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Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Navicula rotaeana var. fasciata Østrup 1910, p. 28; pl. 1, fig. 27
Published inØstrup, E. 1910 [ref. 000706]. Danske Diatoméer. C.A. Reitzels Boghandel, Kjøbenhavn. 323 pp., 5 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula rotaeana f. fasciata (Østrup) Hustedt 1962

Navicula rotaeana f. linearis Østrup 1910, p. 38; pl. 1, fig. 26
as Navicula rotaeana var. oblongella f. linearis
Published inØstrup, E. 1910 [ref. 000706]. Danske Diatoméer. C.A. Reitzels Boghandel, Kjøbenhavn. 323 pp., 5 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionD
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified

Navicula toulaae (toulae) var. danica Østrup 1910, p. 102; pl. 2, fig. 11
Published inØstrup, E. 1910 [ref. 000706]. Danske Diatoméer. C.A. Reitzels Boghandel, Kjøbenhavn. 323 pp., 5 pls.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified

Navicula tuscula var. stroesei Østrup 1910, p. 84
Published inØstrup, E. 1910 [ref. 000706]. Danske Diatoméer. C.A. Reitzels Boghandel, Kjøbenhavn. 323 pp., 5 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula stroesei (Østrup) Cleve-Euler in Backman & Cleve-Euler 1922
Aneumastus stroesei (Østrup) Mann in Round, Crawford & Mann 1990
Navicula strösei (Østrup) Cleve-Euler 1922

Neidium calvum Østrup 1910, p. 20; pl. 1, fig. 11
Published inØstrup, E. 1910 [ref. 000706]. Danske Diatoméer. C.A. Reitzels Boghandel, Kjøbenhavn. 323 pp., 5 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Neidium clavum Østrup 1910, p. 20; pl. 1, fig. 11
StatusValid (double)
Published inØstrup, E. 1910 [ref. 000706]. Danske Diatoméer. C.A. Reitzels Boghandel, Kjøbenhavn. 323 pp., 5 pls.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified

Neidium creticula Østrup 1910, p. 146; fig. 4:98a, b
Published inØstrup, E. 1910 [ref. 000706]. Danske Diatoméer. C.A. Reitzels Boghandel, Kjøbenhavn. 323 pp., 5 pls.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified

Neidium dubium var. oblongum Østrup 1910, p. 20; pl. 2, fig. 8
Published inØstrup, E. 1910 [ref. 000706]. Danske Diatoméer. C.A. Reitzels Boghandel, Kjøbenhavn. 323 pp., 5 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Neidium fasciatum Østrup 1910, p. 21; pl. 1, fig. 14
Published inØstrup, E. 1910 [ref. 000706]. Danske Diatoméer. C.A. Reitzels Boghandel, Kjøbenhavn. 323 pp., 5 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsNeidium incurvum var. fasciatum (Østrup) Cleve-Euler 1955

Neidium fasciatum var. denudatum Østrup 1910, p. 21; pl. 1, fig. 15
Published inØstrup, E. 1910 [ref. 000706]. Danske Diatoméer. C.A. Reitzels Boghandel, Kjøbenhavn. 323 pp., 5 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsNeidium incurvum var. denudatum (Østrup) Cleve-Euler 1955

Neidium tenue Østrup 1910, p. 22; pl. 1, fig. 16
Published inØstrup, E. 1910 [ref. 000706]. Danske Diatoméer. C.A. Reitzels Boghandel, Kjøbenhavn. 323 pp., 5 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsCaloneis vasilyevae Lange-Bertalot, Genkal & Vechov 2005
Caloneis vasilyevae H. Lange-Bertalot, S.I. Genkal & N.V. Vekhov 2004

Nitzschia bilobata f. minima Østrup 1910, p. 152; pl. 4, fig. 99
Published inØstrup, E. 1910 [ref. 000706]. Danske Diatoméer. C.A. Reitzels Boghandel, Kjøbenhavn. 323 pp., 5 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Nitzschia creticola Østrup 1910, p. 146; pl. 4, fig. 98 a-b
Published inØstrup, E. 1910 [ref. 000706]. Danske Diatoméer. C.A. Reitzels Boghandel, Kjøbenhavn. 323 pp., 5 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsDenticula creticola (Østrup) Lange-Bertalot & Krammer 1993

Nitzschia dubia var. latestriata Østrup 1910, p. 150; pl. 4, fig. 95
Published inØstrup, E. 1910 [ref. 000706]. Danske Diatoméer. C.A. Reitzels Boghandel, Kjøbenhavn. 323 pp., 5 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsNitzschia latestriata (Østrup) Cleve-Euler 1952

Nitzschia fluminensis var. densestriata Østrup 1910, p. 154; pl. 4, fig. 100
Published inØstrup, E. 1910 [ref. 000706]. Danske Diatoméer. C.A. Reitzels Boghandel, Kjøbenhavn. 323 pp., 5 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsNitzschia vivax var. densestriata (Østrup) Cleve-Euler 1952

Nitzschia heufleriana var. recta Østrup 1910, p. 163; pl. 5, fig. 103
Published inØstrup, E. 1910 [ref. 000706]. Danske Diatoméer. C.A. Reitzels Boghandel, Kjøbenhavn. 323 pp., 5 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Nitzschia oblongella Østrup 1910, p. 156; pl. 4, fig. 101
Published inØstrup, E. 1910 [ref. 000706]. Danske Diatoméer. C.A. Reitzels Boghandel, Kjøbenhavn. 323 pp., 5 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Nitzschia obtusa var. sigmoidea Østrup 1910, p. 159; pl. 5, fig. 102
Published inØstrup, E. 1910 [ref. 000706]. Danske Diatoméer. C.A. Reitzels Boghandel, Kjøbenhavn. 323 pp., 5 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Nitzschia sigmoidea Østrup 1910, p. 159; pl. 5, fig. 102
Published inØstrup, E. 1910 [ref. 000706]. Danske Diatoméer. C.A. Reitzels Boghandel, Kjøbenhavn. 323 pp., 5 pls.
Type     INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
CollectorAssessment of record accuracyuncertain/not verified

Pinnularia brebissonii var. lanceolata Østrup 1910, p. 98; pl. 3, fig. 63
Published inØstrup, E. 1910 [ref. 000706]. Danske Diatoméer. C.A. Reitzels Boghandel, Kjøbenhavn. 323 pp., 5 pls.
Type     Click here to view INA card. Click here to check this name in the INA website.
Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionL
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsPinnularia lenticula var. lanceolata (Østrup) Cleve-Euler 1955
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