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Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Gomphoneis cantalica (Brun & Héribaud in Héribaud) Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 216, fig. 1-2
BasionymGomphonema cantalicum Brun & Héribaud in Héribaud 1893
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsGomphonema cantalicum Brun & Héribaud in Héribaud 1893

Didymosphenia sibirica (Grunow) M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 214, 1-3
BasionymGomphonema geminatum var. sibericum Grunow 1878
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsGomphonema geminatum var. sibericum Grunow 1878
Gomphonema siberica (Grunow) M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899

Gomphonema siberica (Grunow) M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 214, fig. 1-3
BasionymGomphonema geminatum var. sibericum Grunow 1878
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified
List of nomenclatural synonymsGomphonema geminatum var. sibericum Grunow 1878
Didymosphenia sibirica (Grunow) M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899

Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngbye) M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 214, fig. 7-9
Basionym Lyngbye
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified

Didymosphenia curvirostrum (Tempère & Brun in Brun & Tempère) M. Schmidt 1899, pl. 214, fig. 4-6
BasionymGomphonema curvirostrum Tempère & Brun in Brun & Tempère 1889
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsGomphonema curvirostrum Tempère & Brun in Brun & Tempère 1889
Gomphonema geminatum var. curvirostra (curvirostrum) (Tempère & Brun in Brun & Tempère) Cleve 1894

Gomphonema tropicale Brun ex M. Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 216; fig. 3-4
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Didymosphenia geminata var. stricta M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 214; fig. 11, 12
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsGomphonema geminatum var. strictum (stricta) (M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al.) F.W. Mills 1934

Gomphoneis herculeana var. septiceps M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 215, fig. 13, 14
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsGomphonema herculeanum var. septiceps (M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al.) F.W. Mills 1934

Gomphonema eriense var. rostrata M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 216, fig. 15-18
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsGomphoneis eriense var. rostrata (M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al.) Skvortzow & Meyer 1928
Gomphoneis eriense var. rostrata (M. Schmidt) Stoermer 1963

Gomphonema grovei M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 214, fig. 13-18
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsGomphosphenia grovei (M. Schmidt) Lange-Bertalot 1995

Gomphonema kamtschaticum var. dimidiata M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 213, fig. 45
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Gomphonema occidentale M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 216, fig. 19-21
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Gomphonema occidentale var. abbreviata M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 216, fig. 22, 23
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsGomphonema stoermeri J.P. Kociolek & J.C. Kingston 1999

Gomphonema reichelti M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 214, fig. 19-22
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Gomphonema scapha M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 216, fig. 26-28
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsGomphoneis scapha (M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al.) Tempère & Peragallo 1909

Rhoicosphenia adolfi M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 213, fig. 20-23
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Rhoicosphenia curvata var. gracilis M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 213, fig. 17
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Rhoicosphenia curvata f. minor M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 213, fig. 18
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Rhoicosphenia curvata var. subacuta M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 213, fig. 6-14, 19
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Rhoicosphenia marina M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 213, fig. 29-34
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified

Rhoicosphenia marina var. heterostricta M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 213, fig. 35
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Rhoicosphenia marina var. intermedia M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 213, fig. 36-39
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Rhoicosphenia marina f. major M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 213; fig. 28-31
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Rhoicosphenia marina f. minor M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 213, fig. 32-34
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Rhoicosphenia pullus M. Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1899, pl. 213, fig. 24-27
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Gomphopleura nobilis Reichelt in A. Schmidt 1899, pl. 215, figs. 15, 16
Published inSchmidt, A. 1899 [ref. 012479]. Atlas der Diatomaceen-kunde. Leipzig. O.R. Reisland Series V(Heft 54):pls. 213-216. [M. Schmidt]
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
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