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Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Actinella bourrellyi J.P. Kociolek & K. Rhode 1998, p. 61; fig. 17-20, 27-30
CommentsNew name for Asterionella madagascarensis var. minor Manguin 1950.
Published inKociolek, J.P. and Rhode, K. 1998 [ref. 008043]. Raphe vestiges in Asterionella species from Madagascar: evidence for a polyphyletic origin of the araphid diatoms? Cryptogamie, Algologie 19(1-2):57-74.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsAsterionella madagascariensis f. minor ‘Manguin in Bourrelly & Manguin’ VanLandingham 1967
Asterionella madagascariensis var. minor Manguin in Bourrelly & Manguin 1949

Actinella candelabrum (Manguin) Kociolek & Rhode 1998, p. 61; fig. 1-14
BasionymAsterionella candelabrum Manguin in Bourrelly & Manguin 1949
Published inKociolek, J.P. and Rhode, K. 1998 [ref. 008043]. Raphe vestiges in Asterionella species from Madagascar: evidence for a polyphyletic origin of the araphid diatoms? Cryptogamie, Algologie 19(1-2):57-74.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsAsterionella candelabrum Manguin in Bourrelly & Manguin 1949

Actinella madagascariensis (Manguin) Kociolek & Rhode 1998, p. 61; fig. 15-16, 21-26
BasionymAsterionella madagascariensis Manguin in Bourrelly & Manguin 1949
Comments[according to ANSP]
Published inKociolek, J.P. and Rhode, K. 1998 [ref. 008043]. Raphe vestiges in Asterionella species from Madagascar: evidence for a polyphyletic origin of the araphid diatoms? Cryptogamie, Algologie 19(1-2):57-74.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsAsterionella madagascariensis Manguin in Bourrelly & Manguin 1949

Actinella reviersii Kociolek & Rhode 1998, p. 61; fig. 31-41
CommentsNew name for Asterionella madagascarensis var. tibiaeformis Manguin 1949
Published inKociolek, J.P. and Rhode, K. 1998 [ref. 008043]. Raphe vestiges in Asterionella species from Madagascar: evidence for a polyphyletic origin of the araphid diatoms? Cryptogamie, Algologie 19(1-2):57-74.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsAsterionella madagascariensis var. tibiaeformis Manguin in Bourrelly & Manguin 1949
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