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Himantidium parallelum (Ehrenberg; Ehrenberg) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 765
BasionymEunotia parallelum Ehrenberg 1854
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsEunotia parallelum Ehrenberg 1854

Himantidium praeruptum (Ehrenberg; Ehrenberg) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 765
BasionymEunotia praerupta Ehrenberg; Ehrenberg
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate

Melosira punctigera (Ehrenberg; Ehrenberg) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 819
BasionymGaillonella (Gallionella) punctigera Ehrenberg 1842
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsGaillonella (Gallionella) punctigera Ehrenberg 1842

Micromega agardhii (Ehrenberg; Ehrenberg) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 933
BasionymSchizonema agardhi (agardhii) Ehrenberg 1835
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsHomoeocladia agardhii (Ehrenberg) Edwards 1870
Schizonema agardhi (agardhii) Ehrenberg 1835

Navicula styliformis (Ehrenberg; Ehrenberg) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 907
BasionymPinnularia styliformis Ehrenberg 1843
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionE
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsPinnularia styliformis Ehrenberg 1843

Nitzschia amphilepta (Ehrenberg; Ehrenberg) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 780
BasionymEunotia amphilepta Ehrenberg 1845
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsEunotia amphilepta Ehrenberg 1845

Pleurosigma simum (Ehrenberg; Ehrenberg) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 917
BasionymNavicula sima Ehrenberg 1845
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula sima Ehrenberg 1845

Tetracyclus crux (Ehrenberg; Ehrenberg) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 807
BasionymBiblarium crux (Ehrenberg) 1845
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsBiblarium crux (Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg 1845
Navicula crux Ehrenberg 1838

Pleurosigma scalprum (Gaillon in Turpin) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 919
BasionymNavicula scalprum Gaillon in Turpin 1827
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsGyrosigma attenuatum var. scalprum (Gaillon in Turpin) Cleve 1894
Navicula scalprum Gaillon in Turpin 1827
Sigmatella scalprum (Gaillon in Turpin) Brébisson 1838
Cymbella scalprum (Gaillon in Turpin) Agardh 1830
Gyrosigma scalprum (Gaillon in Turpin) Sterrenburg 1992
Scalprum scalprum (Gaillon) Kuntze 1891
Gyrosigma scalprum (Gaillon in Turpin) Sterrenburg 1992

Actinocyclus ralfsii var. sparsus (Gregory) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 835
BasionymEupodiscus sparsus Gregory 1857
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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Type LocalityLanguage of descriptionE
CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsActinocyclus ehrenbergii var. sparsa (Gregory) Hustedt 1929
Actinocyclus octonarius var. sparsus (Gregory) Hendey 1954
Actinocyclus sparsus (Gregory) Rattray 1890
Eupodiscus sparsus Gregory 1857

Actinocyclus subtilis (Gregory) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 835
BasionymEupodiscus subtilis Gregory 1857
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsEupodiscus subtilis Gregory 1857

Bacillaria socialis (Gregory) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 784
BasionymNitzschia socialis Gregory 1857
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsNitzschia socialis Gregory 1857

Dimeregramma (Dimerogramma) capitatum (Gregory) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 790
BasionymDenticula capitata Gregory 1857
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsDenticula capitata Gregory 1857

Dimeregramma (Dimerogramma) distans (Gregory) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 790; pl. 4, fig. 34
BasionymDenticula distans Gregory 1857
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsGlyphodesmis distans (Gregory) Grunow in Van Heurck 1881
Denticula distans Gregory 1857

Dimeregramma (Dimerogramma) fulvum (Gregory) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 790
BasionymDenticula fulva Gregory 1857
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsDenticula fulva Gregory 1857

Dimeregramma (Dimerogramma) marinum (Gregory) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 790
BasionymDenticula marina Gregory 1857
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsDenticula marina Gregory 1857

Dimeregramma (Dimerogramma) minor (minus) (Gregory) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 790
BasionymDenticula minor Gregory 1857
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsDenticula minor Gregory 1857

Dimeregramma (Dimerogramma) nanum (Gregory) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 790; pl. 4, fig. 33
BasionymDenticula nana Gregory 1857
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsDenticula nana Gregory 1857
Dimeregramma (Dimerogramma) minor (minus) var. nana (Gregory) Van Heurck 1885

Navicula acutiuscula (Gregory) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 906
BasionymPinnularia acutiuscula Gregory 1856
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsNavicula zostereti var. acutiuscula (Gregory) Cleve 1883
Pinnularia acutiuscula Gregory 1856

Navicula allmaniana (Gregory) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861, p. 899
BasionymPinnularia allmaniana Gregory 1857
Published inPritchard, A. 1861 [ref. 001063]. A history of infusoria, living and fossil: arranged according to Die infusionsthierchen of C.G. Ehrenberg; containing colored engravings, illustrative of all the genera, and descriptions of all the species in that work, with several new ones; to which is appended an account of those recently discovered in the chalk formations. xii. Edition IV, revised and enlarged by J.T. Arlidge, W. Archer, J. Ralfs, W.C. Williamson and the author. London, Whittaker and Co., 1861. xiii + 968 pp., 40 pls.
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CollectorAssessment of record accuracylikely accurate
List of nomenclatural synonymsHeteroneis allmanniana (allmaniana) (Gregory) E. Jørgensen 1905
Pinnularia allmaniana Gregory 1857
Cocconeis allmanniana (Gregory) Grunow 1867
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