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Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Stauroneis capitata (Ehrenberg) Kützing 1849, p. 92
BasionymStauroptera capitata Ehrenberg 1844
Published inKützing, F.T. 1849 [ref. 000596]. Species Algarum. Lipsiae. F.A. Brockhaus. 922 pp.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsStauroptera capitata Ehrenberg 1844

Terpsinoe indica (Ehrenberg) Kützing 1849, p. 119
BasionymAnaulus indicus Ehrenberg 1845
Published inKützing, F.T. 1849 [ref. 000596]. Species Algarum. Lipsiae. F.A. Brockhaus. 922 pp.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsAnaulus indicus Ehrenberg 1845

Melosira pileata (Ehrenberg; Ehrenberg) Kützing 1849, p. 31
BasionymGaillonella (Gallionella) pileata Ehrenberg 1844
Published inKützing, F.T. 1849 [ref. 000596]. Species Algarum. Lipsiae. F.A. Brockhaus. 922 pp.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsGaillonella (Gallionella) pileata Ehrenberg 1844

Grammatonema striatulum var. diatomoides (Greville in Harvey) Kützing 1849, p. 187
BasionymFragilaria diatomoides Greville in Harvey
Published inKützing, F.T. 1849 [ref. 000596]. Species Algarum. Lipsiae. F.A. Brockhaus. 922 pp.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Grammonema striatulum var. diatomoides (Greville) Kützing 1849, p. 187
BasionymFragilaria diatomoides Greville 1823
Published inKützing, F.T. 1849 [ref. 000596]. Species Algarum. Lipsiae. F.A. Brockhaus. 922 pp.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified
List of nomenclatural synonymsFragilaria diatomoides Greville 1823

Micromega setaceum var. torquatum (Harvey) Kützing 1849, p. 107
BasionymSchizonema smithii var. torquatum Harvey 1841
Published inKützing, F.T. 1849 [ref. 000596]. Species Algarum. Lipsiae. F.A. Brockhaus. 922 pp.
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Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsMicromega torquatum (Harvey) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861
Navicula torquata (Harvey; W. Smith) Hustedt 1939
Schizonema smithii var. torquatum Harvey 1841
Schizonema torquatum (Harvey) Meneghini 1853
Navicula ramosissima var. torquata (Harvey) R. Ross in Hartley 1986
Micromega torquatum (Kützing) Crouan frat. 1861
Schizonema torquatum (Harvey) W. Smith 1856

Schizonema dillwynii var. dubium (Harvey) Kützing 1849, p. 101
BasionymSchizonema dubium Harvey 1841
Published inKützing, F.T. 1849 [ref. 000596]. Species Algarum. Lipsiae. F.A. Brockhaus. 922 pp.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified
List of nomenclatural synonymsBerkeleya dubia (Harvey) Grunow 1880
Carrodoria dubia (Harvey) Kuntze 1898
Schizonema dubium Harvey 1841

Schizonema rutilans var. amplius (Kutzing in litt., Kutzing) Kützing 1849, p. 101
BasionymSchizonema amplius Kutzing in litt., Kutzing 1849
Published inKützing, F.T. 1849 [ref. 000596]. Species Algarum. Lipsiae. F.A. Brockhaus. 922 pp.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula ramosissima f. amplia (amplius) (Kutzing in litt, Kutzing; Grunow in Van Heurck) Cleve 1895
Navicula ramosissima var. amplius (Kutzing in litt, Kutzing; Grunow in Van Heurck) Peragallo & Peragallo 1897
Schizonema amplius Kutzing in litt., Kutzing 1849
Schizonema ramosissimum f. amplia (amplius) (Kutzing in litt., Kutzing; Grunow in Van Heurck) Skvortzow 1931
Schizonema ramosissimum var. amplius (Kutzing in litt., Kutzing 1849; Grunow in Van Heurck) Peragallo & Peragallo 1897-1908

Achnanthidium flexellum (Kützing) Brébisson ex Kützing 1849, p. 54
BasionymCymbella flexella Kützing 1844
Published inKützing, F.T. 1849 [ref. 000596]. Species Algarum. Lipsiae. F.A. Brockhaus. 922 pp.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsAchnanthes flexella (Kützing) Mann 1937
Achnanthes flexella (Kützing) Brun 1880
Cocconeis flexella (Kützing) Cleve 1895
Cymbella flexella Kützing 1844
Eucocconeis flexella (Kützing) Cleve 1895
Eucocconeis flexella (Kützing) Meister 1912

Diatoma vulgare var. quadratum (Kützing) Kuetzing 1849, p. 16
BasionymDiatoma mesodon var. quadratum Kützing 1844
Published inKützing, F.T. 1849 [ref. 000596]. Species Algarum. Lipsiae. F.A. Brockhaus. 922 pp.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified
List of nomenclatural synonymsDiatoma hiemale (hyemale) var. quadratum (Kützing) Ross 1950
Diatoma mesodon var. quadratum Kützing 1844
Diatoma vulgare f. quadrata (Kützing) Rabenhorst 1864

Gomphonema lenormandi (lenormandii) (Kützing) Chauvin in Kützing 1849, p. 65
BasionymSphenella lenormandi Kützing 1844
Published inKützing, F.T. 1849 [ref. 000596]. Species Algarum. Lipsiae. F.A. Brockhaus. 922 pp.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsGomphonella lenormandi Rabenhorst 1853
Sphenella lenormandi Kützing 1844
Sphenoneis lenormandii (Kützing) Trevisan 1848

Gomphonema parvulum (Kützing) Kützing 1849, p. 65
BasionymSphenella parvula Kützing 1844
Published inKützing, F.T. 1849 [ref. 000596]. Species Algarum. Lipsiae. F.A. Brockhaus. 922 pp.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsGomphonella parvula (Kützing) Rabenhorst 1853
Sphenella parvula Kützing 1844
Sphenoneis parvula (Kützing) Trevisan 1848
Gomphonema parvulum (Kützing) Van Heurck 1880

Odontidium mesodon (Kützing) Kützing 1849, p. 12
BasionymDiatoma mesodon Kützing 1844
Published inKützing, F.T. 1849 [ref. 000596]. Species Algarum. Lipsiae. F.A. Brockhaus. 922 pp.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsDiatoma mesodon Kützing 1844

Sphenella italica (Kützing) Kützing 1849, p. 63
BasionymGomphonema italicum Kützing 1844
Published inKützing, F.T. 1849 [ref. 000596]. Species Algarum. Lipsiae. F.A. Brockhaus. 922 pp.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsGomphonema capitatum var. italicum (Kützing) Rabenhorst 1864
Gomphonema constrictum f. italica (Kützing) Foged 1964
Gomphonema constrictum f. italicum (Kützing) Mayer 1928
Gomphonema constrictum var. italicum (Kützing) Grunow in Van Heurck 1880
Gomphonema italicum Kützing 1844
Gomphonema truncatum f. italica (Mayer) Woodhead & Tweed 1954

Synedra atomus (Kützing) Naegeli in Kutzing 1849, p. 40
BasionymAmphora atomus Kützing 1844
Published inKützing, F.T. 1849 [ref. 000596]. Species Algarum. Lipsiae. F.A. Brockhaus. 922 pp.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsAmphora atomus Kützing 1844
Cocconeis atomus (Kützing) Rabenhorst 1863
Navicula atomus (Kützing) Grunow 1860
Mayamaea atomus (Kützing) Lange-Bertalot 1997

Synedra tergestina (Kützing) Kützing 1849, p. 44
Basionym Kützing
Published inKützing, F.T. 1849 [ref. 000596]. Species Algarum. Lipsiae. F.A. Brockhaus. 922 pp.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Micromega stalianum (Meneghini) Kützing 1849, p. 106
BasionymSchizonema stalianum Meneghini 1845
Published inKützing, F.T. 1849 [ref. 000596]. Species Algarum. Lipsiae. F.A. Brockhaus. 922 pp.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsBerkeleya staliana (Meneghini) Grunow 1880
Carrodoria staliana (Meneghini) Kuntze 1898
Schizonema stalianum Meneghini 1845

Colletonema eximium (Thwaites) Kützing 1849, p. 891
BasionymSchizonema eximium Thwaites 1848
Published inKützing, F.T. 1849 [ref. 000596]. Species Algarum. Lipsiae. F.A. Brockhaus. 922 pp.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsGyrosigma eximium (Thwaites) Boyer 1927
Pleurosigma eximium (Thwaites) Grunow in Cleve & Grunow 1880
Scalprum (Scalptrum) eximium (Thwaites) Kuntze 1891
Schizonema eximium Thwaites 1848
Gyrosigma eximium (Thwaites) Boyer emend Giffen 1970
Endosigma eximium (Thwaites) Juhlin-Dannfelt 1882

Melosira dickiei (dickieii, dickieyi) (Thwaites) Kützing 1849, p. 889
BasionymOrthosira dickiei Thwaites
Published inKützing, F.T. 1849 [ref. 000596]. Species Algarum. Lipsiae. F.A. Brockhaus. 922 pp.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Navicula major var. conjugata (Turpin) Kützing 1849, p. 79
BasionymBacillaria conjugata Turpin 1828
Published inKützing, F.T. 1849 [ref. 000596]. Species Algarum. Lipsiae. F.A. Brockhaus. 922 pp.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified
List of nomenclatural synonymsBacillaria conjugata Turpin 1828
Navicula major var. conjugata (Turpin) F.W. Mills 1933
Pinnularia major (maior) var. conjugata (Turpin) Rabenhorst 1864
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