Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Catalogue of Diatom Names, On-Line Version, Updated 19 Sep 2011
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Actinella aotearoaia R.L. Lowe, B.J.F. Biggs & S. Francoeur in Sabbe, Vanhoutte, Lowe, Bergey & Biggs 2001  Details 
Actinella giluwensis K. Sabbe & W. Vyverman in Sabbe, Vanhoutte, Lowe, Bergey & Biggs 2001  Details 
Actinella indistincta W. Vyverman & E. A. Bergey in Sabbe, Vanhoutte, Lowe, Bergey & Biggs 2001  Details 
Actinella muylaertii K. Sabbe & W. Vyverman in Sabbe, Vanhoutte, Lowe, Bergey & Biggs 2001  Details 
Actinella parva K. Vanhoutte & K. Sabbe in Sabbe, Vanhoutte, Lowe, Bergey & Biggs 2001  Details 
Actinella pulchella K. Sabbe & D. Hodgson in Sabbe, Vanhoutte, Lowe, Bergey & Biggs 2001  Details 
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