Cocconeiopsis fraudulenta (A. Schmidt in A. Schmidt et al.) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 173
Basionym | Navicula fraudulenta Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1881 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula fraudulenta Schmidt in Schmidt et al. 1881 Schizonema fraudulentum (A. Schmidt) Kuntze 1898
Chamaepinnularia wiktoriae (A. Witkowski & H. Lange-Bertalot) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 171
Basionym | Navicula wiktoriae A. Witkowski & H. Lange-Bertalot in Witkowski 1994 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Chamaepinnularia wiktoriae (Witkowski & Lange-Bertalot) Witkowski & Lange-Bertalot in Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin 1996 Navicula wiktoriae A. Witkowski & H. Lange-Bertalot in Witkowski 1994
Amicula specululum (A. Witkowski) A. Witkowski in A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 127
Basionym | Navicula specululum A. Witkowski 1994 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula specululum A. Witkowski 1994
Planothidium jan-marcinii (A. Witkowski, D. Metzeltin & H. Lange-Bertalot in D. Metzeltin & A. Witkowski) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 121
Basionym | Achnanthes jan-marcinii Witkowski, Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot in Metzeltin & Witkowski 1996 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Achnanthes jan-marcinii Witkowski, Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot in Metzeltin & Witkowski 1996
Pinnuavis armoricana (Amossé) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 331
Basionym | Navicula armoricana Amossé 1932 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula armoricana Amossé 1932
Parlibellus cruciculoides (Brockmann) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 321
Basionym | Navicula cruciculoides Brockmann 1950 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula cruciculoides Brockmann 1950 Navicula crucicula var. cruciculoides (Brockmann) Lange-Bertalot in Krammer & Lange-Bertalot 1985
Vikingea gibbocalyx (Brun) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 125
Basionym | Cocconeis gibbocalyx Brun 1891 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Cocconeis gibbocalyx Brun 1891
Cocconeis capensis (Cholnoky) A. Witkowski in A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 103
Basionym | Cocconeis clandestina var. capensis Cholnoky 1963 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Cocconeis clandestina var. capensis Cholnoky 1963
Fallacia cunoniae (Cholnoky) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 203
Basionym | Navicula cunoniae Cholnoky 1963 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula cunoniae Cholnoky 1963
Fallacia suspirii (Cholnoky) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 214
Basionym | Navicula suspirii Cholnoky 1961 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula suspirii Cholnoky 1961
Austariella jamalinensis (Cleve in Cleve & Grunow) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 155
Basionym | Navicula jamalinensis Cleve in Cleve & Grunow 1880 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula jamalinensis Cleve in Cleve & Grunow 1880 Schizonema jamalinense (Cleve) Kuntze 1898
Entomoneis kjellmanii var. striolata (Cleve in Cleve & Grunow) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 198
Basionym | Amphiprora striolata Grunow in Cleve & Grunow 1880 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Amphiprora kjellmanii var. striolata (Grunow in Cleve & Grunow) Cleve 1894 Amphiprora striolata Grunow in Cleve & Grunow 1880
Biremis solitaria (Cleve) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 159
Basionym | Navicula solitaria Cleve 1896 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula solitaria Cleve 1896
Cosmioneis eta (Cleve) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 176
Basionym | Navicula eta Cleve 1893 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula eta Cleve 1893 Schizonema eta (Cleve) Kuntze 1898
Kurpiszia kryokonites (Cleve) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 227
Basionym | Navicula kryokonites Cleve 1883 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula kryokonites Cleve 1883 Schizonema kryokonites (Cleve) Kuntze 1898
Kurpiszia subprotracta (Cleve) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 228
Basionym | Navicula kryokonites var. subprotracta Cleve 1883 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula kryokonites var. subprotracta Cleve 1883
Petroneis glacialis (Cleve) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 326
Basionym | Cocconeis glacialis Cleve 1873 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Cocconeis glacialis Cleve 1873 Navicula glacialis (Cleve) Grunow 1884 Navicula glacialis (Cleve) Cleve 1883 Schizonema glaciale (Cleve) Kuntze 1898
Petroneis xi (Cleve) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 330
Basionym | Navicula xi Cleve 1895 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula xi Cleve 1895 Schizonema xi (Cleve) Kuntze 1898
Planothidium dispar (Cleve) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 120
Basionym | Achnanthes dispar Cleve 1891 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Achnanthes dispar Cleve 1891 Actinoneis dispar (Cleve) Cleve 1895
Opephora minuta (Cleve-Euler) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 71
Basionym | Opephora marina var. ninuta Cleve-Euler |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Cocconeiopsis pseudorthoneides (Foged) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 175
Basionym | Navicula pseudorthoneoides Foged 1975 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula pseudorthoneoides Foged 1975
Fallacia schoemaniana (Foged) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 213
Basionym | Navicula schoemaniana Foged 1975 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula schoemaniana Foged 1975
Cocconeiopsis kantsiensis (Giffen) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 173
Basionym | Navicula kantsiensis Giffen 1967 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula kantsiensis Giffen 1967
Diploneis caffra (Giffen) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 183
Basionym | Diploneis interrupta var. caffra Giffen 1970 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Diploneis interrupta var. caffra Giffen 1970
Entomoneis corrugata (Giffen) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 198
Basionym | Amphiprora corrugata Giffen 1963 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Amphiprora corrugata Giffen 1963
Fallacia melanocephala (Giffen) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 208
Basionym | Navicula melanocephala Giffen 1975 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula melanocephala Giffen 1975
Gomphoseptatum pseudoseptatum (Giffen) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 222
Basionym | Gomphonema pseudoseptatum Giffen 1970 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Gomphonema pseudoseptatum Giffen 1970
Planothidium deperditum (Giffen) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 119
Basionym | Cocconeis deperdita Giffen 1975 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Cocconeis deperdita Giffen 1975
Synedra lata (Giffen) A. Witkowski in A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 71
Basionym | Synedra tabulata var. lata Giffen |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Vikingea promunturi (Giffen) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 126
Basionym | Achnanthes promunturii Giffen 1970 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Achnanthes promunturii Giffen 1970
Oestrupia ergadensis (Gregory) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 318
Basionym | Pinnularia ergadensis Gregory 1856 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula ergadensis (Gregory) Ralfs in Pritchard 1861 Pinnularia ergadensis Gregory 1856
Ehrenbergia hauckii (Grunow in Van Heurck) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 31
Basionym | Coscinodiscus hauckii Grunow in Van Heurck 1882 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Coscinodiscus hauckii Grunow in Van Heurck 1882 Ehrenbergiulva hauckii (Grunow in Van Heurck) Witkowski, Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin in Witkowski & Lange-Bertalot 2004
Fallacia reichardtii (Grunow in Van Heurck) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 212
Basionym | Navicula reichardtii Grunow in A. Schmidt 1881 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Diploneis reichardtii (Grunow in Schmidt et al.) Heiden in Heiden & Kolbe 1928 Navicula reichardtii Grunow in A. Schmidt 1881 Schizonema reichardtii (Grunow) Kuntze 1898
Bacillaria paxillifera var. tumidula (Grunow) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 357
Basionym | Nitzschia paradoxa var. tumidula Grunow in Cleve & Grunow 1880 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Bacillaria paradoxa var. tumidula (Grunow in Cleve & Grunow) De Toni 1892 Nitzschia paradoxa var. tumidula Grunow in Cleve & Grunow 1880
Ehrenbergia granulosa (Grunow) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 31
Basionym | Odonthidium granulosum Grunow |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Fallacia balnearis (Grunow) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 201
Basionym | Navicula pygmaea var. balnearis Grunow in Van Heurck 1880 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula forcipata var. balnearis (Grunow in Van Heurck) Cleve 1895 Navicula pygmaea var. balnearis Grunow in Van Heurck 1880
Fallacia nicobarica (Grunow) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 208
Basionym | Navicula nicobarica Grunow 1863 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula nicobarica Grunow 1863 Schizonema nicobaricum (Grunow) Kuntze 1898
Parlibellus protracta (Grunow) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 324
Basionym | Navicula protracta Grunow 1880 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula protracta Grunow 1880 Schizonema protractum (Grunow) Kuntze 1898
Planothidium lilljeborgei (Grunow) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 121
Basionym | Achnanthes lilljeborgii Grunow 1881 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Achnanthes lilljeborgii Grunow 1881
Planothidium quarnerensis (Grunow) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 123
Basionym | Rhaphoneis (Raphoneis) quarnerensis Grunow 1862 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Cocconeis quarnerensis (Grunow) Schmidt 1874 Nematoplata quarnerensis (Grunow) Kuntze 1898 Rhaphoneis (Raphoneis) quarnerensis Grunow 1862
Proschkinia bulnheimii var. belgica (Grunow) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 340
Basionym | Navicula bulnheimii var. belgica Grunow in Van Heurck 1882-1885 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula bulnheimii var. belgica Grunow in Van Heurck 1882-1885 Navicula bulnheimii var. elliptica 'Grunow in Van Heurck' Hustedt 1962
Achnanthes placentuloides (Guslakov in Guslakov et al.) A. Witkowski & H. Lange-Bertalot in Witkowski, Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin 2000, p. 93
Basionym | Cocconeis placentuloides N.A. Guslakov in Guslakov, Zacordoniec & Gerasimuk 1992 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Cocconeis placentuloides N.A. Guslakov in Guslakov, Zacordoniec & Gerasimuk 1992
Pinnuavis endophytica (Hasle) A. Witkowski in A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 332
Basionym | Navicula endophytica Hasle 1968 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula endophytica Hasle 1968
Parlibellus adnatus (Heiden in Heiden & Kolbe) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 319
Basionym | Libellus adnatus Heiden in Heiden & Kolbe 1928 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Libellus adnatus Heiden in Heiden & Kolbe 1928
Fallacia inscriptura (Hendey) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 206
Basionym | Navicula inscriptura Hendey 1977 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula inscriptura Hendey 1977
Haslea britannica (Hustedt & Aleem) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 223
Basionym | Navicula britannica Hustedt & Aleem 1951 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula britannica Hustedt & Aleem 1951
Pinnuavis aleemii (Hustedt in Hustedt & Aleem) A. Witkowski in A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 330
Basionym | Navicula aleemi Hustedt in Hustedt & Aleem 1951 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula aleemi Hustedt in Hustedt & Aleem 1951
Austariella admissa (Hustedt) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 154
Basionym | Navicula admissa Hustedt 1955 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula admissa Hustedt 1955
Chamaepinnularia clamans (Hustedt) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 169
Basionym | Navicula clamans Hustedt 1939 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula clamans Hustedt 1939
Chamaepinnularia justa (Hustedt) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 170
Basionym | Navicula justa Hustedt 1955 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula justa Hustedt 1955
Cocconeiopsis breviata (Hustedt) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 172
Basionym | Navicula breviata Hustedt 1964 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula breviata Hustedt 1964
Cocconeiopsis orthoneoides (Hustedt) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 174
Basionym | Navicula orthoneoides Hustedt 1955 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula orthoneoides Hustedt 1955
Cocconeiopsis patrickae (Hustedt) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 174
Basionym | Navicula patrickae Hustedt 1955 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula patrickae Hustedt 1955
Cocconeiopsis pullus (Hustedt) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 175
Basionym | Navicula pullus Hustedt 1955 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula pullus Hustedt 1955
Cocconeiopsis regularis (Hustedt) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 176
Basionym | Navicula regularis Hustedt 1955 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula regularis Hustedt 1955
Kurpiszia semiaperta (Hustedt) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 227, 228
Basionym | Navicula semiaperta Hustedt 1961 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula semiaperta Hustedt 1961
Navicula salinarum var. rostrata (Hustedt) H. Lange-Bertalot in A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 304
Basionym | Navicula digitoradiata var. rostrata Hustedt 1939 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula cyprinus var. rostrata (Hustedt) Hendey 1954 Navicula digitoradiata var. rostrata Hustedt 1939 Navicula salinarum var. rostrata (Hustedt) H. Lange-Bertalot 2001
Parlibellus protractoides (Hustedt) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 325
Basionym | Navicula protractoides Hustedt 1957 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula protractoides Hustedt 1957 Parlibellus protractoides (Hustedt) Witkowski & Lange-Bertalot in U. Rumrich, H. Lange-Bertalot, & M. Rumrich 2000
Parlibellus rhombicula (Hustedt) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 325
Basionym | Navicula rhombicula Hustedt 1962 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula rhombicula Hustedt 1962
Planothidium campechianum (Hustedt) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 118
Basionym | Achnanthes campechiana Hustedt 1952 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Achnanthes campechiana Hustedt 1952
Planothidium oculatum (Hustedt) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 122
Basionym | Achnanthes oculata Hustedt 1952 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Achnanthes oculata Hustedt 1952
Chamaepinnularia truncata (König) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 171
Basionym | Caloneis truncata König 1959 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Caloneis truncata König 1959
Cocconeiopsis girondica (König) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 173
Basionym | Navicula girondica Konig 1959 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula girondica Konig 1959
Fragilaria pulchella var. constricta (Liebetanz) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 53
Basionym | Synedra pulchella var. lanceolata f. constricta Liebetanz |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Fallacia marnieri (Manguin) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 207
Basionym | Navicula marnieri (marnierii) Manguin 1957 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula marnieri (marnierii) Manguin 1957
Biremis circumtexta (Meister ex Hustedt) H. Lange-Bertalot & A. Witkowski in A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 158
Basionym | Navicula circumtexta Meister ex Hustedt in A. Schmidt et al. 1934 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula circumtexta Meister ex Hustedt in A. Schmidt et al. 1934
Navicula recurva (Meister) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 302
Basionym | Navicula gracilis var. recurva Meister 1937 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula gracilis var. recurva Meister 1937
Cocconeiopsis wrightii (O’Meara) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 176
Basionym | Cocconeis wrightii O'Meara 1867 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Cocconeis wrightii O'Meara 1867 Mastogloia wrightii (O'Meara) Cleve 1895 Orthoneis wrightii (O'Meara) Cleve 1895 Schizostauron wrightii (O. Meara) Grunow 1877
Fragilaria pulchella var. lanceolata (O’Meara) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 52
Basionym | Synedra pulchella var. lanceolata O'Meara 1875 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Ctenophora pulchella var. lanceolata (O'Meara) Schonfeldt 1907 Synedra pulchella var. lanceolata O'Meara 1875 Ctenophora pulchella var. lanceolata (O'Meara) Bukhtiyarova 1995 Fragilaria pulchella var. lanceolata (O'Meara) Poulin, Berard-Therriault & Cardinal 1984 Ctenophora pulchella var. lanceolata (O'Meara) Aboal in Aboal, Alvarez-Cobelas, Cambra & Ector 2003
Austariella jamalinensis var. subcircularis (Østrup) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 155
Basionym | Navicula jamalinensis var. subcircularis Østrup 1910 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula jamalinensis var. subcircularis Østrup 1910
Fallacia minima (Østrup) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 208
Basionym | Navicula forcipata var. minima Østrup 1895 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula forcipata var. minima Østrup 1895
Fallacia spatiata (Østrup) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 213
Basionym | Navicula forcipata var. spatiata Østrup 1895 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula forcipata var. spatiata Østrup 1895
Hantzschia elegantula (Østrup) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 362
Basionym | Hantzschia amphioxys var. elegantula Østrup 1910 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Hantzschia amphioxys var. elegantula Østrup 1910
Hyalosira delicatula var. gibbosa (Østrup) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 61
Basionym | Striatella delicatula var. gibbosa Østrup |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Planothidium polaris (Østrup) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 123
Basionym | Achnanthes polaris Østrup 1895 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Achnanthes polaris Østrup 1895
Fragilaria quebecensis (Poulin, Hudon & Cardinal) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 53
Basionym | Odonthidium granulosum Poulin, Hudon & Cardinal |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Fogedia acuta (Salah) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 216
Basionym | Navicula finmarchica (finnmarchica) var. acuta Salah 1955 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula finmarchica (finnmarchica) var. acuta Salah 1955
Cocconeis irregularis (Schulz) A. Witkowski in A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 109
Basionym | Cocconeis scutellum var. irregularis Schulz 1926 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Cocconeis scutellum var. irregularis Schulz 1926
Planothidium heidenii (Schulz) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 120
Basionym | Achnanthes heideni Schulz 1926 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Achnanthes heideni Schulz 1926
Chamaepinnularia distantepunctata (Simonsen) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 169
Basionym | Navicula distantepunctata Simonsen 1974 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula distantepunctata Simonsen 1974
Fogedia heterovalvata (Simonsen) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 219
Basionym | Navicula heterovalvata Simonsen 1959 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula heterovalvata Simonsen 1959
Lyrella opuntioides (Simonsen) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 235
Basionym | Navicula opuntioides Simonsen 1959 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula opuntioides Simonsen 1959
Planothidium diplopunctatum (Simonsen) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 119
Basionym | Achnanthes diplopunctata Simonsen 1959 |
Status | Invalid | |
Comments | Basionym is invalid |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Achnanthes diplopunctata Simonsen 1959
Parlibellus crucicula (W. Smith) A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 321
Basionym | Stauroneis crucicula W. Smith 1853 |
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula crucicula (W. Smith) Donkin 1871 Stauroneis crucicula W. Smith 1853 Schizonema crucicula (W. Smith) Kuntze 1898
Navicula mahoodii A. Witkowsi & Witton in A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 289, 434; pl. 145, fig. 24-26
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Anaulus simonsenii A. Witkowski & D. Metzeltin in A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 23, 421; pl. 10, fig. 7-12
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Achnanthes leonardii A. Witkowski & H. Lange-Bertalot in A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 92, 420; pl. 50, fig. 1-12
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Cymatoneis margarita A. Witkowski in A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 179, 425; pl. 109, fig. 9-17
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Staurophora anuschkae A. Witkowski in A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 353, 440; pl. 150, fig. 1-15
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Amphora jostesorum A. Witkowski, D. Metzeltin & H. Lange-Bertalot in A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 141, 420; pl. 171, fig. 1-9
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Navicula agatkae A. Witkowski, D. Metzeltin & H. Lange-Bertalot in A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 265, 431; pl. 146, fig. 1-8
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Parlibellus phoebeae A. Witkowski, D. Metzeltin & H. Lange-Bertalot in A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 324, 439; pl. 105, fig. 1-9
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Staurosira punctiformis A. Witkowski, D. Metzeltin & H. Lange-Bertalot in A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 78, 441; pl. 24, fig. 51-58, pl. 26, fig. 1-2
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Amphora tomiakae A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 153, 421; pl. 169, fig. 12-14
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Astartiella glacialis A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 100, 421; pl. 52, fig. 5-10
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Astartiella iks A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 100, 422; pl. 52, fig. 35-39
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Astartiella producta A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 101, 422; pl. 52, fig. 1-4
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Brachysira estonarium A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 160, 423; pl. 143, fig. 1-4
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Catenula robusta A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 168, 424; pl. 170, fig. 13, 14
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Chamaepinnularia alexandrowiczii A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 168, 423; pl. 69, fig. 1-6
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Cymbellonitzschia szulczewskii A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 358, 425; pl. 213, fig. 1-7
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Dickieia resistans A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 181, 425; pl. 150, fig. 16-20
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Dickieia wajdae A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 181, 426; pl. 108, fig. 19-23
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Fragilaria bronkei A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 48, 427; pl. 12, fig. 1-12
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Fragilariopsis reginae-jahniae A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 361, 427; pl. 213, fig. 31-36
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Hantzschia kaiseri A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 363, 427; pl. 175, fig. 11-15, pl. 219, fig. 1-5
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Hippodonta caotica A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 225, 428; pl. 131, fig. 25-29
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Hyalinella lateripunctata A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 60, 429; pl. 32, fig. 6-18
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Hyalosira parietina A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 62, 429; pl. 21, fig. 18-20
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Lunella ghalebii A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 229, 430; pl. 163, fig. 5-10
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Lyrella david-mannii A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 232
Status | Valid | |
Comments | New name for Navicula lyra var. elliptica A. Schmidt 1874 |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Navicula lyra f. elliptica (Schmidt) Hustedt 1964 Navicula lyra var. elliptica Schmidt 1874
Lyrella fogedii A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 233, 430; pl. 99, fig. 4-7, pl. 100, fig. 1-3
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Mastogloia urveae A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 263, 431; pl. 84, fig. 22, 23
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Navicula athenae A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 267, 431; pl. 129, fig. 15, 16
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Navicula borowkae A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 269, 432; pl. 145, fig. 1-5
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Navicula halinae A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 281, 432; pl. 130, fig. 1-4
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Navicula hamiltonii A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 282, 433; pl. 130, fig. 5-11
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Navicula hanseatica subsp. circumarctica A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 282, 433; pl. 120, fig. 7-10
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Navicula korzeniewskii A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 287, 434; pl. 141, fig. 30-33
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Navicula rajmundii A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 300, 435; pl. 138, fig. 16-20, pl. 139, fig. 1-4
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Navicula stachurae A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 306, 436; pl. 142, fig. 6-9
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Navicula wunsamiae A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 317, 437; pl. 138, fig. 9-12
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Parlibellus bennikei A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 319, 437; pl. 104, fig. 11-15
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Parlibellus hendeyi A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 323, 438; pl. 104, fig. 21-23
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Parlibellus perytii A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 323, 438; pl. 105, fig. 14-16
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Plagiogrammopsis crawfordii A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 39, 439; pl. 10, fig. 37-39, pl. 12, fig. 15-18
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Pravifusus hyalinus A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 73, 440; pl. 12, fig. 13, 14, pl. 27, fig. 18-23
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Seminavis barbara A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 348, 440; pl. 166, fig. 1-4
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Stenoneis wojtek-kowalskii A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 353, 441; pl. 156, fig. 20, 21
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Navicula iserentantii H. Lange-Bertalot & A. Witkowsi in A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 284, 433; pl. 115, fig. 1-5
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Navicula peregrinopsis H. Lange-Bertalot & A. Witkowski in A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 297, 435; pl. 112, fig. 5-7
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Navicula streckerae H. Lange-Bertalot & A. Witkowski in A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 307, 436; pl. 118, fig. 8-15
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Navicula vandamii var. mertensiae H. Lange-Bertalot in A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 313, 437; pl. 124, fig. 1-7
Status | Valid | |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Type Locality | | Language of description | L |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
Nitzschia plioveterana H. Lange-Bertalot in A. Witkowski, H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2000, p. 401
Status | Valid | |
Comments | New name for Nitzschia angustata var. minuta Krasske 1932 (priority for Nitzschia minuta Bleisch 1863) |
Published in | Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. and Metzeltin, D. 2000 [ref. 009017]. Diatom Flora of Marine Coasts I. In: Lange-Bertalot, H. (ed.), Iconographia Diatomologica. Annotated Diatom Micrographs. Vol. 7. Diversity-Taxonomy-Identification. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein, Germany, 7:925 pp., 219 pls. |
Type | | INA card not found. Click here to check this name in the INA website. |
Collector | | Assessment of record accuracy | likely accurate |
List of nomenclatural synonyms | Nitzschia angustata (angusta) var. minuta Krasske 1932