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Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Amphora intermedia F.W. Lewis 1865, p. 17; pl. 1, fig. 7 a-c
CommentsPreviously validly published with illustration only in Lewis 1864, p. 346; fig. 7 (ref. 000610)
Published inLewis, F.W. 1865 [ref. 000611]. On extreme and exceptional variations of diatoms in some White Mountain localities, etc. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1865[= vol. 17]:7-18, 2 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionE
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsAuricula intermedia (Lewis) Cleve 1894
Amphora intermedia F.W. Lewis 1864

Mastogloia elegans Lewis 1865, p. 17; pl. 2, fig. 16
Published inLewis, F.W. 1865 [ref. 000611]. On extreme and exceptional variations of diatoms in some White Mountain localities, etc. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1865[= vol. 17]:7-18, 2 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionE
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Mastogloia kinsmanii Lewis 1865, p. 17; pl. 2, fig. 15
Published inLewis, F.W. 1865 [ref. 000611]. On extreme and exceptional variations of diatoms in some White Mountain localities, etc. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1865[= vol. 17]:7-18, 2 pls.
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Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionE
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Navicula firma var. amphigomphus (Ehrenberg) Lewis 1865, p. 15
BasionymNavicula amphigomphus Ehrenberg 1843
Published inLewis, F.W. 1865 [ref. 000611]. On extreme and exceptional variations of diatoms in some White Mountain localities, etc. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1865[= vol. 17]:7-18, 2 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula amphigomphus Ehrenberg 1843
Navicula firma var. amphigomphus (Ehrenberg) Cleve & Möller 1879
Navicula iridis var. amphigomphus (Ehrenberg) Van Heurck 1880
Neidium amphigomphus (Ehrenberg) Pfitzer 1871
Navicula iridis var. amphigomphus (Ehrenberg) O’Meara 1875
Neidium iridis var. amphigomphus (Ehrenberg) Frenguelli 1933
Schizonema amphigomphus (Ehrenberg) Kuntze 1898

Navicula firma var. iridis (Ehrenberg) Lewis 1865, p. 15
BasionymNavicula iridis Ehrenberg 1843
Published inLewis, F.W. 1865 [ref. 000611]. On extreme and exceptional variations of diatoms in some White Mountain localities, etc. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1865[= vol. 17]:7-18, 2 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula firma var. iridis (Ehrenberg) Cleve & Möller 1879
Navicula iridis Ehrenberg 1843
Neidium iridis (Ehrenberg) Cleve 1894
Neidium iridis var. amphigomphus (Ehrenberg) Tempère & Peragallo 1912
Pinnularia iridis (Ehrenberg) Rabenhorst 1853
Schizonema iridis (Ehrenberg) Kuntze 1898

Navicula incomperta Lewis 1865, p. 18; pl. 2, fig. 20
Published inLewis, F.W. 1865 [ref. 000611]. On extreme and exceptional variations of diatoms in some White Mountain localities, etc. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1865[= vol. 17]:7-18, 2 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionE
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsFrustulia incomperta (Lewis) De Toni 1891
Frustulia interposita var. incomperta (Lewis) Cleve 1894
Vanheurckia interposita var. incomperta (Lewis) Frenguelli 1924
Vanheurckia lewisiana var. incomperta (Lewis) M. Peragallo 1903

Navicula interposita Lewis 1865, p. 18; pl. 2, fig. 19
Published inLewis, F.W. 1865 [ref. 000611]. On extreme and exceptional variations of diatoms in some White Mountain localities, etc. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1865[= vol. 17]:7-18, 2 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionE
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsBrebissonia interposita (Lewis) Kuntze 1898
Frustulia interposita (Lewis) De Toni 1891

Navicula serians var. apiculata Lewis 1865, p. 8; pl. 2, fig. 5a
as var. a (apiculate)
CommentsNo name. Name validly published by Boyer 1927
Published inLewis, F.W. 1865 [ref. 000611]. On extreme and exceptional variations of diatoms in some White Mountain localities, etc. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1865[= vol. 17]:7-18, 2 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionE
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsAnomoeoneis serians var. apiculata Boyer 1927
Brachysira apiculata (Boyer) H. Lange-Bertalot & G. Moser 1994

Stauroneis stodderi Greenleaf in Lewis 1865, p. 13, fig. 2, fig. 6
Published inLewis, F.W. 1865 [ref. 000611]. On extreme and exceptional variations of diatoms in some White Mountain localities, etc. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1865[= vol. 17]:7-18, 2 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionE
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula stodderi (Greenleaf in Lewis) Cleve 1894
Schizonema stodderi (Greenleaf) Kuntze 1898
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