Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Achnanthes gibberula f. angustior ‘Grunow ex Van Heurck’ VanLandingham 1967  Details 
Achnanthidium agglutinans ‘Grunow in Cleve & Grunow’ VanLandingham 1967  Details 
Amphora libyca var. minor ‘Gutwinski’ VanLandingham 1967  Details 
Achnanthidium kuwaitensis ‘Hendey’ VanLandingham 1967  Details 
Achnanthes birugula ‘Hohn’ VanLandingham 1967  Details 
Achnanthes repestoides ‘Hohn’ VanLandingham 1967  Details 
Actinoptychus divisus ‘Kisselev’ VanLandingham 1967  Details 
Achnanthes conchinchinensis ‘M. Peragallo’ VanLandingham 1967  Details 
Asterionella madagascariensis f. minor ‘Manguin in Bourrelly & Manguin’ VanLandingham 1967  Details 
Achnanthes lanceolata f. typica ‘Meister’ VanLandingham 1967  Details 
Achnanthes inflata var. signata ‘O. Müller’ VanLandingham 1967  Details 
Auliscus subreticulatus var. minor ‘Tempère & Peragallo’ according to VanLandingham 1967  Details 
Achnanthes exigua var. constricta ‘Torka’ VanLandingham 1967  Details 
Achnanthes trijuga ‘Turpin’ according to VanLandingham 1967  Details 
Actinocyclus yarrensis according to VanLandingham 1967  Details 
Achnanthes groenlandica var. oestrupii Cleve-Euler ex VanLandingham 1967  Details 
Achnanthes astridii VanLandingham 1967  Details 
Achnanthes biconfusa VanLandingham 1967  Details 
Achnanthes crenulata var. confusa VanLandingham 1967  Details 
Achnanthes expecta VanLandingham 1967  Details 
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