversa (W. Smith) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 783
BasionymNitzschia reversa W. Smith 1853
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsNitzschia reversa W. Smith 1853
Nitzschiella reversa (W. Smith) Rabenhorst 1864

Cymatopleura solea var. apiculata (W. Smith) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 793
BasionymCymatopleura apiculata W. Smith 1853
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsCymatopleura apiculata W. Smith 1853
Cymatopleura librile var. apiculata (W. Smith) Descy 1983
Cymatopleura solea var. apiculata (W. Smith) Grunow 1862

Dimeregramma (Dimerogramma) harrisonii (W. Smith) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 790; pl. 8, fig. 6
BasionymOdontidium harrisonii Roper 1854
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsFragilaria harrisonii (W. Smith) Grunow 1862
Nematoplata (Nematoplate) harrisonii (W. Smith) Kuntze 1898
Odontidium harrisonii Roper 1854
Rhaphoneis (Raphoneis) harrisonii (W. Smith) O'Meara 1875
Staurosira harrisonii (Roper; W. Smith) Grunow in Cleve & Moller 1877
Diatoma harrisonii (W. Smith) Cleve 1868

Dimeregramma (Dimerogramma) informe (W. Smith) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 790
BasionymOdontidium informe W. Smith 1857
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsOdontidium informe W. Smith 1857

Dimeregramma (Dimerogramma) mutabile (W. Smith) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 790
BasionymOdontidium mutabile W. Smith 1856
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsFragilaria mutabilis (W. Smith) Grunow 1862
Nematoplata mutabilis (W. Smith) Kuntze 1898
Odontidium mutabile W. Smith 1856
Diatoma mutabile (W. Smith) Heiberg 1863
Denticula mutabilis (W. Smith) O'Meara 1875
Staurosira mutabilis (W. Smith) Pfitzer 1871

Dimeregramma (Dimerogramma) tabellaria (W. Smith) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 790; pl. 4, fig. 35
BasionymOdontidium tabellaria W. Smith 1856
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsOdontidium tabellaria W. Smith 1856
Staurosira tabellaria (W. Smith) Leuduger-Fortmoral 1878

Micromega divergens (W. Smith) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 931
BasionymSchizonema divergens W. Smith 1856
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsSchizonema divergens W. Smith 1856

Micromega gracillimum (W. Smith) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 934
BasionymSchizonema gracillimum W. Smith 1856
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsBerkeleya parasitica var. gracillima (W. Smith) Grunow 1880
Schizonema gracillimum W. Smith 1856
Schizonema parasiticum var. gracillimum (W. Smith) Rabenhorst 1864
Micromega gracillimum (W. Smith) Crouan frat. 1861

Micromega molle (W. Smith) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 931
BasionymSchizonema molle W. Smith 1856
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula ramosissima var. mollis (W. Smith) Hendey 1964
Schizonema molle W. Smith 1856
Schizonema ramosissimum var. molle (W. Smith) Aleem 1949
Micromega molle (W. Smith) Crouan frat. 1861

Navicula acuminata (W. Smith) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 909
BasionymPinnularia acuminata W. Smith 1853
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula viridis var. acuminata (W. Smith) M. Peragallo 1903
Pinnularia acuminata W. Smith 1853
Pinnularia viridis var. acuminata (W. Smith) Brun 1880

Navicula directa (W. Smith) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 906
BasionymPinnularia directa W. Smith 1853
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsPinnularia directa W. Smith 1853
Navicula directa (W. Smith) Brébisson 1854
Schizonema directum (W. Smith) Kuntze 1898

Navicula distans (W. Smith) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 907
BasionymPinnularia distans W. Smith 1853
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsPinnularia distans W. Smith 1853
Navicula distans (W. Smith) Brébisson 1854
Schizonema distans (W. Smith) Kuntze 1898
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